
Clone Tools
  • last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- added "nosetter" automatically, when attribute "<name>:method" is used

- improving error messages from argument parser - test "namespace current" and "self" in "contains" and "slots" regression test

    • -0
    • +14
- fix escaped duplicate line

- activated SKIP_LAMBDA in nsfCallstack. As a consequence, we disallow resolving self/my ... from tcl-proc frames (use uplevel if necessary, avoid "namespace eval")

- fix wrong "self" inside contains

- added new contains definition based on "apply" instead of "namespace eval". Main intention is to replace SKIP_LEVELS by SKIP_LAMBDA - added functionality to use ":attribute contains:method,nosetter" - added regression test for contains and attributes of type method

    • -0
    • +52
- added an experimental code for setting parent namespace path as default for child-objects. At the time when an object namespace is created, the namespace path of the parent object is copied to the child as default value.

- gentclApi.tcl: added optimizer rule for single argument of type tclobj - improved speed of CompiledLocalsLookup slightly

- impoved NsColonVarResolver, made some assumptions explicit

- fixed scoping issue, when "-volatile" was used for object creation - added regression test for interaction between filters and function resolver (and volatile) - reactivated new volatile test in destroy.test - undone temporary fixes for volatile in serializer and nx.tcl

- temporary fix in serializer

Merge branch '2.0.0-develop' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/xotcl into 2.0.0-develop

- fixed langauge hooks for emacs

- updated TODO

- added deavtivated test for volatile via flag (unsetteled issue)

- output object frame to ease interpretation of [info frame]

- new function MethodNameString() to obtain name without colon prefix from tcl_obj - fix bad interaction between filters and cmd name resolvers - output object frame to ease interpretation of [info frame]

Adding the -force flag to [namespace import ::xotcl::*] to guard against "can't import command ... already existings" error exception (observed under OpenACS package upgrading)

- changed CallStackGetActiveProcFrame() to return also CMETHD frames This allows to execute :volatile in a initcmd and to delete the object at its end. As a consequence, code like [CopyHandler new -volatile] copy [::nsf::self] $newName has to be changed to CopyHandler new { :copy [:uplevel ::nsf::self] [uplevel set newName] :destroy } - renamed CallStackUseActiveFrames() to CallStackUseActiveFrame() and ctx->framesSaved to ctx->frameSaved to reflect implementation

- removed debugging from CscFinish when compiled without DEVELOPMENT

- remved debugging from NsfCleanupObject when compiled without DEVELOPMENT

- added regression tests for destroy-during-init

- renamed nx regression tests .test to follow tcl conventions

    • -0
    • +546
    • -0
    • +634
    • -0
    • +1144
    • -0
    • +390
    • -0
    • +402
    • -0
    • +185
  1. … 21 more files in changeset.
- extended regression tests for aliases to procs

- allowed public|protected for method deletion such as "Object public method foo {} {}" - removed defaultMethodCallProtection in alias test

- fixed bug when calling aliased proc not via method interface - fixed bug when calling destroy in initcmd

- added a few more small optimization. - code-generator: don't call argument parser, when no arguments are specified

- Adding some tests on the interactions between our var resolvers and link-creating commands: [variable], [upvar], [global], ... - Amended the in-code documentation for InterpColonVarResolver(), InterpCompiledColonVarResolver() and CompiledColonVarFetch(). - Found another AVOID_RESOLVERS victim: [namespace which -variable /varName/]

- removed bug-alert from nx.tcl (wrong false-positives for compiled locals in slots) - added a few small optimization. nsf appears to run on the shootout benchmark the same speed like a year ago (which much less functionality)

- removed bug-alert from nx.tcl (wrong false-positives for compiled locals in slots)