• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Listbuilderified, cleaned up UI

Use untrusted_user_id for list of subsites to show

As upload file is optional, we must make sure it is set, otherwise upload breaks

Upload File is optional, as we could as well just upload from the directory

Changed the location of the new fink installation for docbook-xsl to

/sw/share/xml instead of /sw/share/xml/xsl/

Added information on how to install TCL first

Added "package_exec_plsql" which, like "package_instantiate_object", allows

one to call PLSQL from Tcl, which reduces the need for oracle/pg-specific

XQL files.

Saving my interim work on the portal package.

    • -127
    • +14
Fixes Bug #1286: Changing permission for a given group erases previous permissions already given for that same group on the refered object.

Fixing auto-generation of usernames when email was already taken. Since (username) is empty on that point the following query never returned any rows and xxx-2 was always created, so it failed if xxx-2 was already existing.

Fixing an obvious typo - it still doesn't seem to work right when email is used as username and the email is taken already, but it's a step closer.

Show full path to subsites for administration, sorted by path, so the hierarchy displays correctly

Added a template::multirow sort command option

Spiffed up month display

Add -> Add Entry

    • -2
    • +2
Interface design cleanup

    • -24
    • +4
    • -26
    • +8
    • -1
    • +1
Experimental fix for login timeout problem

- Support for synonyms for richtext properties

- Error when illegal property specified

Improved list-builder design, cleaned up CSS

Added png's for sort order in list-builder

Improved list style-sheet

- Design improvements

- Fixed problems caused by untrusted_user_id as mentioned in forums thread

Added page to toggle comments on/off

Templated pages, quick-and-dirty style

Templated another error page

Committed experimental fix for untrusted_user_id problem mentioned in forums posting at http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=152083

Templated some error pages

    • -0
    • +6
Use list-builder actions instead of separate links

Added 'new subsite' to nav bar

Added 'refresh login', ordering