
Clone Tools
  • last updated 3 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- renamed nx regression tests .test to follow tcl conventions

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.
- changed "info available" into "info lookup" (and accordingly c definitions, migration guide)

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
- added object info methods mixinguard, mixinclasses to objectInfoMethod - added class info methods mixinguard, mixinclasses to classInfoMethod - built a temporary solution for dispatcher "mixin", since forward mangles args - nx: we have now "obj info mixin guard name" instead of "obj info filter -guard name" - nx: we have now "obj info mixin classes ...." instead of "obj info filter ...." - updated migration guide

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
- replaced "obj|cls mixinguard name cond" by "obj|cls mixin guard name cond" - replaced "obj|cls info mixinguard name" by "obj|cls info mixin -guard name" - replaced "cls object info mixinguard name" by "cls object info mixin -guard name" - removed XOTclObjInfoMixinguardMethod() - removed XOTclClassInfoMixinguardMethod() - extended regression test - updated migration guide

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- renamed "info method name ..." into "info method handle ...", since it returned already the handle - renamed ListMethodName() to ListMethodHandle() - changed output of "info callable -which ..." from definition to method handle - renamed "info callable -which ..." into "info callable method ..." - updated regression test to reflect the changes

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
- made the "next scripting laguage" a own, loadable tcl package (currently named nx, name is subject of change) - predefined.tcl is now pretty minimal.

  1. … 32 more files in changeset.
- added section about registering filters and mixin to migration guide - moved and transformed to next tests/mixinoftest.xotcl -> tests/mixinoftest.tcl - moved and transformed to next tests/object-system.xotcl -> tests/object-system.tcl

    • -0
    • +514
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.