Index: openacs-4/packages/dotlrn/www/doc/dotlrn-install.adp =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/dotlrn/www/doc/dotlrn-install.adp,v diff -u -r1.2.8.3 -r1.2.8.4 --- openacs-4/packages/dotlrn/www/doc/dotlrn-install.adp 4 Jul 2006 12:45:33 -0000 +++ openacs-4/packages/dotlrn/www/doc/dotlrn-install.adp 4 Jul 2006 13:26:13 -0000 @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
  • Get dotLRN from CVS
  • Install dotLRN on your system
  • Explore dotLRN
  • -
  • Reinstalling dotLRN
  • @@ -32,19 +31,18 @@

    If you are installing OpenACS, follow the extensive - installation - documentation. + installation documentation. Stop at the - point + point where the OpenACS installation instructions tell you to "download OpenACS". Don't use the "Quick Downloads"! Continue on with this document.


    -      cvs -d login
    -      (just hit return for the password)
    -      cvs -z3 -d checkout acs-core
    +		cvs -d login
    +		(just hit return for the password)
    +		cvs -z3 -d checkout -r oacs-5-2 acs-core

    @@ -53,52 +51,20 @@ forget to set the CVS_RSH variable in your shell environment to "ssh".

    + +

    Get dotLRN from CVS


    dotLRN requires some more modules that are not in acs-core, but not all of the packages in the OpenACS source tree. Next are the commands to get these modules.


    - Here's the current list of non-core packages needed for dotlrn: -



    -      acs-datetime
    -      acs-developer-support (optional)
    -      acs-events
    -      acs-mail-lite
    -      attachments
    -      bulk-mail
    -      calendar
    -      faq
    -      file-storage
    -      forums
    -      general-comments
    -      news
    -      notifications
    -      ref-timezones
    -      user-preferences

    - Do not install or, if installed, - remove these - packages since they conflict with dotlrn packages: portal - (conflicts with new-portal) and spam - (conflicts with bulk-mail) -

    - -

    - cd to the newly created /openacs-4/packages - directory before the next command. -



    -      cvs -z3 -d co \
    -      acs-datetime acs-developer-support acs-events acs-mail-lite \
    -      attachments bulk-mail calendar faq file-storage forums general-comments \
    -      news notifications ref-timezones user-preferences
    +		cd openacs-4/packages
    +		cvs -z3 -d co -r oacs-5-2 dotlrn-all
    +		mv dotlrn/install.xml ../

    @@ -113,171 +79,56 @@ /openacs-4/packages directory should look similar to this:

    -      $ ls
    -      acs-admin                acs-kernel            acs-templating  forums
    -      acs-api-browser          acs-mail              acs-util        general-comments
    -      acs-bootstrap-installer  acs-mail-lite         acs-workflow    news
    -      acs-content              acs-messaging         attachments     notifications
    -      acs-content-repository   acs-notification      bulk-mail       page
    -      acs-core-docs            acs-reference         calendar        ref-timezones
    -      acs-datetime             acs-service-contract  CVS             search
    -      acs-developer-support    acs-subsite           faq             skin
    -      acs-events               acs-tcl               file-storage    user-preferences
    +	  $ ls
    +	  acs-admin                acs-templating      dotlrn-forums        lars-blogger
    +	  acs-api-browser          acs-translations    dotlrn-fs            new-portal
    +	  acs-authentication       assessment          dotlrn-homework      news
    +	  acs-automated-testing    assessment-portlet  dotlrn-news          news-portlet
    +	  acs-bootstrap-installer  attachments         dotlrn-portlet       notifications
    +	  acs-content-repository   bm-portlet          dotlrn-random-photo  oacs-dav
    +	  acs-core-docs            bulk-mail           dotlrn-static        profile-provider
    +	  acs-datetime             calendar            dotlrn-syllabus      random-photo-portlet
    +	  acs-developer-support    calendar-portlet    dotlrn-weblogger     ref-timezones
    +	  acs-events               categories          evaluation           rss-support
    +	  acs-kernel               CVS                 evaluation-portlet   search
    +	  acs-lang                 dotlrn              faq                  static-portlet
    +	  acs-mail                 dotlrn-admin        faq-portlet          theme-selva
    +	  acs-mail-lite            dotlrn-assessment   feed-parser          trackback
    +	  acs-messaging            dotlrn-bm           file-storage         user-preferences
    +	  acs-reference            dotlrn-calendar     forums               user-profile
    +	  acs-service-contract     dotlrn-dotlrn       forums-portlet       weblogger-portlet
    +	  acs-subsite              dotlrn-evaluation   fs-portlet           workflow
    +	  acs-tcl                  dotlrn-faq          general-comments     xml-rpc

    Get dotLRN from CVS

    - Getting dotLRN from CVS is just like getting OpenACS from CVS - with a different CVSROOT. -


    - Change to your /openacs-4/packages directory issue the - following commands: -

    -      cvs -d login
    -      (hit return for prompted for password)
    -      cvs -z3 -d co dotlrn-core       


    - This will fetch the following packages to your - /openacs-4/packages directory
    - (Updated August 29: removed research-portlet and dotlrn-research): -

    - -
    -        dotlrn
    -        dotlrn-syllabus
    -        new-portal
    -        profile-provider
    -        user-profile
    -        bm-portlet 
    -        dotlrn-bm
    -        calendar-portlet
    -        dotlrn-calendar
    -        dotlrn-portlet
    -        dotlrn-dotlrn
    -        faq-portlet
    -        dotlrn-faq
    -        forums-portlet
    -        dotlrn-forums
    -        fs-portlet
    -        dotlrn-fs
    -        news-portlet
    -        dotlrn-news
    -        static-portlet
    -        dotlrn-static
    - -

    - - A few minor - modifications of the OpenACS code needs to be done here. First, - in the /openacs-4 directory (where you see the bin, - CVS, packages ... directories), make sure a directory named - content-repository-content-files exists. If not, create - it with the same permissions as the other dirs. -


    Next, copy the /openacs-4 directory to where ever you prefer your webserver root to be, traditionally /web. Now you can continue with the OACS installation - document at the third bullet point. Continue with the + href="">installation + document at the third point "Prepare the database" of the 2nd section + "Installation option 2". Continue with the standard OACS installation process until your reach the "Congratulations!" front page, then return here.

    Install dotLRN on your system

    - Go the the "ACS Package Manager" (APM) on your system - at http://yourserver/acs-admin/apm and hit the - "Install packages" link. After the installer loads, you - will see a list of the packages you just got from CVS. Click the - button at the bottom of the page to Install them. You do not - have to restart your server at ths point. + Go the the "Site Wide Administration" on your system + at /acs-admin/ and hit the + "Install software" link, then the "Install from local" one + and finally choose "Service" type. After the installer loads, you + will see a list of the packages you just got from CVS. Check the + packages you want to install and hit "Install or upgrade checked + applications" button at the bottom of the page.


    - Next go to the "Site Map" on your system at - http://yourserver/admin/site-map. Click the "new - sub folder" link to the right of the "Main Site" - link at the top of the table. Enter dotlrn in the - textbox, and hit the button. -

    - -

    - There will be a new entry in the URL column for - "dotlrn" with "(none)" in the application - column, to the right of this, click the "New - Application" link. Enter dotlrn into the textbox - and select "dotLRN" from the drop-down list and hit the - button. -

    - -

    - There will now be "dotlrn" in the application column to - the right of the "dotlrn/" URL. -

    - -

    - Install the - "notifications" and "attachments" packages at - the URL "/notifications" and - "/attachments"the same way you installed - "dotlrn" -

    - - - -

    - Next you must set some parameters from the Site Map - page. - -


    - -

    - You must now restart your server, wait a few minutes, and - reload the "Site Map" page in your browser After - the server restarts, refresh the "Site Map". You will - see a "(+)" to the left of the dotlrn/ URL and a new - URL: "portal/" with application "new-portal". -

    - -

    - Aren't seeing the "(+)" beside dotlrn/? - Something went wrong. Did you restart your server? Restart again - while doing a tail -f of the error log with debug turned - on in your AOLServer configuration. Please report all errors you - encounter to the Bug Tracker. -

    - - -

    Explore dotLRN

    Go to dotLRN Administration at - http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin. Make some dotLRN + /dotlrn/admin. Make some dotLRN users, terms, departments, classes.

    @@ -299,59 +150,3 @@ Enjoy!

    - -

    Automatated Installation

    - -

    - - - (new Oct 11) - As an alternative to the manual installation above. Peter Marklund - ( has developed scripts to automate installation. - If you are just starting out with dotlrn, it would be a good idea to - go through the manual installation a few times before trying to use - the automated scripts. - - To get the scripts, use the following commandline: - -

    cvs -d checkout dotlrn-install
    - -

    - - -

    Manual Re-installation

    - -

    - Sometimes you have to dump your DB. Here's the dotLRN reinstall - process. -


    - Important note:If you have the dotlrn-survey, - and/or survey-portlet directories on your system, please delete them as - they are no longer part of the dotlrn-core packages. If you - are not using simple-survey aside from dotlrn, you can delete that too. - -

    1. Stop aolserver and any open sqlplus - sessions
    2. -
    3. Create a drop/create user script. Lars has a swift - tool - to help you create one.
    4. -
    5. In a shell, type: -
      -           % sqlplus internal < my-drop-create-script.sql
      - - Verify that your database user was droped and created - successfully. If you get an error saying: Cannot drop a - user that is currently connected, close all open - sqlplus sessions and repeat the command above.
    6. -
    7. Now would be a good time to cvs update OpenACS and dotLRN
    8. -
    9. Re-start aolserver, wait 20 seconds or so, and - do the standard OpenACS installation.
    10. -
    11. Go to the Install dotLRN on your system - section of this document and continue from there.
    12. -

    - -