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  • last updated 23 hours ago
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- Added two new targets: [make yuidoc-dev] and [make xowiki-dev]; both will be generate the documentation including validation data and will make proper use of the nxdocIndex restrictions. - apps/utils/nxdoc: Some minor fixes/additions - library/lib/nxdoc-core.tcl: Completed the nx::doc::mkIndex helper

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- Added file-level deps to the [make yuidoc] and [make xowiki] sub-targets.

- apps/utils/nxdoc: Created a first version of a command-line script around the nxdoc machinery, for Makefile integration. - Added two experimental nxdoc make-targets: [make yuidoc] and [make xowiki]. In addition, provided for a doc-specific cleanup target: [make cleandoc]. Also changed the way TCLLIBPATH is initialised for makefile runs, to preserve the surrounding environment settings. - tests/doc.test: Deactivated obsolete sections; actual cleanup is pending. - Refactored nxdoc code fragments into sub-packages, namely the html and xowiki rendering components; renamed some file and directory. - Some necessary adjustments to make nxdoc work with the new property/variable nomenclature; spotted some misbehaviour of [namespace import] when running under 8.6b2 (to be investigated; see XOTcl-lanfRef.xotcl)

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- generic/nsf.c: After several takes, adding support for basic handling of hidden and re-exposed objects in the sense of [interp hidden|hide|expose]. I wanted to make sure that NSF does not crash upon basic hiding/exposing operations (see tests/interp.test) and guarantees that hidden/re-exposed objects are properly handled when cleaning up object systems, i.e., the destructors are called and physical deletion is performed. [interp hidden|hide|expose] is challenging for NSF (as well as TclOO) because they way it is implementing effectively modifyies command names *without* providing any calling back to trace these changes (as for renames). As a consequence, object and command names start to diverge once an object has been hidden or re-exposed. As the changes affect the cleanup machinery in ObjectSystemsCleanup() & friends, I verified for leaks by running valgrind; no leaks were found running destroy.test and interp.test. - tests/interp.test: A test suite that covers basic scenarios of hiding and exposing objects. - Registering interp.test with make env

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- added example rosetta-unknown-method.tcl

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- added example rosetta-abstract-type.tcl

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- tests/tcloo.test: Added a prototype implementation of TclOO's export|unexport feature, as a mere test suite. - Registered tests/tcloo.test

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- new folder example-scripts * Added 8 of the rosetta examples and one classical OTcl example * all examples are tested via regression test * all examples are pretty-printed via asciidoc

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- preliminary fix for volatile called through redsidual args - new regression test file volatile.test

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- nsf.c: * new file nsfPointer.c * generic new value checker ConvertToPointer to handle c-level conversions (which can be registed from nsf extensions) * extern defined interface for the pointer converter: Nsf_PointerTypeLookup(), Nsf_PointerTypeRegister(), Nsf_PointerAdd(), Nsf_PointerDelete(), Nsf_PointerInit(), Nsf_PointerExit(). - library mongodb * changed mongoAPI to pointer converter interface

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- renamed gentclAPI.decls to nsfAPI.decls - renamed tclAPI.h to nsfAPI.h - added nsf.m4 to git for the time being

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- regression tests: * added disposition.test * extended regression tests

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- moved mixin reg type converter to a new file (nsfObj.c)

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- Made data-flow dependencies on nsf's pkgIndex.tcl explicit for two targets, allowing the build process (make all) to be spread over multiple make jobs (make -j). Gave me a 15% speedup using two jobs on my two-core machine.

- nsf.c: made potentially unknown clientData more safe (error message, when something is passed via clientData to a method expecting an object/class as clientData). - renamed NsfNoDispatchObjectError() to NsfDispatchClientDataError(), extended interface - fixed name methods.test

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- nsf.c: make sure, validCscPtr is always initialized - tested all regression tests with valgrind against tcl-trunk

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
--enable-dtrace sets DTRACE_OBJ on mac os x empty (since not needed for mac os x dtrace)

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add dtrace header file dependency

- first steps towards DTRACE support

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- rebuild pkgIndex.tcl more eagerly - added error handler to pkg_mkIndex when called via "make libraries-pkgindex" * just show warning and errors when rebuilding pkgIndex files * stop make in case of errors in pkg_mkIndex

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- Conditionally disabling redefine protection (based on the presence of a global var ::nsf::bootstrap) failed due to the result flag not being set to TCL_OK in this case. - Adding a (redundant) [package provide nsf /version/] to the ifneeded script in nsf's pkgIndex.tcl. Background: [load] is only executed once (leaving aside [unload]) for a given interp. Hence, the initialization function and its Tcl_PkgProvide() call are only performed once. A subsequent [package forget] and [package req] barfs because the package version information is removed internally upon [package forget]:

"attempt to provide package nsf 2.0.0 failed: no version of package

nsf provided"

The Tcl docu provides hints on this requirement (for C

extensions); see man for [package provide]:

"[package provide] is typically invoked once as part of an ifneeded

script, and again by the package itself when it is finally loaded."

Note that most C-extension packages (sqlite, tdom) do not meet this


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- added new contains definition based on "apply" instead of "namespace eval". Main intention is to replace SKIP_LEVELS by SKIP_LAMBDA - added functionality to use ":attribute contains:method,nosetter" - added regression test for contains and attributes of type method

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- renamed nx regression tests .test to follow tcl conventions

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.
- added support for aolserver (essentially Makefile + aol-xotcl.tcl) - removed unneded content from serializer output

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- remove obsolete TK_LIB_SPEC

- removed NXSH and XOWISH from

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Merge branch '2.0.0-develop' of ssh:// into 2.0.0-develop

Removed the nxsh (@NXSH@) and xowish (@xowish@) deps of the binaries target in (as shell deployment is now handled in the install-shells target). If not removed, make would barf ...

- added (scripted replacement for former xowish) - added (scripted replacement for former xotclsh) - added (scripted replacement for former xowish) - added error handling to all scripted shells - removed old and (from apps/utils)

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- renamed/removed remaining ::nsf::commands with capitalized names: parametersFromSlots ==> parametersFromSlots unsetUnknownArgs ==> __unset_unknown_args infoError removed - renamed predefined.tcl into nsf.tcl - remaining cmds in nsf (except __*) containing "_": ::nsf::provide_method, ::nsf::require_method

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.