• last updated 56 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixed syntax error that broke installation (wrong close tag):

revision 1.55

date: 2004/02/19 15:03:43; author: joela; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2

added package maturity flag

Minor updates. Hopefully fixes problem posted here:


Fix regsubs for uri.

Removed bogus tree_sortkey reference in the Oracle version ...

added a flag to take advantage of util_user_message in ad_progress_bar_end

bugfix: get triggers to compile

moved doc to proc category::list::elements

Added in more explanation about how to do hierarchical queries with Oracle.

A few more CSS modifications

Slimmed down the CSS file considerably

Removed markup from the view pages

Unified multirow names

Unified sql queries

Use partialqueries more consistently

(These changes should be backwards-compatible with .LRN 2.0 and .LRN

head. Testing needs to be done here, fixing will take place during the

feature freeze period)

    • -26
    • +42

    • -0
    • +17
Put fs::new_root_folder tcl procedure back in. It has new optional parameters

but should behave the same as the original procedure.

Moved all remaining procs into the calendar namespace

Added compatibility procs

added package maturity flag

Typo fix

updated package version numbers in core from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0d1

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
added xml-rpc module to support dotlrn-prereq

added xml-rpc to dotlrn-prereq

fixed directory/newer bug

added oacs-dav to dotlrn-prereq module

Grant commit to Joel Aufrecht on CVSROOT

We still want security_inherit_p to default to 't', otherwise bcms::folder::create_folder breaks, because null is not a valid boolean value. This is also consistent with what the comments in the function says (default true)

fix bug 1131

    • -1
    • +1
    • -11
    • +2
    • -1
    • +1
Replaced calendar_have_private_p with calendar::have_private_p

change checking of validity of term dates

Added doc string

Added exists command to template::multirow

added procs for easy use in listbuilder

    • -0
    • +898
Added Oracle version of some query that which, for some reason didn't

have an oracle version.

    • -0
    • +29
Fixed , typo and simple optimization per Jeff's proposal