• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Adding it in ...

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Speed up sluggish acs_object_type_supertype_map view

Parameters were reversed in the call to apm_package_versions__remove_file()

Port queries

Add a couple more Oracle-alike views

Fixed typo ...

Port queries

fixed creation_user parameter

fixed query

fixed template functions

Another ACS vs. OpenACS patch from Jonathan.

Jowell's patch to fix BAF #1072 - uninstalling a package with registered

parameters failed.

Jonathan's patches to auto install...

re-enabled general comments

fixed a problem where I was sending party_from as creation_user. But some packages use party_from as addresses which are not 'users' and putting those parties in as creation_user then violates the FK requirement in acs_objects->users. So, I've made the creation_user 'null' for now

removed another vestige of acs-notification

replaced bound version_id with tcl variable

Changed owner (original owner commented out)

Cleanup (notes should be in docs)

*** empty log message ***

ported outer joins and fixed date calculations

ported outer joins

ported decode and outer joins

adjusted .info files to reflect OpenACS

removed extra comma

fixed typo in query

fixed insertion order for insert statement in content_revision__copy routine

removed dangling set sql statement

Commented out the elaborate error reporting when moving a file to a folder with the same name. Postgres seems to have problems querying a table that has just had an aborted transaction. Copied simpler error reporting of file copy instead.

Minor misspelling corrected