• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
seems like we need the memoize procs when installing packages during bootstrap so sourcing that file first

added some descriptions

seems create or replace view doesn't work with PG 7.2 so changing to create view

- Make aa_*-assertion procs return true/false of whether the assertion passed, so you can use that to branch out on assertions, e.g. if { [aa_true "..." [info exists var]] } { aa_log "var is $var" }

- cleaning up the rollback stuff

Removed this file, it was empty

The with_catch logic was broken

The file only had one test, and it was obsolete; besides, tests now go in a -procs file, so they can be watched

more tweaks

adding command line info for the --no-install switch

joel's changes

    • -23
    • +57
changed tdom to version-independent symlink

updating install.sh with features that were lost since Joel checked in an old version of the file.

    • -76
    • +90
Adding i18n work. message catalogs for en_US and sv_SE, etc.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
changed /web to /var/lib/aolserver

an old file was checked in by mistake, copying in the more recent one from the Collaboraid cvs repository

*** empty log message ***

Made openacs-4/log part of acs-core

config now uses /var/lib/aolserver instead of /web

Resurrected so that calendar-portlet works like a charm.

Resurrected so that calendar-portlet works fine.

bug fixes

    • -19
    • +17
correcting param name from server_path to serverroot in checkout.sh

    • -21
    • +18
some fixes

Dirk Gomez: Corrected and i18nized create-new-links for portlets and regular calendar. (Brought back hour_template).

Shows slack time better.

Converted index page to list-builder.

Added sorting of tasks.

Now should honor hard deadlines better.

Now computes the deadlines and dates for tasks and projects. Many other minor

fixes and improvements

Corrected and i18nized create-new-links for portlets and regular calendar. (Brought back hour_template).