
  • last updated 8 hours ago
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- make sure that packages from XOTcl 1 require XOTcl 1

  1. … 80 more files in changeset.
* xotcl.c: some c-cleanup * library files: require exact version numbers to avoid conflicts with XOTcl 2.0

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- created own directory structure xotcl under library containing doc, tests, apps, lib etc. and moved obvious content here. - adjusted regression test and old documentation system to work with new structure

  1. … 390 more files in changeset.
- namespace changes: mostly due to marketing reasons, the naming of the top-level namespace changed from "xotcl2" to "next". reasons: xotcl is hard to pronounce for beginners, sounds like "exotic" (but who wants to program in an exotic language) has a certain stigma of strange namings (e.g. "instproc"), is seen as a precursor of tcloo, the top-level namespace ::xotcl2:: is not very nice either, the separation of framework and language is not clear.

We have now:

::next (the new object system, former ::xotcl2)

::next::core (framework, primitives)

::xotcl (former xotcl1)

- "::xotcl::use" no longer needed, use Tcl standard mechanisms instead

(e.g. "package req next"; "package req XOTcl", "namespace import ::next*")

  1. … 48 more files in changeset.
- xotcl 1.6.6: make sure to load always xotcl 1 versions when needed - xotcl 1.6.6: make compilation clean when compiled with assertions on

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
- XOTclCallStackFindLastInvocation(): return last scripted invocation - use xotcl1 in webserver test to make rull regression test working - make xotcl::use silent

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
importing experimental xotcl version

  1. … 74 more files in changeset.
restructured directory to remove superfluous directory xotcl

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  1. … 735 more files in changeset.