
Clone Tools
  • last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Don't overwrite error messages from __unknown handler in several situations (superclass, parameter class, mixin class)

remove namespace import nx::*

- removed TODOs from keepcallerself in destroy.test; calls were truely recursive, behavior was correct.

- simplified usage of ObjectName() and ClassName() macros (no caller parenthesis needed) - added exerpimental object property keepcaller self (currently only evaluated by aliased objects)

Version generated for Tcl 8.5 - maybe we keep this out from the repo in the future

Allow to pass casts to macros ClassName and ObjectName

- Commented Change in ChangeLog - bumped version number

Backport from nsf: when processing arguments with leading dashes in "configure", accept only method names without spaces. This solves a problem with Tcl8.4 + ns_eval where the output of the serializer could not be processed by eval (a [list ..] was lost).

Fixed wrong release level

Bump version number to 2.0 to avoid confusions with the serializer from XOTcl 1

- library/serialize/serializer.tcl: Remove uses of ::nsf::method::property to handle "returns", now redundant because "returns" are properly reported by "info method definition"

- TODO: updated

- generic/nsf.c: Have NsfNSCopyCmdsCmd() handle "returns" method properties for scripted methods. Note that aliases and forwards are not yet covered by the copying procedure as implemented by NsfNSCopyCmdsCmd(). - tests/info-method.test: Added tests for "info method returns" and "info method defintion" covering "returns" method properties.

- Make sure "info method definition" includes the "-returns" clause. - generic/nsf.c: Added a helper function AppendReturnsClause()

- Adding support for "cls|obj info method returns" - generic/nsf.c: ListMethod() now handles a InfomethodsubcmdReturnsIdx subcmd. - generic/nsfAPI.decls|nsfAPI.h|nsfDecls.h: Registerung a new "info method" subcmd: "returns"

- remove leftover from merge

- remove file which was placed into generic/asm

- added two files to the asm directory (one needed for compilation, one for documentary purpose)

    • -0
    • +487
    • -0
    • +214
Merge branch 'assemble'



Some initial changes for providing a valgrind target

- initialize result properly

    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
- updates for the tutorial (mustly typos and stilistic changes)

- xotcl/library/comm/Httpd.xotcl: force dates in GMT as HTTP RFCs require

    • -1
    • +1
- Httpd: force GMT dates as required by RFC

- added README file

    • -0
    • +240
- restructured directories, added configure options, some more cleanup

    • -0
    • +311
    • -0
    • +274
    • -0
    • +70
    • -0
    • +62
    • -0
    • +68
    • -0
    • +682
    • -0
    • +580
    • -0
    • +313
    • -0
    • +362
    • -344
    • +0
- generate AsmAssemble() from definition file as well (currently included in LabelThreading template)

    • -7
    • +266
- nx based c code generator for experimenting with different code engines

    • -0
    • +85
    • -0
    • +406
- doc fixes in tutorial: fix typos and improve some wordings

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf