- use addEventListener instead of onclick markup for wiki-search, edit-tags and popular-tags - fix popular tags link - regenerated template files - added scp directives for yui - bump version number to 5.9.1d12
- renamed array variables passed to xowiki-templates from "property_doc" and "property_body" simply to "doc" and "body": reasoning: this makes it more uniform to use this variables already in the xowiki .adp files with the same name as in the master templates. - added @body.menubarHTML@ to allow the higher level master templates to place the menubar. On the longer range, we might even prefer @body.menubar@ to pass a generic (skin-agnostic) representation. - replaced the hard wired placement of the menubar by a adp-controlled layout - added @body.title@ to provide a title suitable for <h1> in contrast to @doc.title@ which is for <title>. Prefer usage of @body.title@ over @title@, but the latter variable is still provided. - added csrf protection for wiki-search