[:? {[info exists :@parameter]} {
- - Submethod parameters:
+ - Parameters:
[:for param ${:@parameter} {
[$param name]
[:? {[$param eval {info exists :spec}] && [$param spec] ne ""} {<[$param spec]>}]
+ [$param statusmark]
[$param as_text]
+ [$param pinfo get -default "" validation]
Index: library/lib/doc-tools.tcl
diff -u -rcc94b154709f9bd3393fbbdb9af982a30b57dee0 -r9e98d057e87eb5d9bf8cd3a25dc679ed02cd6399
--- library/lib/doc-tools.tcl (.../doc-tools.tcl) (revision cc94b154709f9bd3393fbbdb9af982a30b57dee0)
+++ library/lib/doc-tools.tcl (.../doc-tools.tcl) (revision 9e98d057e87eb5d9bf8cd3a25dc679ed02cd6399)
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
Class create PartTag -superclass Tag {
:public method id {partof_name scope name} {
- next [list -partof_name $partof_name -scope $scope $name]
+ next [list -partof_name $partof_name -scope $scope -- $name]
:public method new {
@@ -428,6 +428,7 @@
:method init args {
:defaultmethods [list get append]
:multivalued true
+ :allowempty true
set :incremental true
# TODO: setting a default value leads to erratic behaviour;
# needs to be verified -> @author returns ""
@@ -576,7 +577,7 @@
return [concat {*}$path]
- :attribute @doc:multivalued {set :incremental 1}
+ :attribute @doc:0..* {set :incremental 1}
:attribute @see -slotclass ::nx::doc::PartAttribute
:attribute @deprecated:boolean -slotclass ::nx::doc::SwitchAttribute {
@@ -684,7 +685,9 @@
Class create StructuredEntity -superclass Entity {
:public method part_attributes {} {
- set slots [:info lookup slots]
+ #set slots [:info lookup slots]
+ set slots [::nsf::dispatch [::nsf::self] ::nsf::methods::object::info::lookupslots -type ::nx::Slot]
set attrs [list]
foreach s $slots {
if {![$s info has type ::nx::doc::PartAttribute] || ![$s eval {info exists :part_class}]} continue;
@@ -708,7 +711,11 @@
dict for {s entities} [:owned_parts] {
foreach e $entities {
- $e [current method]
+ # TODO: for now, it is sufficient to escape @use chains
+ # here. review later ...
+ if {![$e eval {info exists :@use}]} {
+ $e [current method]
+ }
@@ -922,19 +929,6 @@
set :part_class ::nx::doc::@command
- :public method parameters {} {
- set params [list]
- if {[info exists :@parameter]} {
- foreach p [:@parameter] {
- set value [$p name]
- if {[$p eval {info exists :default}] || [$p name] eq "args" } {
- set value "?[$p name]?"
- }
- lappend params $value
- }
- }
- return $params
- }
QualifierTag create @object \
@@ -1121,89 +1115,9 @@
return ::nsf::${scope}::[string trimleft [[:partof] name] :]::${:name}
- :public method parameters {} {
- set params [list]
- if {[info exists :@parameter]} {
- foreach p [:@parameter] {
- set value [$p name]
- if {[$p eval {info exists :default}] || [$p name] eq "args" } {
- set value "?[$p name]?"
- }
- lappend params $value
- }
- }
- if {1} {
- # documentaion quality check: is documentation in sync with implementation?
- # TODO: make me conditional, MARKUP should be in templates
- set object [${:partof} name]
- if {[::nsf::isobject $object]} {
- if {[$object info methods -callprotection all ${:name}] ne ""} {
- set actualParams ""
- if {[$object info method type ${:name}] eq "forward"} {
- set cmd ""
- foreach w [lrange [$object info method definition ${:name}] 2 end] {
- if {[string match ::* $w]} {
- set cmd $w
- break
- }
- }
- if {$cmd ne "" && [string match ::nsf::* $cmd]} {
- # TODO: we assume here, the cmd is a primitive
- # command and we intend only to handle cases from
- # predefined or xotcl2. Make sure this is working
- # reasonable for other cases, such as forwards to
- # other objects, as well
- if {![catch {set actualParams [::nx::Object info method parameter $cmd]}]} {
- # drop usual object
- set actualParams [lrange $actualParams 1 end]
- # drop per object ; TODO: always?
- if {[lindex $actualParams 0] eq "-per-object"} {
- set actualParams [lrange $actualParams 1 end]
- set syntax [lrange [::nx::Object info method parametersyntax $cmd] 2 end]
- } else {
- set syntax [lrange [::nx::Object info method parametersyntax $cmd] 1 end]
- }
- }
- }
- set comment "
Defined as a forwarder, can't check"
- #set handle ::nsf::signature($object-class-${:name})
- #if {[info exists $handle]} {append comment
[set $handle]}
- } else {
- # TODO: requesting the param spec of an ensemble
- # object (info) does not work right now? How to deal
- # with it?
- if {($object eq "::nx::Object" || $object eq "::nx::Class") && ${:name} eq "info"} {
- set actualParams ""
- set syntax ""
- } else {
- set actualParams [$object info method parameter ${:name}]
- set syntax [$object info method parametersyntax ${:name}]
- }
- }
- if {$actualParams eq $params} {
- set comment "
Perfect match"
- } else {
- set comment "
actual parameter: $actualParams"
- if {[info exists :pdata]} {
- lappend :pdata status mismatch
- }
- }
- append comment "
obj ${:name} $syntax"
- } else {
- set comment "
Method '${:name}' not defined on $object"
- }
- } else {
- set comment "
cannot check object, probably not instantiated"
- }
- return [concat $params
- }
- return $params
- }
:public method validate {} {
set partof [:get_owning_partof]
- if {[:pinfo get -default complete status] ne "missing"} {
- next
+ if {[info exists :pdata] && [:pinfo get -default complete status] ne "missing"} {
# Note: Some information on methods cannot be retrieved from
# within the tracers as they might not be set local to the
@@ -1252,9 +1166,14 @@
if {![:pinfo exists bundle parametersyntax]} {
:pinfo set bundle parametersyntax $params
+ # Note: [next] will cause the missing parameter created to
+ # be validated and will have the appropriate status
+ # upstream!
+ next
} else {
# the method is missing -> this makes the owning object a mismatch
- $partof pinfo set status mismatch
+ ${:partof} pinfo propagate status mismatch
@@ -1335,6 +1254,7 @@
# @param -partof
# @param -name
# @param args
:public class-object method new {
@@ -1354,11 +1274,25 @@
+ :public method get_fqn_command_name {} {
+ # ::nx::Object::slot::class
+ if {[${:partof} info has type ::nx::doc::@object]} {
+ return "[${:partof} name]::slot::${:name}"
+ } else {
+ next
+ }
+ }
:public method validate {} {
- if {[:pinfo get -default complete status] ne "missing"} {
- if {[info exists :spec] && ${:spec} ne [:pinfo get bundle spec]} {
+ if {[info exists :pdata] && [:pinfo get -default complete status] ne "missing"} {
+ # valid for both object and method parameters
+ set pspec [:pinfo get -default "" bundle spec]
+ if {[info exists :spec] && \
+ ${:spec} ne $pspec} {
:pinfo propagate status mismatch
- :pinfo set validation "Specification mismatch: [:pinfo get bundle spec]"
+ :pinfo set validation "Specification mismatch. Expected: '${:spec}' Got: '$pspec'."
} else {
${:partof} pinfo propagate status mismatch
@@ -1468,12 +1402,23 @@
- :method !get {-sortedby varname} {
+ :public method !get {-sortedby -with varname} {
+ if {![[:origin] eval [list info exists :$varname]]} return;
if {[info exists sortedby]} {
- uplevel 1 [list sorted [[:origin] eval [list ::set :$varname]] $sortedby]
+ set r [uplevel 1 [list sorted [[:origin] eval [list ::set :$varname]] $sortedby]]
} else {
- uplevel 1 [list [:origin] eval [list ::set :$varname] ]
+ set r [uplevel 1 [list [:origin] eval [list ::set :$varname] ]]
+ if {[info exists with]} {
+ set l [list]
+ foreach item $r {
+ lappend l [$item eval [list set :$with]] $item
+ }
+ set r $l
+ }
+ return $r
:method for {var list body} {
@@ -1491,7 +1436,7 @@
"\[$obj eval {info exists :$varname}\]" {*}$args]
- :method ?var {varname args} {
+ :public method ?var {varname args} {
set cmd [expr {[string match ":*" $varname]?"\[[:origin] eval {info exists $varname}\]":"\[info exists $varname\]"}]
uplevel 1 [list :? -ops [list [::nsf::current method] -] \
$cmd {*}$args]
@@ -1637,14 +1582,18 @@
# Make sure that the @project entity is processed last.
lappend values [current object]
+ # Note: We trigger the validation of entities according to
+ # their pdata once for the entire entity hierarchy, starting
+ # from the root, i.e. the project entity.
+ :validate
foreach e $values {
# TODO: For now, in templates we (silently) assume that we act
# upon structured entities only ...
if {![$e info has type ::nx::doc::StructuredEntity]} continue;
$e current_project [current object]
- $e validate
set content [$e render -initscript $init $tmpl]
:write_data $content [file join $project_path "[$e filename].$ext"]
puts stderr "$e written to [file join $project_path [$e filename].$ext]"
@@ -2069,7 +2018,7 @@
:protected attribute {current_packages "*"}
- :attribute {permissive_pkgs:multivalued "*"} {
+ :attribute {permissive_pkgs:1..* "*"} {
set :incremental 1
@@ -2322,41 +2271,124 @@
set ::nx::doc::rootns [namespace qualifier $rootmclass]
$rootmclass $sysmeths(-class.create) ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer
::nsf::method ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer \
- -public $sysmeths(-class.create) {name args} {
- set obj [::nsf::next];
+ -public $sysmeths(-class.create) {name args} {
+ set obj [::nsf::next];
+ set bundle [dict create]
+ if {[info commands "::nx::Class"] ne ""} {
+ if {[::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::Slot]} {
+ dict set bundle objtype slot
+ dict set bundle incremental [expr {[::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::ObjectParameterSlot] || ([::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::Attribute] && [::nsf::existsvar $obj incremental] && [::nsf::setvar $obj incremental])}]
+ }
+ if {[::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::EnsembleObject]} {
+ dict set bundle objtype ensemble
+ }
+ }
set cmdtype [expr {[::nsf::is class $obj]?"@class":"@object"}]
::nx::doc::__at_register_command $obj \
->cmdtype $cmdtype \
->source [file normalize [info script]] \
->nsexported [::nx::doc::is_exported $obj] \
+ ->bundle $bundle \
{*}[expr {[::nsf::existsvar $obj __initcmd] && [::nsf::setvar $obj __initcmd] ne ""?[list ->docstring [::nsf::setvar $obj __initcmd]]:[list]}]
return $obj
# ISSUE: yields -> bad relationtype "mixin": must be
# object-mixin, class-mixin, object-filter,
# class-filter, class, superclass, or rootclass
# -> ::nsf::mixin defaults to "mixin" instead of "class-mixin"
# ::nsf::mixin $rootmclass ::nsf::__Tracer
::nsf::relation $rootmclass class-mixin ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer
+ if {[info commands "::nx::Object"] ne ""} {
+ $rootmclass $sysmeths(-class.create) ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__ObjTracer
+ ::nsf::method ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__ObjTracer \
+ -public __resolve_method_path {
+ -per-object:switch
+ -verbose:switch
+ path
+ } {
+ array set "" [::nsf::next]
+ set l [llength $path]
+ if {$l > 1} {
+ set target $(object)
+ set objects [list]
+ for {set j 1} {$j < [expr {$l-1}]} {incr j} {
+ set target [namespace qualifiers $target]
+ lappend objects $target
+ }
+ lappend objects [::nsf::current object]
+ set first 1
+ foreach leg [lrange $path 0 end-1] obj [lreverse $objects] {
+ if {$first} {
+ set scope [expr {${per-object}?"object":"class"}]
+ set first 0
+ } else {
+ set scope object
+ }
+ set handle [::nsf::dispatch $obj \
+ ::nsf::methods::${scope}::info::method \
+ handle $leg]
+ if {![::nsf::existsvar [::nsf::current class] handles] || ![[::nsf::current class] eval [concat dict exists \${:handles} $handle]]} {
+ dict set bundle handle $handle
+ dict set bundle handleinfo [::nx::doc::handleinfo $handle]
+ dict set bundle type [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::${scope}::info::method type $handle]
+ if {![catch {set pa [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::${scope}::info::method parameter $handle]} _]} {
+ foreach pspec $pa {
+ dict set bundle parameter {*}[::nx::doc::paraminfo {*}$pspec]
+ }
+ }
+ if {![catch {set psyn [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::${scope}::info::method parametersyntax $handle]} _]} {
+ dict set bundle parametersyntax $psyn
+ }
+ ::nx::doc::__at_register_command $handle \
+ ->cmdtype @method \
+ ->source [file normalize [info script]] \
+ ->bundle $bundle
+ [::nsf::current class] eval [list dict set :handles $handle _]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [array get ""]
+ }
+ ::nsf::relation $rootclass class-mixin ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__ObjTracer
+ }
::interp invokehidden "" proc ::nx::doc::handleinfo {handle} {
set definition [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::object::info::method definition $handle]
if {$definition ne ""} {
set obj [lindex $definition 0]
set modifier [lindex $definition 2]
- if {$modifier eq "class-object"} {
+ if {[lindex $definition 1] eq "create"} {
+ set obj $modifier
+ set scope ""
+ set name ""
+ } elseif {$modifier eq "class-object"} {
set scope $modifier
set name [lindex $definition 4]
} else {
set scope ""
set name [lindex $definition 3]
+ if {$scope eq ""} {
+ set is_method 0
+ set obj [concat {*}[split [string trimleft $obj :] "::"]]
+ foreach label $obj {
+ if {$label eq "slot"} {set is_method 1; continue;}
+ if {$is_method} {
+ lappend method_name [string trimleft $label _]
+ } else {
+ lappend obj_name $label
+ }
+ }
+ set name [lappend method_name {*}$name]
+ set obj ::[join $obj_name "::"]
+ }
return [list $obj $scope $name]
::interp invokehidden "" proc ::nx::doc::paraminfo {
value {default ""}
} {
@@ -2382,7 +2414,6 @@
set bundle [dict create]
dict set bundle handle $handle
dict set bundle handleinfo [::nx::doc::handleinfo $handle]
-# dict set bundle parameter [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::object::info::method parameter $handle]
foreach pspec [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::object::info::method parameter $handle] {
dict set bundle parameter {*}[::nx::doc::paraminfo {*}$pspec]
@@ -2406,6 +2437,14 @@
dict set bundle handle $handle
dict set bundle handleinfo [::nx::doc::handleinfo $handle]
dict set bundle type [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::object::info::method type $handle]
+ if {![catch {set pa [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::object::info::method parameter $handle]} _]} {
+ foreach pspec $pa {
+ dict set bundle parameter {*}[::nx::doc::paraminfo {*}$pspec]
+ }
+ }
+ if {![catch {set psyn [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::object::info::method parametersyntax $handle]} _]} {
+ dict set bundle parametersyntax $psyn
+ }
::nx::doc::__at_register_command $handle \
->cmdtype @method \
@@ -2415,11 +2454,57 @@
return $handle
+ # if {[$object info method type ${:name}] eq "forward"} {
+ # set cmd ""
+ # foreach w [lrange [$object info method definition ${:name}] 2 end] {
+ # if {[string match ::* $w]} {
+ # set cmd $w
+ # break
+ # }
+ # }
+ # if {$cmd ne "" && [string match ::nsf::* $cmd]} {
+ # # TODO: we assume here, the cmd is a primitive
+ # # command and we intend only to handle cases from
+ # # predefined or xotcl2. Make sure this is working
+ # # reasonable for other cases, such as forwards to
+ # # other objects, as well
+ # if {![catch {set actualParams [::nx::Object info method parameter $cmd]}]} {
+ # # drop usual object
+ # set actualParams [lrange $actualParams 1 end]
+ # # drop per object ; TODO: always?
+ # if {[lindex $actualParams 0] eq "-per-object"} {
+ # set actualParams [lrange $actualParams 1 end]
+ # set syntax [lrange [::nx::Object info method parametersyntax $cmd] 2 end]
+ # } else {
+ # set syntax [lrange [::nx::Object info method parametersyntax $cmd] 1 end]
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
rename ::nsf::forward ::nsf::_%&forward
::interp invokehidden "" proc ::nsf::forward {
+ args
+ } {
+ set handle [uplevel [list ::nsf::_%&forward {*}$args]]
+ if {$handle ne ""} {
+ dict set bundle handle $handle
+ dict set bundle handleinfo [::nx::doc::handleinfo $handle]
+ dict set bundle type [::nsf::dispatch ${::nx::doc::rootns}::__Tracer ::nsf::methods::object::info::method type $handle]
+ ::nx::doc::__at_register_command $handle \
+ ->cmdtype @method \
+ ->source [file normalize [info script]] \
+ ->bundle $bundle
+ }
+ }
+ rename ::nsf::setter ::nsf::_%&setter
+ ::interp invokehidden "" proc ::nsf::setter {
} {
- set handle [uplevel [list ::nsf::_%&forward {*}$args]]
+ set handle [uplevel [list ::nsf::_%&setter {*}$args]]
if {$handle ne ""} {
dict set bundle handle $handle
dict set bundle handleinfo [::nx::doc::handleinfo $handle]
@@ -2655,6 +2740,28 @@
+ Mixin create [current]::@method -superclass [current]::Entity {
+ :method init args {
+ next
+ set scope [expr {[${:part_attribute} scope] eq "class"?"class":"object"}]
+ set obj [:get_owning_object]
+ set method_name [:get_combined name]
+ set prj [:current_project]
+ if {$prj ne ""} {
+ set box [$prj sandbox]
+ #puts stderr "--- ::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::${scope}::info::method handle $method_name"
+ set script "array set \"\" \[$obj eval {:__resolve_method_path \"$method_name\"}\]; ::nsf::dispatch \$(object) ::nsf::methods::${scope}::info::method handle \$(methodName)"
+ set cmdname [$box do $script]
+ if {$cmdname ne "" && [$box eval [concat dict exists \${:registered_commands} $cmdname]]} {
+ #puts stderr "--- SETTING PDATA for [current] -> $cmdname"
+ #puts stderr "[$box eval [concat dict get \${:registered_commands} $cmdname]]"
+ :pdata [$box eval [concat dict get \${:registered_commands} $cmdname]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
Mixin create [current]::@param -superclass [current]::Entity {
:public method init args {
@@ -2760,44 +2867,83 @@
# output
# 1. absent entities (doc[yes]->program[no])
# => all doc entities without pdata
- # puts stderr "--- $provided_entities"
- set present_entities [::nx::doc::filtered $provided_entities {[info exists :pdata]}]
+ # ::nx::doc::entities::method::nx::Class::class::info
+ # ::nsf::classes::nx::Class::info
+ #puts stderr "--- $provided_entities"
+ set present_entities [::nx::doc::filtered $provided_entities {[[:origin] eval {info exists :pdata}]}]
# TODO: the nspatterns should be consumed from the source
# specification and should not be hardcoded here ... review
# later ...
- #set generated_commands [$box get_registered_commands [list ::nsf ::nx]]
- set generated_commands [dict merge [$box get_registered_commands -exported -types {@object @class @command}] [$box get_registered_commands -types @method]]
+ # set generated_commands [$box get_registered_commands [list ::nsf ::nx]]
+ # ISSUE: -exported turns out to be a weak filter criterion, it
+ # excludes slot objects from being processed
+ set generated_commands [dict merge [$box get_registered_commands -types {@object @class @command}] [$box get_registered_commands -types @method]]
set map [dict create]
foreach pe $present_entities {
- set fqn [$pe get_fqn_command_name]
+ if {[$pe pinfo exists bundle handle]} {
+ set fqn [$pe pinfo get bundle handle]
+ } else {
+ set fqn [$pe get_fqn_command_name]
+ }
dict unset generated_commands $fqn
dict set map $fqn $pe
-# puts stderr "PRESENT $present_entities"
-# puts stderr "ABSENT [::nx::doc::filtered $provided_entities {![info exists :pdata]}]"
# 2. generated entities (doc[no]->program[yes])
# => all registered_commands without doc entity
#puts stderr "== TO GENERATE == [join [dict keys $generated_commands] \n]"
dict for {cmd info} $generated_commands {
- #if {[string match ::nsf::classes::* $cmd]} continue;
- #if {[string match ::nsf::objects::* $cmd]} continue;
- if {[string match *::slot::* $cmd]} continue;
dict with info {
# TODO: for now, we assume objects beyond this point
# ... relax later!
if {$cmdtype ni [list @command @object @class @method]} continue;
- if {$cmdtype eq "@method"} {
+ if {$cmdtype eq "@object" && [string match *::slot::* $cmd]} {
+ if {[dict exists $info bundle objtype] && [dict get $info bundle objtype] eq "ensemble"} continue;
+ set name [namespace tail $cmd]
+ set scope ""
+ set obj [namespace qualifiers [namespace qualifiers $cmd]]
+ if {![dict exists $map $obj]} continue;
+ set partof_entity [dict get $map $obj]
+ set entity [$partof_entity @[join [list {*}${scope} attribute] -] $name]
+ } elseif {$cmdtype eq "@method"} {
lassign [dict get $bundle handleinfo] obj scope name
# ! we assume the partof entity is present or has been generated
if {![dict exists $map $obj]} continue;
set partof_entity [dict get $map $obj]
- set entity [$partof_entity @[join [list {*}${scope} method] -] $name]
+ if {![$partof_entity info has type ::nx::doc::@object]} continue;
+ set owning_entity $partof_entity
+ foreach subm $name {
+ #
+ # TODO: [info info] causes an issue because in terms of
+ # doc entities, it overwrites the info alias for the doc
+ # entity object ... verify:
+ # ::nx::doc::entities::method::nx::Object::class::info::info: unable to dispatch method '::nx::doc::entities::method::nx::Object::class::info'
+ # ::nx::doc::entities::method::nx::Object::class::info->info
+ # invoked from within
+ # ":info class"
+ # (procedure "make_link" line 4)
+ # ::nx::doc::entities::method::nx::Object::class::info ::nx::doc::NxDocRenderer::Entity->make_link
+ # invoked from within
+ # "$src make_link [current]"
+ #
+ if {[$partof_entity name] eq "info" && $subm eq "info"} break;
+ set en [$partof_entity @[join [list {*}${scope} method] -] id $subm]
+ if {$en ni $provided_entities} {
+ set partof_entity [$partof_entity @[join [list {*}${scope} method] -] $subm]
+ } else {
+ set partof_entity $en
+ }
+ }
+ # ISSUE: the following line is part of the [info info] fix, review later ...
+ if {$partof_entity in $provided_entities} continue;
+ set entity $partof_entity
if {[dict exists $info bundle parameter]} {
dict for {pname paraminfo} [dict get $info bundle parameter] {
lassign $paraminfo spec default
set paramid [@parameter id $entity "" $pname]
set ppdata [list bundle [list spec $spec default $default]]
if {$paramid ni $provided_entities} {
@@ -2810,23 +2956,11 @@
} else {
set entity [@ $cmdtype $cmd]
- #-> ::nsf::classes::nx::CopyHandler::targetList
- # @class.method {::nx::CopyHandler targetList}
- #:process=$cmdtype $project $entity
+ #puts stderr "SETTING missing PDATA $entity $cmd"
$entity pdata [lappend info status missing]
dict set map [$entity get_fqn_command_name] $entity
- :method generate_parameter {value} {
- set colon_pos [string first : $value]
- if {$colon_pos == -1} {
- set name $value
- } else {
- set properties [string range $value [expr {$colonPos+1}] end]
- set name [string range $value 0 [expr {$colonPos -1}]]
- }
- }
Index: library/nx/nx.nxd
diff -u -r239888ee1ee6ed6d7b9afa5e170f49c5224a186d -r9e98d057e87eb5d9bf8cd3a25dc679ed02cd6399
--- library/nx/nx.nxd (.../nx.nxd) (revision 239888ee1ee6ed6d7b9afa5e170f49c5224a186d)
+++ library/nx/nx.nxd (.../nx.nxd) (revision 9e98d057e87eb5d9bf8cd3a25dc679ed02cd6399)
@@ -465,6 +465,9 @@
# Tests whether the class passed as the argument is a type of the
# object, i.e., whether the object is an instance of the given class
# or of one of the class's superclasses.
+# @parameter class hallo
+# @parameter class2 helo
# @class.method {Object "info methods"}
@@ -523,7 +526,7 @@
# @superclass ::nx::doc::entities::class::nx::Slot
-# @class.attribute {Slot name}
+# @class.attribute {Slot name:string}
# Name of the <<@gls slot>> which can be used to access the <<@gls
# slot>> data from an object
@@ -592,9 +595,6 @@
# **** '''superclass''' changes the list
# of superclasses. When used as a getter, the method returns the
# current superclasses.
-# @return :list If called as a getter (without arguments),
-# '''superclass''' returns the current superclasses of the object
# @class.attribute {Object class}
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@
# @return If called as a getter (without arguments), '''class'''
# returns the current <<@gls class>> of the object
-# @class.attribute {Object mixin}
+# class.attribute {Object mixin}
# As a setter, '''mixin''' specifies a list of <<@glspl mixincls>> to
# set. Every mixin must be an existing class. In getter mode, you can