
Clone Tools
  • last updated 11 hours ago
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nx.tcl: - replaced functionality of "/obj/ configure" by "/obj/ info configure" to re-enable semantics of the plain configure method, even when called without arguments. "/obj/ info configure" is actually a convenience method to allow to write o1 info configure instead of o1 info lookup configure syntax

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
package nx::class-method: - convenience package similar to nx::plain-object-method - allow for usage "C class method ..." in addition to "C object method". - made warnings configurable via nx::configure class-method-warning on|off - completed coverage and test cases

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
package nx::plain-object-method: - made warnings configurable via nx::configure plain-object-method-warning on|off - completed coverage and test cases

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- completed coverage if plain-object-method.tcl - provide warnings via plain-object-method.tcl via "nsf::log warn ..."

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
nx.tcl: - removed "info is .." since it might raise more questions than it solves

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
Method and configure parameter reform, Part 3: - added

/cls/ info lookup variables -> list of handles

/obj/ info lookup object variables -> list of handles

/obj/ info variable definition|name|parameter /handle/

- nx.tcl: added forward compatible scripted implementation of "lmap"

- nsf.c: handle names for private slots in pattern provided to AddSlotObjects(),

used e.g. in "info lookup slots /pattern/"

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- dropped "/obj/ info slot definition /obj/" in favor of "/slotobj/ definition"

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Method and configure parameter reform, Part 2: In order to streamline the interface further, we tried to follow the idea to use "... info /plural word/" to obtain a set of handles, and then a separate call to obtain the details. Therefore, we replaced

/cls/ info slot objects

/cls/ info slot definitions

/cls/ info slot names

/obj/ info object slot objects

/obj/ info object slot definitions

/obj/ info object slot names

/obj/ info lookup slots


/cls/ info slots ?-type /type/? ?-closure? ?-source all|application|baseclasses? ?/pattern/?

/obj/ info object slots ?-type /type/? ?/pattern/?

/obj/ info slot definition /obj/

/obj/ info lookup slots ?-type /type/? ?-source all|application|baseclasses? ?/pattern/?

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- Method and configure parameter reform

/cls/ info configure parameters ?pattern? -> list of params

/cls/ info configure syntax -> syntax output

/obj/ info method parameters /methodName/ ?/pattern/? -> list of params

/obj/ info method syntax -> syntax output

/obj/ info lookup configure parameter ?/pattern/? -> list of params

/obj/ info lookup configure syntax -> syntax output

/cls/ info parameter list|name|syntax /param/ -> value

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
- moved "/obj/ info slot definition|..." to "/obj/ info object slot definition|..." for consistency - provided "parametersyntax()" for "object mixin" and "object filter"

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Object-method Reform: - changed interface to object specific commands by requiring an ensemble named "object". The rational behind is essentially to use always the same info command to retrieve object specific methods, no matter whether these are defined on a plain object or an a class object (does not break the "contract" what e.g. "info method" returns).

Now we define methods via:

/cls/ method foo {args} {...body...}

/cls/ object method foo {args} {...body...}

/obj/ object method foo {args} {...body...}

Similarly, aliases, forwards and mixins are defined, e.g.

/cls/ mixin add ...

/cls/ object mixin add ...

/obj/ object mixin add ...

/obj/ require object method ...

The same change propagated as well to the "info" method.

Now we have:

/cls/ info methods ...

/cls/ info object methods ...

/obj/ info object methods ...

Similar, the object parametererization uses

/cls/ create obj -object-mixin M

/cls/ create obj -object-filter f

/metacls/ create cls -mixin M1 -object-mixin M2

/metacls/ create cls -filter f1 -object-filter f2

- as a consequence,

a) "/cls/ class method ...",

"/cls/ class alias ...",

"/cls/ class forward ...",

"/cls/ class filter ...",

"/cls/ class mixin ...",

"/cls/ class info ..."

"/obj/ class method require method ..."

"/obj/ class method require public method ..."

"/obj/ class method require protected method ..."

"/obj/ class method require private method ..."

were dropped

b) "/obj/ method ....",

"/obj/ alias ....",

"/obj/ forward ...."

"/obj/ filter ...."

"/obj/ mixin ...."

"/obj/ info method*"

"/cls/ create obj -mixin M"

"/cls/ create obj -filter f"

"/obj/ method require method ..."

"/obj/ method require public method ..."

"/obj/ method require protected method ..."

"/obj/ method require private method ..."

were dropped

- added package nx::class to allow optionally the "class" notation

"/cls/ class method ..." (and friends, see (a)), and

"/cls/ class info ...

- added package nx::plain-object-method to allow optionally plain method

b) "/obj/ method ...." (and friends, see (b))

- add support to slots to use ensemble methods as setters

    • -0
    • +41
  1. … 43 more files in changeset.