Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.ch_zh.utf-8.xml =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/Attic/survey.ch_zh.utf-8.xml,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.ch_zh.utf-8.xml 14 Feb 2004 14:04:54 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.ch_zh.utf-8.xml 14 Feb 2004 19:57:07 -0000 1.3 @@ -1,245 +1,10 @@ - + - ——创建人 - ,%creation_date%日 - 动作 - 活动的吗? - 增加问题 - 增加新的 - 增加新问题 - 管理此问卷 - 允许多项选择 - 解答问卷 - 解答文本 - - 问题下面 - 问题旁边 - 布尔 - 按用户 - 选择问卷类型 - 选择问卷类型 - 选择类型 - 继续删除 - 拷贝 - 拷贝 - 拷贝此问卷 - 拷贝:%title_name% - 找不到此用户 - 创建问卷 - CSV导出 - CVS文件 - 数据库错误 - 数据库错误 - 日期 - 删除 - 删除: - 删除:问题 - 删除问题 - 删除应答 - 删除问卷 - 删除此问卷 - 描述: - 描述 - 使不能 - (不能的) - 显示选项: - 编辑 - 编辑描述 - 编辑名称 - 编辑解答 - 编辑此回复 - 可编辑的 - 已编辑的 - Email地址 - Email选项: - 使能 - 输入信息 - Extreme操作: - 文件附件 - - 从: - - 一般问卷 - 此处是 - [非动态的] - 整数 - - 大的 - - 限一人 - ——用此问卷做模板,创建新问卷。 - ——删除所有问题及回应 - 交换问题时发生数据库错误。错误如下: - 已收到:%n_responses users%查看用户。<%community_url%/survey/admin/respondents?response_type=responded> 群发用户。 <%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=responded> - 已收到:%n_responses users% 查看用户。<%community_url%/survey/admin/respondents?response_type=responded> 群发用户。<%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=responded> - 应答%survey_name% - 等待回应:%n_awaiting users% 查看用户。<%community_url%/survey/admin/respondents?response_type=not_responded> 群发用户。<%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=not_responded> 整组:%n_members% 查看用户。<%community_url%/survey/admin/respondents?response_type=all> 群发用户。<%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=all> 回应: - 取消并返回到问卷回复 - 取消并返回到调查问卷 - 确实要从%response_date_var%彻底删除%user_name_var%的应答吗?(注意:此操作是不可逆转的。) - 确认问卷详细信息 - 拷贝一个问卷可以创建一个包含所有问题拷贝的新问卷。<br /> 应答数据不会被拷贝。 - 找不到问卷问题 - 找不到回复 - 找不到附件。找不到问题%question_id%的应答%response_id%相应的附件。 - 删除 - 删除:问卷回复 - 删除此问卷将回删除所有的%questions_count%问题和所有相应的%responses_count%应答。 - 必答题 - 描述不能超过4000字符 - 编辑并提交已更改的问卷名称 - 撰写回答(文本区域) - 任何人都可答此问卷 - 所有答此问卷之人 - 还没有答此问卷之人 - 对多项选择题<br />输入有效的应答列表<br />(每行输入一个选择) - 必须表示应答到%survey_name%: - 问卷描述显示样式如下: - <img src="graphics/admin.gif" border="0" alt="管理问卷"> - <img src="graphics/admin.gif" border="0" alt="管理"> - 主要问卷管理 - 修改问题文本 - 修改前一应答 - 修改问题应答 - 多项选择题(多选框,可选择多项) - 多项选择题(下拉列表,只能选一项) - 多项选择题(单选钮,只能选一项) - 无应答 - 没有的应答 - %responses.submission_date%日|%responses.response% - 一行应答(文本区域) - 一个应答者:%first_names% %last_name% - 一个问卷 - 回答%response_text%之人 - 请返回。 - 请确认日期有效。 - 陈述对齐 - 预览问卷:%name% - 以前解答:%surveys.creation_date% - 前一应答:%survey_details.creation_date% - 关于此问卷 - 申请的问卷不存在 - %response_date%日的回复 - %responses.creation_date%日的回答 - 给%survey_name%提交的回复 - 回复已提交。谢谢! - 问题的应答 - 返回问卷管理 - %section_id%不存在 - 发送邮件回复:%survey_name% - 问卷管理 - 问卷管理:增加问题(内容) - 问卷管理:创建新问卷 -新问题 - %survey_name%:编辑描述 - %survey_name%:编辑名称 - %survey_name%:修改问题文本 - 问卷名称不得超过4000字符。 - 问卷名称不得超过4000字符。 - %survey_name%:回答者 - 当提问%question_text%时,回答%response_text%的%survey_name%应答者: - %survey_name%:应答 - %survey_name%:问题应答 - 没找到问卷问题 - 问卷%section_id%不存在 - 问卷%survey_id不存在 - 问卷%survey_id不存在 - 对不起,%survey_name%回答者:%user_name%这里是%user_name% %comm_url%对%survey_name:%的应答: - 问卷:%survey_name%回答者:%user_name%这里是%user_name% %comm_url%对%survey_name:%的应答: - 上述描述是 - 对%question_text%的应答必须是整数。您的回答是response_value%。 - 对%question_text%的应答必须是数字。您的回答是response_value%。 - 已有一个应答。 - 已有%n_responses%个应答。 - 此问题有%n_responses% %resp%。建议不要编辑有应答的问题。原始问题没有留档。操作要小心。 - 删除问题时出现错误: - 这是一个多项选择题问卷,没一个问题可以有一个或多个答案。此问卷也允许你在问卷结束时,根据分值使用任意编码(如redirects)。 - 此问题有%n_responses% %response_text%。如果继续,将被删除。(注意:此操作是不可逆转的。) - 此问卷允许你指定应答的类型。如果你想让用户输入自己的答案而不是从列表中选择,可以使用此问卷。如果你想使用符合问题类型,如多项选择题、自由文本输入问题,也可以使用此问卷。 - 此问卷是不可编辑的。 - 将删除%response_count%应答 - 到问卷索引页。 - 用户能编辑应答 - 用户不能编辑应答 - 有效应答(每行输入一个选择) - 你没有输入一列有效回答或选择。 - 你没有输入问题。 - 你没有答完所有的题目。你跳过了: - 你已完成了此问卷 - 你的文件0字节。试图上传一个0字节文件,或者一个不存在的文件,或文件传输过程中出错。 - %responses.pretty_submission_date%日的应答 - - 意思是: - 中等的 - 信息主题 - 修改问题 - 修改应答 - 向下移动 - 向上移动 - 多项选择题 - 名称 - 新问卷 - 不是 - 没有找到数据 - 没有应答 - 没有活动的问卷 - - 没有找到 - 数字 - 一个回答者 - 一个应答 - 问卷:%name% - oops - 原始的 - 普通文本 - 预格式化文本 - 陈述类型 - 预览 - 问题 - 问题文本 - 问题 - 必答吗? - 回答者 - 应答 - 没有找到应答 - 应答选项: - 应答已提交 - 应答 - 应答 - 应答 - 返回 - 分数 - 计分问卷 - 发送群发邮件 - 发送邮件 - 发送邮件给 - 短文本 - 大小 - 小的 - 标准Dev - 提交 - 提交 - 摘要 - 问卷描述 - 问卷名称: - 问卷名称 - 问卷名称:%name% - 问卷 - 文本 - 此问卷是 - True或False - True/False - 应答类型 - 上传文件: - 查看 - 查看解答 - 查看应答: - 查看应答 - 查看应答。 - 警告! - 警告: - - 是或否 - 是/否 + 鹸崙 + 鹸崙 : %title_name% + 傍苧 : + 傍苧 + 園辞 + 窮徨喨周仇峽 Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/Attic/survey.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml 14 Feb 2004 14:04:54 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml 14 Feb 2004 19:57:07 -0000 1.3 @@ -1,25 +1,36 @@ + -- Please Choose -- - Created by , on %creation_date% + Action on submit Actions Active? Add A Question + Add A Section Add New add new question + Add one Admin This Survey allow multiple Answer Survey Answer Text are Below the question + beside Beside the question + block Boolean + Branch By user + Change + Checkboxes + choice Choose a Survey Type Choose Survey Type Choose Type + Column Continue with Delete Copy Copy of @@ -32,12 +43,14 @@ CSV file Database Error Database error + Database Error $test Date Delete Delete: DELETE: Question Delete Question Delete Response + Delete Section Delete Survey Delete this survey Description: @@ -50,24 +63,36 @@ Edit Description Edit Name Edit Response + Edit Section edit this response editable Edited Email Address Email Options: enable Enter Message + $errmsg :: $line + Errors encountered + Execute TCL-Code Extreme Actions: File Attachment First Name + First Section From: From General Survey Here is what HTML + HTML? + Identify user by + Identifying field + Import + Import responses [inactive] Integer + Invalid Choice! is + Key Column Large Last Name limit to one @@ -87,6 +112,7 @@ Spam these users. <%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=responded> + Answer descriptions (one per line) Answers to %survey_name% Awaiting a response: %n_awaiting users% @@ -101,13 +127,19 @@ Spam these users. <%community_url%/survey/admin/send-mail?survey_id=%survey_id%&to=all> Responses: + Begin new Page after this section + Branch is displayed, if answer to \"$bquestion\" is \"$bchoice\" Cancel and return to survey responses Cancel and return to survey administration + Cannot make measurement section + Cannot move section below dependant sections Completely delete %user_name_var%'s response from %response_date_var%? (Note: This can not be undone.) + Completely delete ${user_name}'s response from $response_date? (Note: This can not be undone.) Confirm Survey Details Copying a survey will create a new survey with copies of all the questions.<br /> None of the response data will be duplicated. Could not find a survey question Could not find the response + Could not find user #$user_id Couldn't find attachment. Couldn't find an attachment matching the response_id %response_id%, question_id %question_id% given. DELETE: DELETE: Survey Response @@ -119,11 +151,19 @@ Everyone eligible to take this survey Everyone who has already taken this survey Everyone who has not yet taken this survey + First section cannot be branch For Multiple Choice<br />Enter a List of Valid Responses<br /> (enter one choice per line) had to say in response to %survey_name%: Here is how your survey description will appear: <img src="graphics/admin.gif" border="0" alt="Administer Surveys"> <img src="graphics/admin.gif" border="0" alt="Admin"> + Import successful" <#_ There were no problems with the import. $line records have been created. <a href=one?survey_id=$survey_id>Return to the survey</a> + Line $line: Answer to question $question($question_id.question_text) cannot be empty + Line $line: Choice \"$choice\" does not exist in question $question($question_id.question_text) + Line $line: Invalid boolean value \"$response_value\" for question $question($question_id.question_text)< + Line $line: Invalid Date \"$response_value\" for question $question($question_id.question_text) + Line $line: Invalid Number \"$response_value\" for question $question($question_id.question_text) + Line $line: User with $identifier \"[lindex $data $idfield]\" does not exist Main Survey Administration Manage predefined questions Modify a Question's Text @@ -132,19 +172,46 @@ Multiple Choice (Checkbox, multiple answers allowed) Multiple Choice (Drop Down, single answer allowed) Multiple Choice (Radio Buttons, single answer allowed) + New Page after this section + No appropriate questions found + No file given for import! No Responses for: No Responses for on %responses.submission_date% | %responses.response% One Line Answer (Text Field) One Respondent: %first_names% %last_name% One Survey: People who answered %response_text% + Plain Text" "plain"}}}} +} -edit_request { + get_survey_info -survey_id $survey_id + set survey_name $survey_info(name) + set description $survey_info(description) + set description_html_p $survey_info(description_html_p) + set desc_html "" + if {$description_html_p=="t"} { + set desc_html "html" + } else { + set desc_html "plain" + } + ad_set_form_values desc_html description + +} -validate { + {description {[string length $description] <= 4000} + <#_ Description must be less than 4000 characters + Please enter a column name + Please enter a key name + Please enter a table name + Please enter TCL-Code Please go back using your browser. Please make sure your dates are valid. + Please select \"Execute TCL-Code\" if you want to enter code + Please select \"Update DB\" if you want to insert values into the Database Presentation Alignment Preview One Survey: %name% Previous response on: %surveys.creation_date% Previous response on: %survey_details.creation_date% + Question (leave empty to keep original) regarding this survey Requested survey does not exist Response on %response_date% @@ -183,18 +250,26 @@ Here is what %user_name% <%comm_url%> had to say in response to %survey_name:% + Surveys of type $type are not currently available. + Test successful" <#_ There were no problems with the import. $line records can be created. Go back and hit Import to proceed The Above Description is + The above description is The response to %question_text% must be an integer. Your answer was %response_value%. The response to %question_text% must be a number. Your answer was %response_value%. There has been 1 response. There have been %n_responses% responses. + There have been $n_responses responses. There %isare% %n_responses% %resp% to this question. Editing a question with responses is not recommnded. No record of the original question will remain. Proceed with caution. + There $isare $n_responses $resp to this question. Editing a question with responses is not recommended. No record of the original question will remain. Proceed with caution. There was an error while trying to delete the question: + There was an error while trying to delete the question + There were some errors This is a multiple choice survey where each answer can be scored on one or more variables. This survey also allows you to execute arbitrary code (e.g. for redirects) conditional on the user's score at the end of the survey. This question has %n_responses% %response_text% that will be deleted if you continue. (Note: This can not be undone.) + This question has $n_responses $response_text that will be deleted if you continue. (Note: This can not be undone.) This survey allows you to specify the type of response required. Use this survey if you want to allow users to enter their own answers rather than choose from a list. You should also use this @@ -203,34 +278,45 @@ This survey is not editable This will remove %response_count% responses to the survey index page. + Unable to delete section. This was the Error: <pre>$errmsg</pre> + Unable to delete section. It does contain questions, which must be deleted first Users may edit their responses Users may not edit their responses Valid Responses (enter one choice per line) + Valid Resposnes (enter one choice per line) + Which choice should lead to this branch? + You did not enter a description. You did not enter a list of valid responses/choices. You did not enter a question. + You did not enter a set of valid responses You didn't respond to all required sections. You skipped: You have already completed this survey Your file is zero-length. Either you attempted to upload a zero length file, a file which does not exist, or something went wrong during the transfer. Your response on %responses.pretty_submission_date% make Mean: + Measurement Section Medium Message Subject Modify Question + Modify Question # Modify Responses Move Down + Move to section Move Up Multiple Choice multiple responses Name New Survey No + No condition defined No data found No Responses No surveys active non- Not Found + Nothing Number One Respondent One Response @@ -239,12 +325,18 @@ Original paragraph Plain Text + Plain text + Position + Predefined Questions Preformatted Text + Presentation Presentation Type Preview Question Question Text Questions + radio + Radio buttons Required? Respondents response @@ -257,6 +349,8 @@ Return Score Scored Survey + Section Name + Select box Send bulk mail Send Mail @@ -273,12 +367,16 @@ Survey Name Survey Name: %name% Surveys + Table table + TCL-Code + Test Text This survey is True or False True/False Type of Response + Update DB Uploaded file: View View Response Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.pt_PT.ISO-8859-1.xml =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/Attic/survey.pt_PT.ISO-8859-1.xml,v diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2 --- openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.pt_PT.ISO-8859-1.xml 7 Feb 2004 13:16:58 -0000 1.1 +++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/survey/catalog/survey.pt_PT.ISO-8859-1.xml 14 Feb 2004 19:57:07 -0000 1.2 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + - Criado por , em %creation_date%