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  • last updated 5 hours ago
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- fix text for Tcl 8.7

- use TclFreeIntRep() instead of direct function calls - perform TclFreeIntRep() for Class and Object creation under Tcl 8.7

fix for Tcl 8.7: - when recreating an nsf object in in tcl 8.7, we seem to have to invalidate the intrep, otherwise the new command is not picked up by a later Tcl_GetCommandFromObj()

* nsf.c (NsfMethodAliasCmd): Tcl 8.7 is more picky about typePtr and intrep being in line. We need to NULL the typePtr explicitly. TclFreeIntRep does so for us as good Tcl citizens, rather than setting bodyObj->typePtr == NULL directly.

* nx.tcl (VariableSlot->setCheckInstVar): Use method parameter 'value' rather than object variable 'default'

* nx.tcl, parameters.test (Object->object variable): Support for substdefault has been entirely missing so far. Added basic tests

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Updated Announcement

Done with ChangeLog and Announcement draft

    • -303
    • +102
Done with ChangeLog and Announcement draft

    • -303
    • +102
~6 months of changelog remaining

    • -264
    • +142
~6 months of changelog remaining

    • -264
    • +142
Dive into 2015 changes (to be continued)

Dive into 2015 changes (to be continued)

* Updated copyright dates and copyright notices

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
* Updated copyright dates and copyright notices

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Done with 2016 changes, ufff

Done with 2016 changes, ufff

Continue work on release docs

Continue work on release docs

Continue working on ChangeLog/Announcement

Continue working on ChangeLog/Announcement

* TODO: Add a to-do in filters and unknown-creates in XOTcl 2

* TODO: Add a to-do in filters and unknown-creates in XOTcl 2

- address potential crash when a filter calls a filter which calls unknown

- prefer lower case "U" suffix to improve readability

Adding a first test case