
  • last updated 22 hours ago
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Adjusted nxdoc for the recent changes to NSF/NX

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
nx.tcl: - removed "info is .." since it might raise more questions than it solves

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- C-code Generator: added "-typeName" for enumeration types that allows for disambiguation of enumerations with different argument names. Before that, the argument name determined the c-type of the enumeration. Therefore it was not possible to use argName "-type" for two different functions with a different list of enumerators.

- changed "-methodtype" to simply "-type" in

/obj/ info methods ... ?-type all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter|nsfproc? ...

/obj/ info object methods ... ?-type all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter|nsfproc? ...

/obj/ info lookup methods ... ?-type all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter|nsfproc? ...

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
- library/lib/nxdoc-xowiki.tcl: Finished and polished the xowiki backend for nxdoc. Some tests regarding relative paths and the treeview generation are pending ... - library/lib/nxdoc-xowiki.tcl: Use the built-in base64 facility if running under Tcl 8.6 - Due to re-introducing nested-object-as-method semantics lately, nxdoc started stumbling over name conflicts between nested entity hierarchies (i.e., the entity object representing "/cls/ class info class" ...) and equally-named introspection calls on such entities (e.g., a "info class" call). I made these calls more robust my using -system dispatches; which is fine as long as we do not have sth. like "/obj/ info eval". Generally speaking, the risk of such naming conflicts discredits the use of object nesting in nxdoc; should eventually be revised. Or, as work-around: Using a filter on Entity instances to protect/redirect critical calls.

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- library/lib/nxdoc-core.tcl: Major refactoring accomplished: Managed to refactor the validation code into a separate module, obtain a better separation between the backend implementations, ... Relocate the validate() method implementations into the Validator mixin layer. Validation (the validate cascade) is now triggered from within the mixin layer ... further improves the separation of concerns in nxdoc ... Also, moved frontend code into two distinct Tcl packages: We now distinguish between the DC ("Documentation Comments") and the XODoc frontends. I also remastered the entire frontend handling and disentangled the various concerns: specifying documentation sources, 1st- and 2nd pass handling, etc. - Support for document multiple Tcl packages per NXDoc project. Multi-package support, plus validation mode for packages, adding missing files to the repo - tests/doc.test: General cleanup, deactivated some tests for the time being (till the DC interface settles) - library/lib/nxdoc-core.tcl: Removed dead comments and dead codex - YUIDoc template suite: Added Monikas recent adaptations/extensions. I still have to check the resource paths for the xowiki backend, which are most probably broken for now. - Adjusted TODO for accomplished tasks.

  1. … 21 more files in changeset.