Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-subsite/tcl/email-image-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-subsite/tcl/email-image-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.3.2.2 -r1.3.2.3
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-subsite/tcl/email-image-procs.tcl 27 Sep 2005 14:10:51 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-subsite/tcl/email-image-procs.tcl 18 Apr 2006 13:00:43 -0000
@@ -30,33 +30,6 @@
return [db_string get_private_email { }]
-ad_proc -public email_image::check_image_magick {} {
- Check if the ImageMagick software is installed and if the necesary
- library (FreeType) is present, by looking for the "convert" command and
- freetype library.
- returns 1 if required software is present, 0 otherwise
-} {
- if { [catch {
- set convert_p [string length [exec find /usr/local/bin -name convert]]
- }] } {
- set convert_p 0
- }
- if { [catch {
- set freetype_p [string length [exec whereis freetype]]
- }] } {
- set freetype_p 0
- }
- if { $convert_p != 0 && $freetype_p != 9 } {
- return 1
- } else {
- return 0
- }
ad_proc -public email_image::get_user_email {
{-return_url ""}
@@ -89,28 +62,21 @@
return "$email"
"3" {
- if { [email_image::check_image_magick] } {
- set email_image_id [email_image::get_related_item_id -user_id $user_id]
- if { $email_image_id != "-1" } {
- # The user has an email image stored in the content repository
- set revision_id [content::item::get_latest_revision -item_id $email_image_id]
- set export_vars "user_id=$user_id&revision_id=$revision_id"
- set email_image ""
- } else {
- # Create a new email_image
- if { [catch { set email_image [email_image::new_item -user_id $user_id -bgcolor $bgcolor -transparent $transparent] } errmsg ] } {
- set email_user [lindex [split $email '@'] 0]
- set email_domain [lindex [split $email '@'] 1]
- set email_image "${email_user}${email_domain}"
- }
- }
+ set email_image_id [email_image::get_related_item_id -user_id $user_id]
+ if { $email_image_id != "-1" } {
+ # The user has an email image stored in the content repository
+ set revision_id [content::item::get_latest_revision -item_id $email_image_id]
+ set export_vars "user_id=$user_id&revision_id=$revision_id"
+ set email_image ""
} else {
- # ImageMagick not present, we protect the email by adding
- # an image replacing the "@" symbol
- set email_user [lindex [split $email '@'] 0]
- set email_domain [lindex [split $email '@'] 1]
- set email_image "${email_user}${email_domain}"
+ # Create a new email_image
+ if { [catch { set email_image [email_image::new_item -user_id $user_id -bgcolor $bgcolor -transparent $transparent] } errmsg ] } {
+ # ImageMagick not present, we protect the email by adding
+ # an image replacing the "@" symbol
+ set email_user [lindex [split $email '@'] 0]
+ set email_domain [lindex [split $email '@'] 1]
+ set email_image "${email_user}${email_domain}"
+ }
return $email_image
@@ -229,11 +195,6 @@
@bgcolor The background color of the image in the format \#xxxxxx, default to \#ffffff
@transparent If you want the background color transparent set it to 1. Default to 1
} {
- if { ![email_image::check_image_magick]} {
- # ImageMagick or library not present
- return
- }
if { $new_email == [email_image::get_email -user_id $user_id] } {
# Email didn't change
@@ -256,7 +217,10 @@
set bg "xc:$bgcolor"
# Creating an image of the rigth length where the email will be
- exec convert -size $size $bg $dest_path
+ if { [catch { exec convert -size $size $bg $dest_path } ] } {
+ # ImageMagick not present
+ return
+ }
# Creating the image with the email of the user on it
exec convert -font $font_type -fill blue -pointsize $font_size -draw "text 0,$ypos $new_email" \