• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Correction of name constraint

Reverted select-menu.adp as it works now

Add type attribute back to list filters, removed by a previous commit,

in error. Thanks to Malte for noticing.

fixing bug in query by adding a missing clause in the query

Changes to list filters break passing through of filters.type. UNtil this is fixed, select-menu.adp does not work the way it used to

Fix queries to show correct status

More UI cleanup and query fixes

Updated upgrade file to drop views when mutating attribute type.

Updated catalog files.

Fix a couple for type integer checks

Fix ordering of sessions

new version update

Many UI improvements. Add permissions checks to asm-admin pages that

were missing them!

Change type from an integer that has no meaning to a string, that might

give you a clue what it means. TODO change type to refer to a "template"

assessment_id with all the default values set so an admin can manage


  1. … 20 more files in changeset.
Correction of name constraint

Correction of name constraint

Correction of name constraint

Correction of name constraint

Correction of name constraint

Correction of name constraint

Correction of name constraint

Made sure we see the additional options when we have an option widget

    • -2
    • +2
fixing bug when creating a learning activity with the change-property-value tag

Made the URL an anchor to click on

innecessary debug comments removed

Fixing a coupld of bugs in the edited data_link::new procedure

Mime Encode the subject

attribute instances for each user in run

    • -9
    • +34
    • -0
    • +16
Made sure drop_type__cascade_p parameter has a meaning which is to drop all the objects of a certain type when dropping the object_tpye. Note that this does not work for content_types. Use the according procedure there. Not written in Oracle as there might be a reason for not using the __cascade_p parameter and then I don't want to have done the work of porting to Oracle for nothing

Made sure that you can actually delete xowiki comletely from your system. Albeit this only works with OpenACS 5.3, but I am not to introduce a dependency on this and the uninstalling of the package did not work before, so no harm done :)

Added the option to drop the items, revisions and objects along with the dropping of a content type

Made sure folders are dropped as well when dropping a package

Made sure we get an acs-kernel version which does not require acs_object_types.table_name to be unique