Home : Documentation : Part II. For ACS Admins : 2. Installing on Unix/Linux 

2. Installing on Unix/Linux

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Getting Started and Getting Help
3. Requirements
4. Installing Red Hat Linux 6.2
5. Installing Oracle 8.1.6
6. Installing AOlserver 3.1
7. Installing the ArsDigita Community System v 4.0
8. Acceptance Tests
9. Credits

1. Overview

This document is a guide to installing the ArsDigita Community System (ACS). It is targeted for first time users who may not be familiar with Oracle and AOLServer, but who are familiar with UNIX - with an emphasis on Linux. However, for the purposes of running the ACS, Linux is not substantially different from other UNIX systems, such as Solaris or HP-UX.

Assuming you have a computer with a network connection, before starting installation of ACS please refer to the following:

  • If it's a PC and you're going to use Linux, then read everything.

  • If it's a UNIX box, skip the Linux chapter and read everything else.

  • If it's a Windows box, read How to install ACS on Windows instead.

  • If you already have Oracle up and running, then skip to the AOLServer 3.1 chapter and read from there.

If you are interested in learning more about the ACS first, then please read Chapter Three: Scalable Systems for Online Communities from Philip & Alex's Guide to Web Publishing, and this document on Using the ArsDigita Community System.