• last updated 22 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
allow certain instance attributes to be updated optionally withtout forcing a new revision

- better naming

- more general method for updating single attributes

Set default path for binary to /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin

    • -1
    • +1
- rename render_content for form fields to render_input

- provide flag for make_link to avoid double subsitition in tdom

    • -3
    • +5
Changed to reflect changes made in views datamodel

    • -2
    • +2
    • -338
    • +338
Removing extra "provides" tag.

Changed to use new acs_mail_lite::send

    • -16
    • +6
Merging Luis fixes from 5.3

    • -2
    • +9
    • -1
    • +16
Changed to use new acs_mail_lite::send

Changed to use new acs_mail_lite::send

It's "sysdate", not "sysdate()", folks :)

HTML Strict cleanup

Set the default config for a debian/ubuntu instalation (as agreed at the OCT)

fix bug with right click and properties popup

fix sorting of folder and files in treepanel and filespanel

Fixed version number

Broken for oracle ... not now though.

Crap, this script was added with the following problems ...

1. called contacts package (fixed previously)

2. embedded PG-only queries (no xql files, no attempt to make this dotlrn

component work with oracle despite our policy of supporting oracle)

3. authorship misattributed to tracy adams (copied another script as a stub),

she wasn't the source of these problems

    • -0
    • +16
    • -0
    • +14
    • -0
    • +16
Changed *^*&#$(&*(*$%&#@ tabs to spaces, and yes, it messes up history, and

no, I don't care.

    • -127
    • +127
Fixed oracle syntax - add doesn't allow "column", unlike PG

Merged from 5.3 branch

Malte FUCKING called his contacts package from the notifications packages,

causing it to break. Of course there was no requires tag in the info file

so it didn't break until you actually tried using a package that uses


And even better, there's already a proc in acs-tcl/tcl - an ancient one - that

does the same thing anyway.

Someone changed the message key here without bothering to provide a message,

so I'm switching back to the one that exists in something like 15 or so

different languages.

Removed some custom client code Daveb added

This version of notifications required the latest acs-mail-lite so I updated

the requires tag accordingly, and bumped the version number of notifications

to make clear that something's different.

Fixed typo, minor clean-up, pass reply_to as switch. Still needs to be tested.

Removed these two procs entirely, since a search of packages and contrib shows

that nothing in our tree uses them (and no package outside of acs-mail-lite

should've used them in the first place).

Switched from complex_send to send (which now includes the better features

of complex_send)

Make file view use same scripts as folder view for actions on files and folders. Some HTML cleanup.

Remove unused and obsolete scripts

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.