
  • last updated 22 hours ago
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- library/lib/nxdoc-xowiki.tcl: Finished and polished the xowiki backend for nxdoc. Some tests regarding relative paths and the treeview generation are pending ... - library/lib/nxdoc-xowiki.tcl: Use the built-in base64 facility if running under Tcl 8.6 - Due to re-introducing nested-object-as-method semantics lately, nxdoc started stumbling over name conflicts between nested entity hierarchies (i.e., the entity object representing "/cls/ class info class" ...) and equally-named introspection calls on such entities (e.g., a "info class" call). I made these calls more robust my using -system dispatches; which is fine as long as we do not have sth. like "/obj/ info eval". Generally speaking, the risk of such naming conflicts discredits the use of object nesting in nxdoc; should eventually be revised. Or, as work-around: Using a filter on Entity instances to protect/redirect critical calls.

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- @class.html.yuidoc, @object.html.yuidoc: Reflected naming changes from "attribute*" to "property*" - library/lib/nxdoc-core.tcl: Major cleanup - library/lib/nxdoc-html.tcl: Made sure that the navigation structure is rendered in a fixed order, with the per-entity elements coming last. - library/nx/nxdocIndex: Added method occurrences etc.

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- apps/utils/nxdoc: Created a first version of a command-line script around the nxdoc machinery, for Makefile integration. - Makefile.in: Added two experimental nxdoc make-targets: [make yuidoc] and [make xowiki]. In addition, provided for a doc-specific cleanup target: [make cleandoc]. Also changed the way TCLLIBPATH is initialised for makefile runs, to preserve the surrounding environment settings. - tests/doc.test: Deactivated obsolete sections; actual cleanup is pending. - Refactored nxdoc code fragments into sub-packages, namely the html and xowiki rendering components; renamed some file and directory. - Some necessary adjustments to make nxdoc work with the new property/variable nomenclature; spotted some misbehaviour of [namespace import] when running under 8.6b2 (to be investigated; see XOTcl-lanfRef.xotcl)

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