• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added strings for admin interface

added first part of admin interface

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  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
Fixed a couple of errors in the create statements and added some stuff to the drop scripts

LORS 0.5d adds Blackboard 6.x package support and Online IMS Metadata editing

fixes bug 1643 to require ssl consistent between addresses and addresses-international and some noqote cases

LORS 0.5d a full Online IMS Metadata Editor. Beauty mate

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  1. … 124 more files in changeset.
prior bug fixes today prepared ecommerce code so that it now can work with standard register flow, fixes bug 1072

prior bug fixes today prepared ecommerce code so that it now can work with standard register flow, fixes bug 1072

  1. … 30 more files in changeset.
ui improvement, changed unweildy anchor text to pretty name, was very long url

fixed ec_mailing_list_link_for_a_product was quoting twice

added noquote and ad_htmlquote to user supplied var

added noquote, fixed closing textarea tag

added notquote to link and title vars

added noquote to state widget and hidden vars

requiring checkout to be a user logged in, fixes an untracked address-2 register bug and decreases complexity of continuity when redirecting export vars for all cases of register, login, and addresses

added noquote to variable containing receipt info

removed more duplicate Sorry titles. They are automatically added via the template system now

removed duplicate Sorry title as it's automatically added via the template system now

changed ec_secure_location to work with current config.tcl nsopenssl users ssldriver

fix ec_secure_location to work with nsopenssl3

Remove statement saying to look below. That made sense in the email,

but not in the comment.

Fixed error message due to wrong switch in make_event_date. Should have switched to correct date handling, but currently too lazy

Added HTMLarea support for additional notes

removing unused queries and checking the user role if we are inside a community

Allow users who are not admins to edit room reservations unless the

room requires approval before going live. Then they can't change it

unless they are an admin.

Improve robustness of template::util::date::set_property proc for dealing

with hours that begin with a zero.

The registration/login pages were not honoring the EmailForgottenPasswordP

parameter. This enforces that parameter, allowing admins to disable emailing

out passwords.

Updated docs to take out customer permissions, but still include info on

privilege hierarchy.

Fixing a bug when sending spam to students, professors, etc.

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annyf karma to openacs-4/contrib/packages/events