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  • last updated 17 hours ago
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nsf.c: parameter passing reform - don't pass full argument list for filteing methods calle further methods from C (such as new/create/... ) to allow processing of e.g. "--" in "new" to separate arguments to "new" cleanly from arguments passed to "create". Now we can use e.g. "C new -- -childof 123" in case class C has a property "childof". - extend c-generator to accept option "-objv0" to pass the original "objv[0]" to the called command. Since we had previously "allargs", we have to pass the objv[0] now differently - more thorough checking ISOBJ(someObj) macro for asserts (use "assert(ISOBJ(someObj))" instead of just "assert(someObj)") - extend regression test

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
- fix a few more cases, where required accessor method "get" was missing

- rename nsf::parameter:invalidate::classcache -> nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate nsf::parameter:invalidate::objectcache -> nsf::parameter::cache::objectinvalidate reasons: (a) remove single colon inside the name, (b) put verb to the end

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- update of TODO and regression test

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
nsf.c: - added options to filter output from ::nsf::cmd::info parameter options (args, syntax, parameter) - deleted: - "/obj/ info lookup configure parameters ?pattern?" - "/obj/ info lookup configure syntax" - added: - "/obj/ info lookup parameters /methodName/ ?pattern?" - "/obj/ info lookup syntax /methodName/ ?pattern?" This covers as well - "/obj/ info lookup parameters configure|create|new|... ?pattern?" - extend regression test

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nsf.c, gentclAPI.tcl: - new argument types "virtualobjectargs" and "virtualclassargs" for context-specific argument resolutions: when a context object is provided, arguments of type "virtualobjectargs" are determined based on the slots applicable for the object (like "... lookup ..."), arguments of type "virtualclassargs" are resolved against a class. These types are used as follows: /obj/ configure /virtualobjectargs/ /cls/ create /name/ /virtualclassargs/ /cls/ recreate /name/ /virtualclassargs/ /cls/ new ?-childof /obj/? /virtualclassargs/ This new feature allows us to provide better error messages and to make much of the "... info ... configure parameter ..." infrastructure much less important. - For "virtualclassargs" we need the functionality to obtain from the C-Code based on a class the configure parameters applicable to objects of this class. - add argument "-context ..." to "cmd::info" to pass the context object (so far the only place where the context-object is used) - object system configuration parameters changes: new: -class.configureparameter new: -object.configureparameter removed: -class.objectparameter

  1. … 16 more files in changeset.
nsf.c - renamed parameter::get -> parameter::info - renamed method::get -> cmd::info

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
nx.tcl - drop short form "/obj/ info configure" for now - make output of "/obj/ info lookup configure syntax" equivalent to "/obj/ info configure"

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- simplify slot parameter settings for object-mixins and object-filter lightly by omitting redundant methodname

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- return class of desired object in nsf::parameter::get when provided

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
nsf.c: - extend nsf::parameter::get to obtained more detailed information for obejcts/classes/metaclasses/baseclasses and specified types - extend regression test

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- name parameter option "slotset" instead of "slotassign"

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
- renamed nsf::relation to nsf::relation::set and added nsf::relation::get in accordance with nsf::var::get

  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
xotcl2: - use value=set instead of value=assign - simplify "-parameter" implementation - add setters for "name", "domain", and "default" to xotcl::Attribute for backward compatibility

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
nx.tcl, xotcl2.tcl: - use value=* as names for interally called and forwarder-called accessor methods - disallow "assign" for nx::variableSlots

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
nx.tcl: - use set/get/add as slot methods for get/configure/incremental operations - demangle slots for nx/xotcl2 further


- use assign/get/add as slot methods for get/configure/incremental


- use object system configuration for -slot.get and -slot.set

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- enforce using "set" for filter/object-filter in slot operations (same as for mixins)

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
nx.tcl: - remove setter methods from BootstrapVariableSlots - reducing interface of BootstrapVariableSlots by setting methods protected

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
nx.tcl: - add "set" as a method name for relation slots - implemented relation slot "mixin" and "object-mixin" via "slotassign" to disallow "/obj/ mixin /value/" and "/obj/ object mixin /value/" to use instead "/obj/ mixin set /value/" and "/obj/ object mixin set /value/" while keeping "configure" and "cget" working. This has the advantage that "/obj/ mixin set" does not try to replace the mixin chain by "set" - adapted regression test - TODO: check, if we need the explicit "slotassign"? isn't the presence of the slotObj sufficient? maybe "-forwardToSlot" in relationSlots? - TODO: demangle "slotassign" in "ObjectParameterSlot protected method getParameterOptions" and check interactions - TODO: to the same as -mixin and -object-mixin to -filter and -object-filter - TODO: clean up relation slot mixin variants - TODO: do we really like the fact that we have to write now "B mixin set M2" instead of "B mixin M2"? - TODO: should we disallow "B mixin" and enforce instead of "B mixin get" ? - TODO: we could as well allow "B mixin clear" instead of "B mixin set {}" - TODO: allow "set" for variable slots as well. Do we need "assign"?

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
- add flag "-onerror" to nsf::forward::method to handle errors during dispatch of a forwarder (not all error messags of forwarder are already transformed) - added log-level Info which prints always, e.g. for "-verbose" flag of forwarder - drop setter-rule from properties (use always forwarder) - drop "/obj/ /prop/" and "/obj/ /prop/ /value/" in favor of "/obj/ /prop/ get" and "/obj/ /prop/ assign /value/" to achieve better orthogonality with e.g. incremental properties

  1. … 16 more files in changeset.
- fix change of semantics when default multiplicity (1..1) is combinded with lower bound preserving incemental (results in 1..n instead of 0..n previously)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- use nx rather than xotcl2 terminology in nsf::method::forward

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- deactivated "-onerror", since its semantics are expressible via try/catch, and there are no regression tests for xotcl and nx, and we could not find any script that uses this

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- library/nx/nx.tcl: Pulling out method contracts (pre- and postconditions) from NX for the time being. Corresponding tests have been commented out or, if applicable, turned into XOTcl2-specific tests.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
nsf.c: - fix case, where NsfDStringPrintf() failed (when print llength including \0 was 1 byte longer than print buffer) - make sure, that the list kept for the cached parameter is just built from unshared objects; otherwise Tcl append will abort


- new package "nx::volatile"

- don't define configure parameter "-volatile" per default;

use "package req nx::volatile" instead

- don't define per method "volatile" per default;

use "::nsf::method::require ::nx::Object volatile" instead

- get rid of -volatile in nx.tcl and serializer

- update/extend regression test

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
nsf.c: - change name of enumeratorConverterEntry to Nsf_EnumeratorConverterEntry, move it with NSF_ARG_* flags to tcl.h to make it available in derived modules using the converter - Added editor hints for a more uniform appearance

  1. … 44 more files in changeset.
nx: - allow copy of objects with required arguments - use ::nsf::object::alloc in "copy" method - don't depend on method "trace", use directdispatch instead - remove method "-noinit" (nsf::object::alloc makes it obsolete) - extend regression test

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- nsf: added switch "-checkalways" to nsf::method::create - nx: added switch "checkalways" to "method" and "object method" - extended regression test

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
nx::test: - change test cases to newer interface - don't use "namespace import nx::*" in test cases when not required

  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
Make sure that the original error message is preserved when calling destroy after a failed CMD or INITCMD

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.