Home : Documentation : Part III. For ACS Developers : 4. ACS Developer's Guide : 5. The Database Access API 

5. The Database Access API

Table of Contents

5.1. Overview
5.2. The Old Way
5.3. The New Way
5.4. Bind Variables
5.5. Basic API

By Pete Su

5.1. Overview

This document is a short tutorial on the Database API, meant for experienced ACS developers to get a jump-start on its usage. For a more complete discussion of the DB API, you can read the documentation in the kernel.

5.2. The Old Way

Here's a typical block of code from an ACS 3.x dynamic page:

set tcl_var "foo"

set db [ns_db gethandle]

ns_db dml $db "begin transaction"

set sql "select 
	 from some_table, 
	 where some_table.id = some_other_table.id  
	     and some_table.condition_p = '$tcl_var'

set selection [ns_db select $db $sql] 
set count 0 

while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } { 
        call_some_proc $foo $bar $baz
        incr count 

ns_db releasehandle $db

Writing code like this had the following annoyances:

  • It was repetitive, tedious and error prone to write the same type of loops over and over again.

  • Using Tcl variable interpolation in a literal string, to pass values from the page to the database, is error prone, relatively inefficient, and a good way to compromise the security of a web site.

  • Magic like set_variables_after_query made code confusing.

  • The scope of transactions is not clear from reading the code.

  • Passing handles around explicitly made it easy to use them in bad ways, like holding a handle for too long while returning data to a user's browser.

Introduced in ACS 3.4, the new Database API is meant to save developers from the above tedium and provide a more structured syntax for specifying database operations, including transactions.

5.3. The New Way

Here is how you would code up the example above using the new API.

set count 0 

set tcl_var "foo"

set sql {
        from some_table, some_other_table
        where some_table.id = some_other_table.id  
        and some_table.condition_p = :tcl_var
db_transaction {
        db_foreach my_example_query_name $sql {
            	call_some_proc $foo $bar $baz
            	incr count

There are several things to note here:

  1. No explicit code for grabbing and releasing handles. Usage of the Database API implicitly deals with all handle management issues.

  2. The new command db_transaction makes the scope of a transaction clear. db_transaction takes the code block argument and automatically runs it in the context of a transaction.

  3. The new command db_foreach writes our old while loop for us.

  4. Every SQL query has a name, meant to be unique within the server instance (though this is not enforced).

  5. Finally and most importantly, there is a new scheme for passing data from a Tcl variable to the database, which we'll cover next.

5.4. Bind Variables

Bind variables are placeholders for literal values in an SQL query being sent to the server. Take the example query above: in the old way, data was generally passed to Oracle directly, via Tcl string interpolation. So in the example above, the actual query we send would look like this:

from some_table, some_other_table
where some_table.id=some_other_table.id  
and some_table.condition_p = 'foo'

There are a few problems with this: first, if the literal value is a huge string, then we waste a lot of time in the database server doing useless parsing. Second, if the literal value contains characters like single quotes, we have to be careful to double-quote them, because not quoting them will lead to surprising errors. Third, no type checking occurs on the literal value. Finally, if the Tcl variable is passed in or between web forms or otherwise subject to external modification, there is nothing keeping malicious users from setting the Tcl variable to some string that changes the query textually. This type of attack, called SQL smuggling, can be very damaging - entire tables can be exposed or have their contents deleted, for example. Another very important reason for using bind variables is performance. Oracle caches all previously parsed queries. If there are values in the where clause, that is how the query is cached. It also performs bind variable susbstitution after parsing the SQL statement. This means that SQL statements that use bind variables will always match (assuming all else is the same) while SQL statements that do not use bind variables will not match unless the values in the statement are exactly the same. This will improve performance considerably.

To fix all these problems, we replace literal values in the query with a placeholder character, and then send the data along after. So the query looks like this:

from some_table, some_other_table
where some_table.id = some_other_table.id
and some_table.condition_p = ?

The '?' character means "This will be filled in later with literal data". In use, you might write code that looks like this:

set statement [prepare_query "
    		from some_table, some_other_table
    		where some_table.id = some_other_table.id  
    		and some_table.condition_p = ?

[bind_param $statement 1 $tcl_var]

The above example is meant to be psuedo-Tcl - no API like this actually exists. What happens is that we first send the SQL statement to the server for parsing, then later we bind values to the placeholders, and send those values along seperately. This seperate binding step is where the term bind variable comes from.

This split has several advantages. First, type checking happens on the literal. If the column we are comparing against holds numbers, and we send a string, we get a nice error. Second, since string literals are no longer in the query, no extra quoting is required. Third, substitution of bind variables cannot change the actual text of the query, only the literal values in the placeholders.

The database API makes bind variables easy to use by hooking them smoothly into the Tcl runtime. Rather than using a '?' as a generic placeholder, you use a colon followed by the name of the Tcl variable that you wish to pass as a literal. So here's the final, real-life form of the example query:

from some_table, some_other_table
where some_table.id = some_other_table.id  
and some_table.condition_p = :tcl_var

The database API parses the query and pulls out all the bind variable specifications and replaces them with generic placeholders. It then automatically pulls the values of the named Tcl vars out of the runtime environment of the script, and passes them to the database.

Note that while this looks like a simple syntactic change, it really is very different from how we've written queries in the past. You use bind variables to replace what would otherwise be a literal value in a query, and Tcl style string interpolation does not happen. So you cannot do something like:

set table "baz"
set condition "where foo = bar"

db_foreach my_query { select :table from some_table where :condition }

SQL will not allow a literal to occur where we've put the bind variables, so the query is syntactically incorrect. You have to remember that while the bind variable syntax looks similar to variable interpolation in Tcl, it is not the same thing at all.

Finally, the DB API has several different styles for passing bind variable values to queries. In general, use the style presented here because it is the most convenient. You'll see the other styles described in the detailed API document, but they're not important.

5.5. Basic API

The Database API has several functions that wrap familiar parts of the AOLserver database API. We won't cover the details of all the calls here; instead, we'll list the most frequently used calls, with links to further detail:


Returns a value which can be used in a bind variable to represent the SQL value null. You should use this instead of empty strings when passing nulls to the database, because using the empty string as the null value is not portable across databases. See Nulls and Bind Variables.

db_foreach query_name sql { code }

Runs a query returning multiple rows and executes a code block for each row returned.

db_1row query_name sql

This is similar to the old ns_db 1row call.

db_0or1row query_name sql

This is similar to the old call ns_db 0or1row

db_string query_name sql

Returns the first column of the result of a SQL query as a string. Analogous to database_to_tcl_string and database_to_tcl_string_or_null.

db_list query_name sql

Returns a Tcl list of values from the first column of each result row of a SQL query. Similar to the old database_to_tcl_list.

db_dml query_name dml

Performs a DML or DDL statement.

db_transaction { code }

Performs a block of Tcl code in the scope of a transaction.

db_abort_transaction { code }

Aborts a transaction.

($Id: db-api.html,v 1.2 2001/10/17 20:39:25 donb Exp $)