• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixed problem with contacts package if more than one is installed

Fixed link with view package

Fix call to item::get

New versionnumber

Added recording of a tcl webtest test written by enrique at quest

Minor bugfix to make sure that the parameter is found even when upgrading the packages

Fixed a couple of issues with date and spellchecking as they were fixed by Quest

Added support for custom error templates. Added negative float procedure from Brian Fenton (Quest)

    • -5
    • +7
    • -325
    • +0
    • -3586
    • +0
Made sure you can use a different home template

    • -0
    • +118
    • -0
    • +91
    • -0
    • +53
Fixing minor bugs with regards to parameters and started to split up the code a little bit more to make it readable

Fixing Oracle

Added capability to define the widget upon mapping a category tree, effectively allowing single and multiple choice

Added nsstats access statistics and put them into a nicer OpenACS interface

    • -0
    • +690
    • -0
    • +2
    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +2
    • -0
    • +1
  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Made sure that we are redirecting for thumbnails so we can cache them on the proxy server

file xowiki-portlet-admin-drop.sql was initially added on branch HEAD.

file xowiki-portlet-portlet.sql was initially added on branch HEAD.

file xowiki-portlet-drop.sql was initially added on branch HEAD.

file xowiki-portlet-admin.sql was initially added on branch HEAD.

file dotlrn-xowiki-create.sql was initially added on branch HEAD.

file dotlrn-xowiki-drop.sql was initially added on branch HEAD.

Commented out michele's weird menu collapse/expand code

Show membership requests only if the policy is needs approval or there are users waiting for approval

Show actions and membership requests only to admin.

    • -27
    • +33
Bug#3108 Set a default page title, but warn in the error log.

Bug#3107 Document use of tmp_filename. The caller needs to clean up

the tmp file. The content repository does not "know" what the proper

procedure is to handle the file.

New forms.css from 5.3

New standard.adp from oacs-5-3

fixing the behavior of the player, based on several tests results

    • -36
    • +100
    • -1
    • +1
Change de table name for Oracle port.

Made sure we are not returning something for the portrait if it was not found as this confuses the load balancer. I personally think we should not return the error message, especially as the portrait-bits are usually included as an image in OpenACS, which makes the error senseless anyway