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  • last updated 9 hours ago
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- adapt mixinof.test to the additional information - transform mixinof.test to newer style regression test with autoated object deletion

- enforce usage of "get" for all slots in nx - TODO: check, what in detail "parameter" in xtocl2 inherit from nx::variableslot (e.g. needsForwarder?)

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
nx.tcl: - add "set" as a method name for relation slots - implemented relation slot "mixin" and "object-mixin" via "slotassign" to disallow "/obj/ mixin /value/" and "/obj/ object mixin /value/" to use instead "/obj/ mixin set /value/" and "/obj/ object mixin set /value/" while keeping "configure" and "cget" working. This has the advantage that "/obj/ mixin set" does not try to replace the mixin chain by "set" - adapted regression test - TODO: check, if we need the explicit "slotassign"? isn't the presence of the slotObj sufficient? maybe "-forwardToSlot" in relationSlots? - TODO: demangle "slotassign" in "ObjectParameterSlot protected method getParameterOptions" and check interactions - TODO: to the same as -mixin and -object-mixin to -filter and -object-filter - TODO: clean up relation slot mixin variants - TODO: do we really like the fact that we have to write now "B mixin set M2" instead of "B mixin M2"? - TODO: should we disallow "B mixin" and enforce instead of "B mixin get" ? - TODO: we could as well allow "B mixin clear" instead of "B mixin set {}" - TODO: allow "set" for variable slots as well. Do we need "assign"?

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
nsf.c: - change name of enumeratorConverterEntry to Nsf_EnumeratorConverterEntry, move it with NSF_ARG_* flags to tcl.h to make it available in derived modules using the converter - Added editor hints for a more uniform appearance

  1. … 44 more files in changeset.
nx::test: - change test cases to newer interface - don't use "namespace import nx::*" in test cases when not required

  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
Object-method Reform: - changed interface to object specific commands by requiring an ensemble named "object". The rational behind is essentially to use always the same info command to retrieve object specific methods, no matter whether these are defined on a plain object or an a class object (does not break the "contract" what e.g. "info method" returns).

Now we define methods via:

/cls/ method foo {args} {...body...}

/cls/ object method foo {args} {...body...}

/obj/ object method foo {args} {...body...}

Similarly, aliases, forwards and mixins are defined, e.g.

/cls/ mixin add ...

/cls/ object mixin add ...

/obj/ object mixin add ...

/obj/ require object method ...

The same change propagated as well to the "info" method.

Now we have:

/cls/ info methods ...

/cls/ info object methods ...

/obj/ info object methods ...

Similar, the object parametererization uses

/cls/ create obj -object-mixin M

/cls/ create obj -object-filter f

/metacls/ create cls -mixin M1 -object-mixin M2

/metacls/ create cls -filter f1 -object-filter f2

- as a consequence,

a) "/cls/ class method ...",

"/cls/ class alias ...",

"/cls/ class forward ...",

"/cls/ class filter ...",

"/cls/ class mixin ...",

"/cls/ class info ..."

"/obj/ class method require method ..."

"/obj/ class method require public method ..."

"/obj/ class method require protected method ..."

"/obj/ class method require private method ..."

were dropped

b) "/obj/ method ....",

"/obj/ alias ....",

"/obj/ forward ...."

"/obj/ filter ...."

"/obj/ mixin ...."

"/obj/ info method*"

"/cls/ create obj -mixin M"

"/cls/ create obj -filter f"

"/obj/ method require method ..."

"/obj/ method require public method ..."

"/obj/ method require protected method ..."

"/obj/ method require private method ..."

were dropped

- added package nx::class to allow optionally the "class" notation

"/cls/ class method ..." (and friends, see (a)), and

"/cls/ class info ...

- added package nx::plain-object-method to allow optionally plain method

b) "/obj/ method ...." (and friends, see (b))

- add support to slots to use ensemble methods as setters

  1. … 43 more files in changeset.
-nsf.c: * factor out NsfClassListFind() * let result of "cls info heritage" return per-class mixins as well, otherwise it would be useless, since "cls info superclass -closure" would return the same

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- test.tcl: * don't export Test per-default * define Test as nx::Test * make Test parameter count 1 the default, change to higher numbers where needed

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
- fixed langauge hooks for emacs

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
- renamed nx regression tests .test to follow tcl conventions

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.