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  • last updated 20 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
nsf.c: - de-spaghetti precedence computations for multiple inheritance and improve documentation - get rid of // comments

- stubsPtr can't be NULL there

- remove false alarm

- deactivated "-onerror", since its semantics are expressible via try/catch, and there are no regression tests for xotcl and nx, and we could not find any script that uses this

Adjusting forward doc, adding TODO

forward.test: Adding some tests

- use in forwarders "-frame object" instead of "-objframe" in nx for consistency with other calls (e.g. dispatch). Other values for "-frame" are not allowed. (btw, XOTcl has "-objscope")

- move "checkalways for forwarders and aliases" to RFEs and comment it

forwarders: - use for output of forward ... -verbose NsfLog(...NSF_LOG_NOTICE...) instead of fprintf() to make it redirect-able

forwarders: - RFE "provide %method" as keyword like %proc" was already implemented. Dropping %proc would break XOTcl2 compatibility. - adding a test case

Continue working on forward doc, adding some tests

Adding some todos

Working on Object.man, in particular forward

    • -0
    • +94
- library/nx/nx.tcl: Pulling out method contracts (pre- and postconditions) from NX for the time being. Corresponding tests have been commented out or, if applicable, turned into XOTcl2-specific tests.

- finalize autoconf quoting

- update annouce with diff stats

- update Changelog

- fix configure.ac quoting

    • -6
    • +6
- fix configure.ac quoting

- more configure quoting

- stick closer to TEA conventions (keep tclconfig-sh in tclconfig directory) - remove obsolete version of install-sh, copy manifested version to mongodb library - fix more configure quoting

    • -0
    • +528
    • -0
    • +528
- updated Changelog and Annouce file

- some more cleanup of autoconf (more quoting, remove obsolete file, use recent install-sh) - try to stick closer to current tcl conventions

    • -6924
    • +5313
    • -0
    • +528
    • -6891
    • +5286
    • -0
    • +528
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Fix one more compiler warning: undeclared Xotcl_Init()

Removing configure artifact, otherwise lintian complains

    • -1026
    • +0
LDFLAGS must be referenced differently under TEA

- Makefile.in: Make sure that the LDFLAGS are available for building xotclsh and xowish.

- Makefile.in: Somehow, upgrading to TEA 3.9 missed the proper install-sh settings. `make install` failed.

- Makefile.in, configure, configure.ac: Provide for resolving and for setting the (public) Tk headers (e.g., from tkConfig.sh or --with-tkinclude).

- xmltok_impl.c, updatePosition: Fix for CVE-2009-3720

    • -1
    • +1