• last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added cvs-id tags to all the files that did not have them

Added cvs-id tags to all the files that did not have them

  1. … 22 more files in changeset.
I consolidated the selection of contact attribute values from multiple locations into contacts::get::values::multirow and redid all references to that data throughout the package

file contacts-procs.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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Fix bug 2073: comments were not displayed in notifications when the task was

being closed. Bump version up to 2.15b3. Also, minor color change for task


Markup in <title> tags doesn't render well

fixed if { } bug with aolserver 3.3 converted to if { [string is true] } which works with aolserver 3.3 and 4.0

Added in Nick Carroll's edit-this-page template tutorial.

fixed a {} bug, which sometimes didn't react properly and changed it to {[string is false ]}

fixing wrong sum of weights of the grades

adding coalesce to avoid comparison with null

empty_string_p does not always work in contrast to exists_and_not_null. This problem caused emails not being send out, because the password was empty.

Added support for additional body attributes


componiendo manejo de fechas con las tareas

Fixing Bug #2070, by using tcl/contacts-init.tcl file to initialize views post install (and thus have a package_id available)

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    • +104
file contacts-init.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

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Applies patch 589, resolves bug 2071: noquote error.

Patch 588, removed index.adp file, fixing bug 1403.

Added a section on adding parameters to your package.

Fixes bug in sorting, which allows tasks to appear on right day on calendar.

Introduce the calendar to the UI. Improve the appearance of the task

calendar. Bump to version 2.15b1

postgres queries

fixing references to the revisions_id, since now the references are made to the item_ids

Update on HTMLArea and form names

Added extended categories and WYSIWYG tutorial

fix from Sloan: when cloning a community, give admins admin privs on the files in the Public/Shared files folder. they only get write on that folder so they won't delete it and that was preventing them from deleting copied files

fix from Sloan: in case where title is locked bash filename to title a little sooner so the lookup for an existing file will use the right name

Added noquote @entries.content;noquote@

fixing bug with the copy_content function, moving the call to lob_copy before the update