- self computes callstack related information.
+ XOTcl contains the following predefined primitives (Tcl commands):
computes callstack related information.
It can be used in the following ways:
self - returns the name
@@ -86,8 +100,10 @@
self calledproc: Returns method
name of the target proc (only applicable
in a filter).
self isnextcall: Return 1 if this method
+ was invoked via next, otherwise 0
self next: Return the
- "next" method on the path as a string.
+ "next" method on the precedence path as a string.
self filterreg: In a filter: returns the name
of the object/class on which the filter is registered. Returns either
'objName filter filterName' or 'className instfilter filterName'.
@@ -99,20 +115,78 @@
self activelevel: Returns the level, from where
the actual proc was invoked from. This might be the calling level or a next
- call, whatsever is higher in the stack. The level is returned in a form
+ call, whatever is higher in the stack. The level is returned in a form
it can be used as first argument in uplevel or upvar.
- my someMethod is a short form for [self] someMethod and can only be
my methodName
is a short form for [self] methodName and can only be
called in a context of an instproc or an method specific proc. It allows certain
optimizations and shorter to write.
- next executes the "next" method on the precedence
- order and return with the result.
+ next invokes the next shadowed (same-named) method on the
+ precedence path and returns its result. If next is
+ called without arguments, the arguments of the current method
+ are passed through the called method. If next is
+ invoked with the flag --noArgs, the shadowed method
+ is called without arguments. If other arguments are specified
+ for next, these will be used for the call.
myvar varName
returns the fully qualified variable name of the specified
+ variable.
myproc methodName ?args?
calls the specified XOTcl method without the need
+ of using "[list [self] methodName ...]".
can be used to register a predefined C-implemented Tcl command as
+ method methodName.
+ The option -objscope has the same meaning as for forwarder
+ (instance variables of the calling object appear in the local scope of
+ the Tcl command), -per-object has the same meaning as for
+ the method method (when used on a class, the method is registered for the
+ class object only, but not for the instances). This command
+ can be used to bootstrap xotcl (when e.g. no methods are available).
::xotcl::configure filter ?on|off?
allows to
+ turn on or off filters globally for the current interpreter.
+ By default, the filter state is turned off.
+ This function returns the old filter state.
+ This function is needed for the serializer that is intended
+ to serialize the objects classes independent of filter settings.
::xotcl::configure softrecreate ?on|off?
allows to control
+ what should happen, when an object / a class is recreated. Per
+ default it is set off, which means that the object/class is destroyed
+ and all relations (e.g. subclass/superclass) to other
+ objects/classes are destroyed as well. If softrecreate is
+ set, the object is reseted, but not destroyed, the relations
+ are kept. This is important, when e.g. reloading a file
+ with class definitions (e.g. when used in OpenACS with file watching and
+ reloading). With softrecreate set,
+ it is not necessary to recreate dependent subclasses etc.
+ Example: e.g. there is a class hierarchy A <- B <- C
+ Without softrecreate set, a reload of B means
+ first a destroy of B, leading to A <- C, and instances
+ of B are re-classed to ::xotcl::Object. When softrecreate is
+ set, the structure remains unchanged.
+ A slot is a meta-object that manages property-changes of
+ objects. A property is either an attribute or a role of an
+ relation (e.g. in system slots).
+ The predefined system slots are class,
+ superclass, mixin, instmixin,
+ filter, instfilter. These slots appear
+ as methods of Object or Class.
The slots provide a common query and setting interface.
+ Every multivalued slot provides e.g. a method add
+ to add a value to the list of values, and a method delete
+ which removes it. See for example the documentation of the slot
+ mixin.
+ Parameters:
Name of the slot to access from an object the slot
domain (object or class) of a slot on which it can be used
boolean value for specifying single or multiple values (lists)
list of two elements for specifying which methods are called
+ per default, when no slot method is explicitly specified
the manager object of the slot (per default [self])
specify whether a slot should be used per class or per object; note that there is a restricted usage if applied per class, since defaults etc, work per initialization
- ?args?: arguments passed to the new class after creation
+ ?args?: arguments passed during creation
@@ -184,13 +361,13 @@
- Allocate memory for a new XOTcl object or class. create uses
- alloc to allocate memory. But create also
- calls init and evaluates '-' arguments as method calls.
- In seldom cases the programmer may want to suppress the
- create
- mechanism and just allocate memory. Then alloc can
- be used.
+ Allocate (create) an uninitialized object or class. Typically, alloc
+ is called automatically by create
+ to allocate an uninitialized object or class.
+ In contrast to alloc, create also
+ initializes and configures the object.
+ The method alloc can be used by a programmer who may want to
+ create uninitialized objects/classes.
@@ -199,12 +376,39 @@
- new class name
+ fully qualified name of created instance
+ Compute all immediate and indirect instances of a class
+ Return:
+ fully qualified list of instances
@@ -237,32 +441,38 @@
Create user-defined classes or objects. If the class is a meta-class,
a class is created, otherwise an object.
+ The object creation protocol implemened by create works as follows:
create firstly calls alloc
+ in order to create an uninitialized object or class.
In the second step, the
+ default values for parameters are searched on superclasses and set in the created object.
In the third step, the method configure
+ is called with the passed
+ argument list to configure the object/class.
Finally the constructor init is called on the object
+ with all arguments up to the first '-' argument (as returned by configure).
- Create firstly calls alloc in order to allocate memory for the
- new object. Then default values for parameters are searched on
- superclasses (an set if found). Then args is searched for args
- starting with '-' followed by an alpha character. These arguments
- are called as methods. '-' followed by a numerical is interpreted
- as a negative number (and not as a method). If a value of a method
- called this way starts with a "a", the call can be placed safely
- into a list (e.g. "Class c [-strangearg -a-] -simplearg 2").
In the default XOTcl definition, the create method
+ is called implicitly by the unknown method of the metaclass
+ Class, when a class (meta-class) is called with an unknown
+ method. E.g. the following two commands are equivalent
- Finally the constructor init is called on the object
- with all arguments up to the first '-' arg.
+ Car herby -color red
+ Car create herby -color red
- The create method is called implicitly through the
- unknown
- mechanism when a class (meta-class) is called with an unknown
- method. E.g. the following two commands are equivalent
Car herby -color red
- Car create herby -color red
When a users may want to call the constructor init
before other '-' methods, one can specify '-init'
explicitly in the left to
right order of the '-' method. Init is called always only once.
- e.g.:
Class Car -init -superclass Vehicle
+ e.g.:
Class Car -init -superclass Vehicle
+ See also: recreate
@@ -271,7 +481,7 @@
- name of the created instance (result of alloc)
+ fully qualified name of the created instance (result of alloc)
@@ -303,6 +513,7 @@
for classes.
The following options can be specified:
ClassName info classchildren ?pattern?:
Returns the list of nested classes with fully qualified names
if pattern was not specified,
@@ -312,19 +523,6 @@
ClassName info classparent:
Returns the class ClassName is nesting to.
ClassName info instdefault method arg var:
- Returns 1 if the argument arg of the instance method
- method has a default value, otherwise 0. If it exists
- the default value is stored in var.
ClassName info instfilter:
- Returns the list of registered filters. With -guard modifier
- all instfilterguards are integrated
- ( ClassName info instfilter -guards).
objName info instfilterguard name: Returns the guards
- for instfilter identified by name.
ClassName info heritage ?pattern?:
Returns a list of all classes in the precedence order
of the class hierarchy.
@@ -335,21 +533,45 @@
If pattern is specified, only matching values are returned.
ClassName info instargs method:
- Returns the arguments of the specified method.
+ Returns the arguments of the specified instproc (instance method).
ClassName info instbody method:
- Returns the body of the specified method.
+ Returns the body of the specified instproc (instance method).
ClassName info instcommands ?pattern?:
Returns all commands defined for the class. If pattern
is specified it returns all commands that match the pattern.
ClassName info instdefault method arg var:
+ Returns 1 if the argument arg of the instproc (instance method)
+ method has a default value, otherwise 0. If it exists
+ the default value is stored in var.
ClassName info instfilter:
+ Returns the list of registered filters. With -guard modifier
+ all instfilterguards are integrated
+ ( ClassName info instfilter -guards).
ClassName info instfilterguard name: Returns the guards
+ for instfilter identified by name.
ClassName info instforward ?-definition? name: Checks,
+ whether name is a forwarder (accepts wild chard characters).
+ When -definition/TT> is specified, it returns the definition
+ of the forwarder.
ClassName info instinvar:
Returns class invariants.
ClassName info instmixin:
Returns the list of instmixins of this class.
ClassName info isntmixinguard name: Returns the guards
+ for the instmixin identified by name.
ClassName info instnonposargs methodName: returns list of
+ non-positional args of methodName
ClassName info instpost methodName:
Returns post assertions of methodName.
@@ -372,6 +594,10 @@
Returns a list of all super-classes of the class,
if superclassname was not specified, otherwise it returns
1 if superclassname is a superclass and 0 if not.
ClassName info slots:
+ Returns the slot objects defined for this class.
- filterList: list of methods that should be registered as filters
+ ?args?: instfilter specification
@@ -465,13 +691,15 @@
- Specifies the list of filters registered for the class.
- instfilter overwrites all previous setting.
- Filters must be available on the class or its heritage
- order. Filters may also reside on the meta-class of the class.
- Filter list may contain filter guards. Then the
- filter is composed of two list elements: {filtername filterguard}.
+ If $args is one argument, it specifies a list of
+ instfilters to
+ be set. Every filter must be an XOTcl proc/instproc within
+ the object scope.
+ If $args it has more argument, the first one specifies the
+ action. Possible values are assign, get,
+ add or delete, it modifies the current
+ settings as indicated. For more details, check the
+ tutorial.
@@ -480,34 +708,45 @@
- empty string
+ if $args return empty current instfilters, otherwise empty
- filterList: name of the new instfilter
+ filterName: filter name of a registered filter
+ guard: set of conditions to execute the filter
- Convenience method that appends an instfilter to the existing filters of the class.
+ Add conditions to guard a filter registration point. The filter
+ is only executed, if the guards are true. Otherwise we ignore the
+ filter. If no guards are given, we always execute the filter.
- filtername: filter name of a registered filter
+ methodName: name of forwarder method
- guard: set of conditions to execute the filter
+ ?options?: -objscope, -methodprefix string, -default names, -earlybinding, -verbose
+ ?callee?: named of the called command or object
+ ?args?: arguments
- Add conditions to guard a filter registration point. The filter
- is only executed, if the guards are true. Otherwise we ignore the
- filter. If no guards are given, we always execute the filter.
+ Register a method for the instances of a class (similar to an instproc)
+ for forwarding calls to a callee (target Tcl command,
+ other object).
+ When the forwarder method is called, the actual arguments
+ of the invocation are appended to the specified arguments. In callee an
+ arguments certain substitutions can take place:
%proc: substituted by name of the forwarder method
%self: substitute by name of the object
%1: substitute by first argument of the invocation
{%@POS value}: substitute the specified value in the argument list
+ on position POS, where POS can be a positive or negative integer
+ or end. Positive integers specify the position from the begin
+ of the list, while negative integer specify the position from the end.
{%argclindex LIST}: take the nth argument of the specified list as
+ substitution value, where n is the number of arguments from the
+ invocation.
%%: a single percent.
%Tcl-command: command to be executed; substituted by result.
+ Additionally each argument can be prefixed by the positional prefix %@POS
+ (note the delimiting space at the end) that can be used to specify an
+ explicit position. POS can be a positive or negative integer or the word
+ end. The positional arguments are evaluated from left to
+ right and should be used in ascending order. valid Options are:
-objscope causes the target to be evaluated in the scope
+ of the object,
-methodprefix string inserts the specified prefix
+ in front of the second argument of the invocation,
-default is used for default method names (only
+ in connection with %1)
-earlybinding: look up the function
+ pointer of the called Tcl command at
+ definition time of the forwarder instead of invocation time.
+ This option should only be used
+ for calling C-implemented Tcl commands, no procs etc.);
: print the substituted command to stderr
+ before executing
- instmixinList: list of classes that should be registered as instmixins
+ ?args?: instmixin specification
@@ -628,10 +923,13 @@
- Specifies the list of instmixins (per-class mixins) for the class.
- Note that the registration of a per-mixin-class does not invoke
- automatically the constructors of the registered class.
- The method instmixin overwrites any previous settings.
+ If $args is one argument, it specifies a list of instmixins to
+ be set. Every instmixin must be a defined class.
+ If $args has more argument, the first one specifies the
+ action. Possible values are assign, get,
+ add or delete, it modifies the current
+ settings as indicated. For more details, check the
+ tutorial.
@@ -640,48 +938,12 @@
- empty string
+ if $args empty return current instmixins, otherwise empty
- Convenience method that appends an instmixin to the existing mixins of the class.
- Return:
- empty string
@@ -707,10 +969,11 @@
specified name. This method is used for example by the
parameter method.
- Class C
- C instparametercmd x
- C c1 -x 100
- puts [c1 x]
+ Class C
+ C instparametercmd x
+ C c1 -x 100
+ puts [c1 x]
Specify an instance method in the same style as Tcl specifies procs.
- Optionally assertions may be given. The number of args is either 3 or 5.
+ Optionally assertions may be given by two additional arguments.
Therefore, to specify only post-assertions an empty pre-assertion list
must be given. All assertions are a list
of ordinary Tcl conditions.
+ When instproc is called with an empty argument list and an empty
+ body, the specified instproc is deleted.
- Create a method 'name' that is evaluated as a tcl command in the
- scope of the object. E.g. 'Object insttclcmd vwait' creates
- an instproc vwait on Object that executes Tcl's vwait in the
- scope of the object. That is local vars of the object are accessible
- to that vwait. (Used to circumvent, for instance, the TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY
- flag of vwait in Tcl.)
- Return:
- empty string
@@ -865,7 +1099,8 @@
Convenience method to create an autonamed object. E.g.:
Http new
+ HTTP new
creates ::xotcl::__#0, a subsequent call creates ::xotcl::__#1, ...
If -childof obj is specified, the new object is
created as a child of the specified object.
@@ -877,7 +1112,7 @@
- new object name
+ fully qualified name of the created instance
@@ -918,12 +1153,11 @@
parameter. It gets and returns the parameter, if no
argument is specified. With one argument, the parameter is set
to the argument value.
Class Car -parameter {{doors 4} color}
- Car herby -doors 2 -color green
+ Car herby -doors 2 -color green
@@ -962,26 +1196,20 @@
Set the parameter class.
The parameter class specifies how parameters are stored and
maintained internally. Per default, a method "default" is called,
- to set the parameter with a default value.
- I.e.,
+ to set the parameter with a default value. I.e.,
Class Car -parameter {
{doors 4}
- }
+ }
is a short form for
Class Car -parameter {
{doors -default 4}
- }
+ }
For specialized parameter classes other methods can be called, e.g.
- {doors -default 3 -updateWidget car}
{doors -default 3 -updateWidget car}
@@ -1026,11 +1254,27 @@
- Hook called upon recreation of an object. Performs standard object
- initialization, per default. May be overloaded/-written. It calls
- another method cleanup which handles actual cleanup of the object
- during next. That means, if you overload recreate, in the pre-part
- the object still contains its old state, after next it is cleaned up.
+ Hook called upon recreation of an object in cases where the user wants to distinguish
+ between creation and recreation of objects. A recreation occurs, when an Object is created
+ with a name that exists already.
+ A typical use-case is the redefinition
+ of classes in and IDE, where the relations between classes/classes and object/classes
+ should be preserved (this is different to a destroy of the object).
The method recreate does not need to call alloc
+ but calls instead cleanup
+ to reset to the object (or class) to its initial state (e.g. remove variables, child objects,
+ for classes remove instaces, etc.). Then it performs the standard initialization
+ for the object or class.
If recreate is overloaded and the default recreate method is called via next,
+ the pre-part
+ (before next) contains its old state of the object,
+ while during the part after next the
+ object is cleaned up.
To ease recreation of classes, see ::xotcl::configure softrecreate.
+ See also: create
@@ -1039,7 +1283,7 @@
- obj name
+ fully qualified name of instance
@@ -1056,7 +1300,7 @@
- classList: list of classes
+ classList: ?list of classes?
@@ -1067,7 +1311,9 @@
Specify super-classes for a class. "superclass" changes the list
- of superclasses dynamically to classList.
+ of superclasses dynamically to classList.
+ The method returns the current value of superclass,
+ when it is called without arguments.
@@ -1076,7 +1322,7 @@
- empty string
+ if classList is not specified return superclass(es), otherwise empty
@@ -1109,9 +1355,9 @@
"unknown" (which is found on the Class Object) and executes it.
The standard unknown-mechanism of XOTcl calls create with all
arguments stepping one step to the right; in the general case:
+ ClassName create ClassName ?args?
ClassName create ClassName ?args?
Unknown can be overloaded in user-defined subclasses of class.
@@ -1126,45 +1372,6 @@
- This method is used to specify that the object
- should be deleted automatically, when the current
- tcl-proc/object-proc/instproc is left. Example
- set x [Object new -volatile]
- Return:
- empty string
@@ -1198,6 +1405,9 @@
of classes. After this call, XOTcl tries again to
resolve D. If it succeeds, XOTcl will continue; otherwise,
an error is generated.
- methname: name of abstract method
+ methodName: name of abstract method
@@ -1435,12 +1645,12 @@
autoname creates an automatically assigned name. It is
constructed from the base name plus an index, that is
incremented for each usage. E.g.:
$obj autoname a
$obj autoname a
produces a0, a1, a2, ...
Autonames may have format strings
as in the Tcl 'format' command.
$obj autoname a%06d
$obj autoname a%06d
produces a000000, a000001, a000002, ...
@@ -1481,11 +1691,10 @@
of assertions, that should be checked on the object automatically.
Per default assertion checking is turned
off. Examples:
- o check {}; # turn off assertion checking on object o
- o check all; # turn on all assertion checks on object o
- o check {pre post}; # only check pre/post assertions
+ o check {}; # turn off assertion checking on object o
+ o check all; # turn on all assertion checks on object o
+ o check {pre post}; # only check pre/post assertions
info check introspects check options.
@@ -1512,7 +1721,7 @@
- newClass: new class name
+ newClass: ?new class?
@@ -1522,16 +1731,18 @@
- Changes the class of an object dynamically to newClass.
+ Changes the class of an object dynamically to newClass.
+ The method returns the current value of class,
+ when it is called without arguments.
- empty string
+ if newClass is not specified return class, otherwise empty
@@ -1559,7 +1770,7 @@
Resets an object or class into an initial state, as after construction.
- Called during recreation process by the method 'recreate'
+ Called during recreation process by the method recreate.
@@ -1595,16 +1806,123 @@
- Calls the '-' methods. I.e. evaluates arguments and calls
- everything starting with '-' (and not having a digit a
- second char) as a method. Every list element until the next '-'
- is interpreted as a method argument. configure is called
- before the constructor during initialization and recreation.
- E.g.
Object o -set x 4
- here:
o configure -set x 4
- is executed.
+ Calls the '-' (dash) methods. This method evaluates its argument list
+ and calls everything starting with '-' (followed by an alpha character)
+ as a method. Every list element until the next '-' is interpreted as an
+ argument of the called method. XOTcl supports argument lists with a variable
+ number of arguments. If an argument of a method called this way starts
+ with a "-", the call can be placed safely
+ into a list (e.g. "Class c [list -strangearg -a-] -simplearg 2") to avoid
+ the interpretation of "a-" as a method.
The method configure is called automatically by
+ the default create and recreate methods after
+ the default values are set.
+ In the following example, the variable set is called via
+ configure before init:
Object o -set x 4
+ The method configure can be called with the
+ dash-notation at arbitrary times:
+ ?-withnew?: Option to overload new to create new objects within
+ the specified object. Per default, this option is turned on.
+ ?-object?: object, in which the new objects should be created.
+ The default is the object, for which contains>/tt> was called.
+ ?-class?: In combination with option -object: If the specified
+ object does not exist, create it from the specified class. The default
+ is ::xotcl::Object
+ cmd: Tcl command to create multiple objects
+ Description:
+ This method can be used to create nested object structures
+ with little syntactic overhead. The method changes the namespace
+ to the specified object and creates objects there.
+ Optionally, a different object scope can be specified and
+ creating new objects in the specified scope can be turned off.
+ The following command creates a three rectangles, containing some
+ points.
+ Class Point -parameter {{x 100} {y 300}}
+ Class Rectangle -parameter {color}
+ Rectangle r0 -color pink -contains {
+ Rectangle r1 -color red -contains {
+ Point x1 -x 1 -y 2
+ Point x2 -x 1 -y 2
+ }
+ Rectangle r2 -color green -contains {
+ Point x1
+ Point x2
+ }
+ }
+ The resulting object structure looks like in the folloing
+ example (simplified).
@@ -1681,11 +1999,10 @@
Standard destructor.
Can be overloaded for customized destruction process. Actual destruction
is done by instdestroy. "destroy" in principal does:
- name: Name of the Configure Argument to be extracted (should start with '-')
+ name: Name of the configure argument to be extracted (should start with '-')
- filterList: list of methods that should be registered as filters
+ ?args?: filter specification
@@ -1851,13 +2168,14 @@
- Specifies the list of filters registered for the class.
- filter overwrites all previous setting.
- Filters must be available on the class or its heritage
- order. Filters may also reside on the meta-class of the class.
- Filter list may contain filter guards. Then the
- filter is composed of two list elements: {filtername filterguard}.
+ If $args is one argument, it specifies a list of filters to
+ be set. Every filter must be an XOTcl proc/instproc within
+ the object scope.
+ If $args it has more argument, the first one specifies the
+ action. Possible values are assign, get,
+ add or delete, it modifies the current
+ settings as indicated. For more details, check the
+ tutorial.
@@ -1866,34 +2184,45 @@
- empty string
+ if $args return empty current filters, otherwise empty
- filterList: name of the new filter
+ filterName: filter name of a registered filter
+ guard: set of conditions to execute the filter
- Convenience method that appends a filter to the existing filters of the object.
+ Add conditions to guard a filter registration point. The filter
+ is only executed, if the guards are true. Otherwise we ignore the
+ filter. If no guards are given, we always execute the filter.
- filtername: filter name of a registered filter
+ methodName: filter method name
- guard: set of conditions to execute the filter
- Add conditions to guard a filter registration point. The filter
- is only executed, if the guards are true. Otherwise we ignore the
- filter. If no guards are given, we always execute the filter.
+ Search a full qualified method name that
+ is currently registered as a filter. Return a list of the
+ proc qualifier format:
+ 'objName|className proc|instproc methodName'.
@@ -1949,46 +2270,109 @@
- an empty string
+ full qualified name, if filter is found, otherwise an empty string
+ ?callee?: named of the called command or object
+ ?args?: arguments
- Search a full qualified method name that
- is currently registered as a filter. Return a list of the
- proc qualifier format:
- 'objName|classname proc|instproc methodName'.
+ Register an object specific method (similar to a proc) for forwarding calls to
+ a callee (target Tcl command, other object).
+ When the forwarder method is called, the actual arguments
+ of the invocation are appended to the specified arguments. In callee an
+ arguments certain substitutions can take place:
%proc: substituted by name of the forwarder method
%self: substitute by name of the object
%1: substitute by first argument of the invocation
{%@POS value}: substitute the specified value in the argument list
+ on position POS, where POS can be a positive or negative integer
+ or end. Positive integers specify the position from the begin
+ of the list, while negative integer specify the position from the end.
{%argclindex LIST}: take the nth argument of the specified list as
+ substitution value, where n is the number of arguments from the
+ invocation.
%%: a single percent.
%Tcl-command: command to be executed; substituted by result.
+ Additionally each argument can be prefixed by the positional prefix %@POS
+ (note the delimiting space at the end) that can be used to specify an
+ explicit position. POS can be a positive or negative integer or the word
+ end. The positional arguments are evaluated from left to
+ right and should be used in ascending order. valid Options are:
-objscope causes the target to be evaluated in the scope
+ of the object,
-methodprefix string inserts the specified prefix
+ in front of the second argument of the invocation,
-default is used for default method names (only
+ in connection with %1)
-earlybinding: look up the function
+ pointer of the called Tcl command at
+ definition time of the forwarder instead of invocation time.
+ This option should only be used
+ for calling C-implemented Tcl commands, no procs etc.);
: print the substituted command to stderr
+ before executing
+ The method init is called automatically by the default
+ create method on initialized
+ objects (the default variables are set, the configure
+ methods are already performed). This method is solely a user hook for
+ applications to perform class specific initialzation after object creation.
@@ -2104,29 +2520,32 @@
Introspection of objects. The following options can be specified:
objName info args method:
- Returns the arguments of the specified method.
+ Returns the arguments of the specified proc (object specific method).
objName info body method:
- Returns the body of the specified method.
+ Returns the body of the specified proc (object specific method).
objName info class ?classname?:
- Returns the name of the class of the current object, if classname was
- not specified, otherwise it returns 1 if classname matches the
+ Returns the name of the class of the current object, if className was
+ not specified, otherwise it returns 1 if className matches the
object's class and 0 if not.
objName info children ?pattern?: Returns the list of aggregated
- objects with fully qualified names if pattern was not specified,
- otherwise it returns all children where the object name matches the pattern.
objName info children ?pattern?: Returns the
+ list of aggregated objects with fully qualified names if
+ pattern was not specified, otherwise it returns all
+ children where the object name matches the pattern.
objName info commands ?pattern: Returns all commands
- defined for the object if pattern was not specified, otherwise
- it returns all commands that match the pattern.
objName info commands ?pattern: Returns all
+ commands defined for the object if pattern was not
+ specified, otherwise it returns all commands that match the
+ pattern.
objName info default method arg var: Returns 1 if the
- argument arg of the method method has a default
- value, otherwise 0. If it exists the default value is stored in var.
objName info default method arg var: Returns 1
+ if the argument arg of the proc (object specific
+ method) method has a default value, otherwise 0. If
+ it exists the default value is stored in var.
objName info filter: Returns a list of filters.
With -guard modifier all filterguards are integrated
@@ -2136,6 +2555,11 @@
objName info filterguard name: Returns the guards
for filter identified by name.
objName info forward ?-definition? name: Checks,
+ whether name is a forwarder (accepts wild chard characters).
+ When -definition/TT> is specified, it returns the definition
+ of the forwarder.
objName info hasNamespace: From XOTcl version 0.9 on,
of objects are allocated on demand. hasNamespace returns 1, if the
@@ -2148,10 +2572,7 @@
objName info invar: Returns object invariants.
objName info metadata ?pattern?:
- Returns available metadata options.
objName info methods: Returns the list of all method
objName info methods: Returns the list of all methods
currently reachable for objName. Includes procs, instprocs, cmds,
instcommands on object, class hierarchy and mixins.
Modifier -noprocs only returns instcommands,
@@ -2162,6 +2583,12 @@
of the object. With -order modifier the order of mixins
(whole hierarchy) is printed.
objName info mixinguard name: Returns the guards
+ for the mixin identified by name.
objName info nonposargs methodName: Returns
+ non-positional arg list of methodName
objName info parent:
Returns parent object name (or "::" for no parent),
in fully qualified form.
@@ -2172,14 +2599,22 @@
objName info pre methodName:
Returns pre assertions of methodName.
objName info procs ?pattern?: Returns all procs defined
- for the object if pattern was not specified,
objName info procs ?pattern?: Returns all procs
+ defined for the object if pattern was not specified,
otherwise it returns all procs that match the pattern.
objName info vars ?pattern?: Returns all variables defined
- for the object if pattern was not specified, otherwise it
- returns all variables that match the pattern.
objName info precedence ?pattern?: Returns all
+ classes in the precedence order from which the specified
+ object inherits methods. The returned list of classes contains
+ the mixin and instmixin classes as well as the classes of the
+ superclass chain in linearized order (i.e., duplicate classes
+ are removed). If the pattern is specified, only matching classes
+ are returned.
objName info vars ?pattern?: Returns all
+ variables defined for the object if pattern was not
+ specified, otherwise it returns all variables that match the
+ pattern.
@@ -2206,15 +2641,15 @@
- v1: instvar variable
+ v1: name of instance variable
- ?v2...vn?: optional other instvar variables
+ ?v2...vn?: optional other names for instance variables
@@ -2226,12 +2661,11 @@
Binds an variable of the object to the current method's scope.
- kitchen proc enter {name} {
- my instvar persons
- set persons($name) [clock seconds]
- }
+ kitchen proc enter {name} {
+ my instvar persons
+ set persons($name) [clock seconds]
+ }
Now persons can be accessed as a local variable of the method.
A special syntax is: {varName aliasName} .
@@ -2528,14 +2962,14 @@
- mixinList
+ ?args?
- mixinList: list of classes that should be registered as mixins
+ ?args?: mixin specification
@@ -2545,8 +2979,13 @@
- Specifies the list of mixins registered for the object.
- The method mixin overwrites all previous settings.
+ If $args is one argument, it specifies a list of mixins to
+ be set. Every mixin must be a defined class.
+ If $args has more argument, the first one specifies the
+ action. Possible values are assign, get,
+ add or delete, it modifies the current
+ settings as indicated. For more details, check the
+ tutorial.
@@ -2555,48 +2994,12 @@
- empty string
+ if $args empty return current mixins, otherwise empty
- Convenience method that appends a mixin to the existing mixins of the object.
- Return:
- empty string
@@ -2621,6 +3024,8 @@
Perform a deep move of the object/class (with all information, like
class, parameter, filter, ...)
to "newName".
+ Note that move is currently implemented as a copy plus
+ subsequent destroy operation.
@@ -2658,11 +3063,12 @@
Add a getter/setter for an instance variable with the
specified name as a command for the obj.
- Example:
- Object o
- o parametercmd x
- o x 100
- puts [o x]
+ Example:
+ Object o
+ o parametercmd x
+ o x 100
+ puts [o x]
@@ -2691,10 +3097,11 @@
flag that constructor (method init) should
not be called.
- Example:
- Class C
- C instproc init {} {puts hu}
- C c1 -noinit
+ Example:
+ Class C
+ C instproc init {} {puts hu}
+ C c1 -noinit
The object c1 will be created without calling
the constructor. This can be used to draw a snapshot of
an existing object (using the serializer) and to recreate
@@ -2718,6 +3125,7 @@
proc name
+ ?non-pos-args?argsbody?preAssertion?
@@ -2736,6 +3144,14 @@
Specify a method in the same style as Tcl specifies procs.
- Optionally assertions may be given. The number of args is either
- 3 or 5.
+ Optionally assertions may be specified by two additional arguments.
Therefore, to specify only post-assertions an empty pre-assertion
list must be given. All assertions are a list
of ordinary Tcl conditions.
+ When instproc is called with an empty argument list and an empty
+ body, the specified instproc is deleted.
- procname: simple proc name
+ procName: simple proc name
@@ -2812,12 +3231,15 @@
- Search for a proc or instproc on an object and return the fully
+ Search which method should be invoked for an object and return the fully
qualified name of the method as a list in
proc qualifier format:
- 'objName|classname proc|instproc methodName'. E.g.,
o procsearch set
- returns
::xotcl::Object instproc set
+ 'objName|className proc|instproc|forward|instforward|parametercmd|instparametercmd|cmd|instcmd methodName'.
+ The proc qualifier format reports the command used to create the method. The
+ only exception is instcmd and cmd, which refer to commands implemented in C.
+ E.g.,
o procsearch set
+ returns
::xotcl::Object instcmd set
@@ -2857,7 +3279,7 @@
e.g. huge numbers of objects are created.
requireNamespace is often needed when e.g. using Tk widgets
when variables are to be referenced via the namespace
- (with ... -variable [self]::varname ...).
+ (with ... -variable [self]::varName ...).
@@ -2876,15 +3298,15 @@
- varname
+ varName?value?
- varname: name of the instance variable
+ varName: name of the instance variable
+ Perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions
+ in the scope of the given object
+ (see documentation of Tcl command with the same name for details).
+ ?-nocomplain?: possible error messages are suppressed
v1: Variable to unset
@@ -3033,9 +3511,9 @@
When this method is used without the optional level, it is a short form
- of the Tcl command
- upevel [self callinglevel] command ?args?.
- When it is called with the level, it is compatible with the original tcl command.
+ of the Tcl command
uplevel [self callinglevel] command ?args?
+ When it is called with the level, it is compatible with the original Tcl command.
- othervar localvar: referenced variable and variale in the local scope
+ otherVar localVar: referenced variable and variable in the local scope
- ?othervar localvar?: optional pairs of referenced and local variable names
+ ?otherVar localVar?: optional pairs of referenced and local variable names
@@ -3090,9 +3568,9 @@
When this method is used without the optional level, it is a short form
- of the Tcl command
- upvar [self callinglevel] othervar localvar ?...?.
- When it is called with the level, it is compatible with the original tcl command.
+ of the Tcl command
upvar [self callinglevel] otherVar localVar ?...?
+ When it is called with the level, it is compatible with the original Tcl command.
+ This method is used to specify that the object
+ should be deleted automatically, when the current
+ Tcl-proc/object-proc/instproc is left. Example: