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  • last updated 14 hours ago
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- make handling of redefinitions in system methods more robust

- improve robustness of varresolver for unconfigured objects

Merge branch '2.0.0-develop' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/xotcl into 2.0.0-develop



- Fixed switching between INACTIVE_MIXIN frames to ACTIVE_MIXIN frames - Extended regression test

- don't leave error message when __default_superclass (or __default_metaclass) is not set

- rebuild pkgIndex.tcl more eagerly - added error handler to pkg_mkIndex when called via "make libraries-pkgindex" * just show warning and errors when rebuilding pkgIndex files * stop make in case of errors in pkg_mkIndex

- added mode-hint for Emacs

    • -0
    • +1
- remove CVS tag

- added regression test for forwarder and returns

- nx: added "-returns" to forwarder

- remove verbosity

- minor updates of the migration guide

- typo in TODO

- changed returns syntax from '->' to '-returns'

- xotcl2: fixed and completed results of "info instforward" and "info forward"

Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

- serializer: fixed handling of nsf::configure options

- nx.tcl: removed debugging output - nx.tcl: added syntactic sugar to "method" and "alias" for return value checking. One can write now: Class create C { :public method foo {a:int b:int} -> int { return [expr {$a + $b}] } } - extended regression test

- xotcl2.tcl: added empty namespace eval to make package indexer happy

- small cleanup

- Conditionally disabling redefine protection (based on the presence of a global var ::nsf::bootstrap) failed due to the result flag not being set to TCL_OK in this case. - Adding a (redundant) [package provide nsf /version/] to the ifneeded script in nsf's pkgIndex.tcl. Background: [load] is only executed once (leaving aside [unload]) for a given interp. Hence, the initialization function and its Tcl_PkgProvide() call are only performed once. A subsequent [package forget] and [package req] barfs because the package version information is removed internally upon [package forget]:

"attempt to provide package nsf 2.0.0 failed: no version of package

nsf provided"

The Tcl docu provides hints on this requirement (for C

extensions); see man for [package provide]:

"[package provide] is typically invoked once as part of an ifneeded

script, and again by the package itself when it is finally loaded."

Note that most C-extension packages (sqlite, tdom) do not meet this


- provide a more explicit way to handle resourcing after a "package forget" in the info methods (similar to Stefan's suggestion).

- keep DEVELOPMENT macro

- changed relation handling by evaluating the relationcmd in the parent context to keep evaluation order. - extend introspection "nsf::configure objectsystem": the command returns now all system methods in the syntax of nsf::createobjectsystem - "nsf::createobjectsystem" creates now a warning when an existing objectsystem is redefined and ignores the new definition attempt. This was done with the purpose to allow "package forget nx; package require nx" - Allow overwriting of redefine protected method during bootstrap to ease "package forget nx; package require nx" - forward had just "-objscope", no general "-frame method|object". Since forwarder have client data, they always push a method frame. So, the situation is different to nsd::alias and ::nsf::dispatch. Therefore, the flag "-objscope" was renamed to "-objectframe" to provide better consistency with "-frame object" - fixed bug, where error handling of invalid options in ForwardProcessOptions() could lead to a crash - return forwardoption "-earlybinding" via instrospection - extended regression test

- perform relation handling in objectparameters outside of object-frame

- reduce verbosity

- configure.in: removed --with-tclinclude option, since it appears to be included in tcl.m4 (since a while). Many thanks to Victor Guerra for noticing it.

- configure.in: removed --with-tclinclude option, since it appears to be included in tcl.m4 (since a while). Many thanks to Victor Guerra for noticing it.

- disallow object parameter of type "switch" to avoid possible confusion between (a) providing a value for the o.p., (b) calling it as a setter, and (c) calling it as a getter. For providing a value, no arg is used for switch. For calling a setter, it is necessary to provide a value even for a switch. - disallow type "switch" in setter definiton (use boolean instead) - disallow type "switch" for positional arguments (use boolean instead) - extended regression test

- improve documentation

- Make sure that DispatchDestroyMethod() calls as well protected destructors - New function NSCheckNamespace() as replacement for NSCheckForParent() - pass parentNsPtr around instead of recomputing it in NSCheckForParent() - removed unneeded argument from NSGetFreshNamespace() - switched to dstring operations in NameInNamespaceObj() (seems slightly faster) - factored out NSRequireParentObject() - by the measures above, we obtained some speed improvements - moved some more debug output to be controlled by the debuglevel - extended regression test with testcases for creation of parent objects via method "__unknown"