• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
explicit align left in footer since sometimes design has page centered

Fixed call to rp_debug for reporting bad filter return codes.

changes to make htmlarea-3.0-rc3 work

pull in htmlarea 3.0rc3

  1. … 166 more files in changeset.
add the tags and attributes used by htmlarea to the set of allowed tags (Except IMG and src=

fixing oracle scripts

fixing image url

updated aD link to latest from archive.org

remove debug message

add default ids to simplify writing install.xml scripts (ACS_KERNEL ACS_TEMPLATING ACS_AUTHENTICATION ACS_LANG and MAIN_SITE) from Lee Denision

cache the magic object lookup and kernel id lookups since they were being called on every page causing 4 db hits

    • -4
    • +12
last modifications to datamodel

move queries to the right file

fix redirection

delete query file

remove db_string call

move query to common file

fixing call to proc section::new_revision

Added missing upgrade script for the DM changes introduced for checks

Removed as Anny added the upgrades to the 0.10d3 upgrade script

Merging in changes

add \r to Host header in util_httpopen since http says headers hsould be \r\n

add assessment_id to as_inter_item_checks table

change of queries due to the addition of assessment_id in as_inter_item_checks

add procs

add parameter assessment_id in the call of section::new_revision

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
add parameter assessment_id in the call of section::copy

add parameter assessment_id in the call of section::edit

Fix to httpopen, from Nis Jorgensen. See:


Fixing bad bracketing.