Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/tcl/project-procs-postgresql.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/tcl/Attic/project-procs-postgresql.xql,v
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/tcl/project-procs-postgresql.xql 26 Aug 2003 00:06:30 -0000 1.1
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/tcl/project-procs-postgresql.xql 4 Sep 2003 22:45:22 -0000 1.2
@@ -14,22 +14,27 @@
- sum(p.actual_hours_completed) as projects_total_hours_worked
+ sum(t.actual_hours_worked) as actual_hours_completed,
+ sum(t.estimated_hours_work) as estimated_hours_total,
+ to_char(current_timestamp,'J') as today_j
- pm_projectsx p, cr_items i
+ pm_tasks_revisionsx t, cr_items i
- p.item_id in ([join $project_list ", "]) and
- i.live_revision = p.revision_id
+ t.item_id in ([join $task_list ", "]) and
+ i.live_revision = t.revision_id
- sum(t.actual_hours_worked) as tasks_total_hours_worked
+ t.actual_hours_worked as worked,
+ t.estimated_hours_work as to_work,
+ t.item_id as my_iid,
+ to_char(end_date,'J') as task_deadline_j
pm_tasks_revisionsx t, cr_items i
@@ -38,12 +43,41 @@
+ select
+ d.dependency_id,
+ d.task_id as task_item_id,
+ d.parent_task_id,
+ d.dependency_type
+ from
+ pm_task_dependency d
+ where
+ d.task_id in ([join $task_list ", "])
+ select
+ to_char(planned_start_date,'J') as start_date_j,
+ to_char(planned_end_date,'J') as end_date_j
+ from
+ pm_projects
+ where
+ project_id = (select live_revision from cr_items where item_id = :project_item_id)
- actual_hours_completed = :total_hours_worked
+ actual_hours_completed = :actual_hours_completed,
+ estimated_hours_total = :estimated_hours_total,
+ earliest_finish_date = 'J[expr floor([set max_earliest_finish])]',
+ latest_finish_date = 'J[expr ceil([set min_latest_start])]'
project_id = (select live_revision from cr_items where item_id = :project_item_id)
@@ -66,4 +100,18 @@
+ update
+ pm_tasks_revisions
+ set
+ earliest_start = 'J[expr ceil( [set earliest_start($task_item)])]',
+ earliest_finish = 'J[expr ceil( [set earliest_finish($task_item)])]',
+ latest_start = 'J[expr floor([set latest_start($task_item)])]',
+ latest_finish = 'J[expr floor([set latest_finish($task_item)])]'
+ where
+ task_revision_id = (select live_revision from cr_items where item_id = :task_item)
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/tcl/project-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/tcl/Attic/project-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/tcl/project-procs.tcl 26 Aug 2003 00:05:58 -0000 1.1
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/tcl/project-procs.tcl 4 Sep 2003 22:45:22 -0000 1.2
@@ -18,78 +18,449 @@
These are the items we'd like to compute
estimated_completion_date timestamptz,
earliest_completion_date timestamptz,
latest_completion_date timestamptz,
actual_hours_completed numeric,
estimated_hours_total numeric
+ earliest start(i) = max(activity_time(i-1) + earliest_start(i-1))
+ earliest_finish(i) = earliest_start(i) + activity_time(i)
+ latest_start(i) = min(last_start(i+1) - activity_time(i)
+ latest_finish(i) = latest_start(i) + activity_time(i)
- loop through all items that have parent_id equal to this item
- if a subproject,
- then call compute_status(subproject)
- use statistics from that project
- if a task
- then use statistics
+ The statistics are computed based on:
- after loop, then compute statistics for this project
- save values to database
+ project statistics are based on that project + subproject statistics
+ that means if a project has a subproject, then the tasks for both of those projects are put together in one list, and computed together.
+ so for a project with no subprojects, the values are computed for the tasks in that project
+ for a project with subprojects, the statistics are based on the tasks of both of those projects.
+ this function returns a list of task_item_ids of all tasks under
+ a project, plus all subproject tasks.
} {
- ns_log Notice "computing status for $project_item_id"
- set project_list [list]
- set task_list [list]
+ # TODO:
+ #
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # to improve this in the future, be more intelligent about what is updated.
+ # i.e., this procedure updates everything, which is necessary sometimes,
+ # but not if you only edit one task.
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Add in resource limits. (it's not realistic that 300 tasks can be done in
+ # one day)
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Use dependency types -- currently they're all treated like finish_to_start
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # note if you want to understand the algorithms in this function, you
+ # should look at:
+ #
+ ns_log Notice "-----------------------------------------"
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # for now, hardcode in a day is 8 hours. Later, we want to set this by
+ # person
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ set hours_day 8
+ # -------------------------
+ # get subprojects and tasks
+ # -------------------------
+ set task_list [list]
+ set task_list_project [list]
foreach sub_item [db_list_of_lists select_project_children { }] {
set my_id [lindex $sub_item 0]
set my_type [lindex $sub_item 1]
if {[string equal $my_type "pm_project"]} {
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # gets all tasks that are a part of subprojects
+ # ---------------------------------------------
set project_return [project_manager::project::compute_status $my_id]
- lappend project_list $my_id
- ns_log Notice "added project to list $my_id"
+ set task_list_project [concat $task_list_project $project_return]
} elseif {[string equal $my_type "pm_task"]} {
lappend task_list $my_id
- # --------------------------------
- # get information from subprojects
- # --------------------------------
- set projects_total_hours_worked 0
+ set task_list [concat $task_list $task_list_project]
- if {[llength $project_list] > 0} {
- db_1row projects_query { }
- ns_log Notice "Project total hours: $projects_total_hours_worked"
- } else {
- ns_log Notice "No subprojects"
+ # -------------------------
+ # no tasks for this project
+ # -------------------------
+ if {[llength $task_list] == 0} {
+ return [list]
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------
+ # we now have list of tasks that includes all subprojects' tasks
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------
- # --------------------------
- # get information from tasks - note currently no support for subtasks
- # --------------------------
- set tasks_total_hours_worked 0
+ # returns actual_hours_completed, estimated_hours_total, and
+ # today_j (julian date for today)
+ db_1row tasks_group_query { }
- if {[llength $task_list] > 0} {
- db_1row tasks_query { }
- ns_log Notice "Tasks total hours: $tasks_total_hours_worked"
- } else {
- ns_log Notice "No tasks"
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Set up activity_time for all tasks
+ # Also set up deadlines for tasks that have hard-coded deadlines
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------
+ db_foreach tasks_query { } {
+ set activity_time($my_iid) [expr $to_work - $worked]
+ if {[exists_and_not_null task_deadline_j]} {
+ set latest_finish($my_iid) $task_deadline_j
+ set latest_start($my_iid) [expr $task_deadline_j - [expr $activity_time($my_iid) / double($hours_day)]]
+ }
- # estimated_completion_date timestamptz,
- # earliest_completion_date timestamptz,
- # latest_completion_date timestamptz,
- # actual_hours_completed numeric,
- # estimated_hours_total numeric
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # We need to keep track of all the dependencies so we can meaningfully
+ # compute deadlines, earliest start times, etc..
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------
- # now update projects
- set total_hours_worked [expr $projects_total_hours_worked + $tasks_total_hours_worked]
+ db_foreach dependency_query { } {
+ # task_item_id depends on parent_task_id
+ lappend depends($task_item_id) $parent_task_id
+ # parent_task_id is dependent on task_item_id
+ lappend dependent($parent_task_id) $task_item_id
+ set dependency_types($task_item_id-$parent_task_id) $dependency_type
+ ns_log Notice "id: $dependency_id task: $task_item_id parent: $parent_task_id type: $dependency_type"
+ }
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------
+ # need to get some info on this project, so that we can base the
+ # task information off of them
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------
+ # gives up planned_start_date and planned_end_date
+ db_1row project_info { }
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------
+ # task_list contains all the tasks
+ # a subset of those do not depend on any other tasks
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # we want to go through and fill in all the values for earliest start.
+ # the brain-dead, brute force way of doing this, would be go through the
+ # task_list length(task_list) times, and each time, compute the values
+ # for each item that depends on one of those tasks. This is extremely
+ # inefficient.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Instead, we create two lists, one is of tasks we just added
+ # earliest_start values for, the next is a new list of ones we're going to
+ # add earliest_start values for. We call these lists
+ # present_tasks and future_tasks
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ set present_tasks [list]
+ set future_tasks [list]
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ # make a list of tasks that don't depend on other tasks
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ # while we're at it, save earliest_start and earliest_finish
+ # info for these items
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ foreach task_item $task_list {
+ if {![info exists depends($task_item)]} {
+ set earliest_start($task_item) $start_date_j
+ set earliest_finish($task_item) [expr $earliest_start($task_item) + [expr $activity_time($task_item) / double($hours_day)]]
+ lappend present_tasks $task_item
+ ns_log Notice "Begin earliest_start($task_item): $earliest_start($task_item)"
+ }
+ }
+ # -------------------------------
+ # stop if we have no dependencies
+ # -------------------------------
+ if {[llength $present_tasks] == 0} {
+ ns_log Notice "No tasks with dependencies"
+ return [list]
+ }
+ ns_log Notice "present_tasks: $present_tasks"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------
+ # figure out the earliest start and finish times
+ # ------------------------------------------------------
+ while {[llength $present_tasks] > 0} {
+ set future_tasks [list]
+ foreach task_item $present_tasks {
+ ns_log Notice "this task_item: $task_item"
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ # some tasks may already have earliest_start filled in
+ # the first run of tasks, for example, had their values
+ # filled in earlier
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ if {![exists_and_not_null earliest_start($task_item)]} {
+ ns_log Notice " info exists for $task_item"
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # set the earliest_start for this task =
+ # max(activity_time(i-1) + earliest_start(i-1))
+ #
+ # (i-1 means an item that this task depends on)
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ set max_earliest_start $today_j
+ foreach dependent_item $depends($task_item) {
+ set my_earliest_start [expr [expr $activity_time($dependent_item) / double($hours_day)] + $earliest_start($dependent_item)]
+ if {$my_earliest_start > $max_earliest_start} {
+ set max_earliest_start $my_earliest_start
+ }
+ }
+ set earliest_start($task_item) $max_earliest_start
+ set earliest_finish($task_item) [expr $max_earliest_start + [expr $activity_time($task_item) / double($hours_day)]]
+ ns_log Notice \
+ " earliest_start ($task_item): $earliest_start($task_item)"
+ ns_log Notice \
+ " earliest_finish($task_item): $earliest_finish($task_item)"
+ }
+ # -------------------------------
+ # add to list of tasks to process
+ # -------------------------------
+ if {[info exists dependent($task_item)]} {
+ set future_tasks [concat $future_tasks $dependent($task_item)]
+ }
+ }
+ ns_log Notice "future tasks: $future_tasks"
+ set present_tasks $future_tasks
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------
+ # set up earliest date project will be completed
+ # ----------------------------------------------
+ set max_earliest_finish $today_j
+ foreach task_item $task_list {
+ ns_log Notice "*Earliest start ($task_item): $earliest_start($task_item)"
+ if {$max_earliest_finish < $earliest_finish($task_item)} {
+ set max_earliest_finish $earliest_finish($task_item)
+ }
+ }
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Now compute latest_start and latest_finish dates.
+ # Note the latest_finish dates may be set to an arbitrary deadline.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # we want to go through and fill in all the values for latest start
+ # and latest_finish.
+ # the brain-dead, brute force way of doing this, would be go through the
+ # task_list length(task_list) times, and each time, compute the values
+ # for each item that depends on one of those tasks. This is extremely
+ # inefficient.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Instead, we create two lists, one is of tasks we just added
+ # latest_finish values for, the next is a new list of ones we're going to
+ # add latest_finish values for. We call these lists
+ # present_tasks and future_tasks
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # The biggest problem with this algorithm is that you can have items at
+ # two different levels in the hierarchy. For example,
+ # 2155
+ # / | \
+ # 2161 2173 2179
+ # | |
+ # 2167 2195
+ # if you trace through this algorithm, you'll see that we'll get to 2155
+ # before 2161's values have been set, which can cause an error. The
+ # solution we arrive at is to defer to the future_tasks list any item
+ # that causes an error. That should work.
+ set present_tasks [list]
+ set future_tasks [list]
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ # make a list of tasks that don't have tasks depend on them
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ # while we're at it, save latest_start and latest_finish
+ # info for these items
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ foreach task_item $task_list {
+ if {![info exists dependent($task_item)]} {
+ set latest_finish($task_item) $end_date_j
+ set latest_start($task_item) [expr $latest_finish($task_item) - [expr $activity_time($task_item) / double($hours_day)]]
+ lappend present_tasks $task_item
+ ns_log Notice "Begin latest_start($task_item): $latest_start($task_item) latest_finish: $latest_finish($task_item)"
+ }
+ }
+ # -------------------------------
+ # stop if we have no dependencies
+ # -------------------------------
+ if {[llength $present_tasks] == 0} {
+ ns_log Notice "No tasks with dependencies"
+ return [list]
+ }
+ ns_log Notice "LATEST present_tasks: $present_tasks"
+ # ------------------------------------------------------
+ # figure out the latest start and finish times
+ # ------------------------------------------------------
+ while {[llength $present_tasks] > 0} {
+ set future_tasks [list]
+ foreach task_item $present_tasks {
+ ns_log Notice "this task_item: $task_item"
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ # some tasks may already have latest_start filled in
+ # the first run of tasks, for example, had their values
+ # filled in earlier
+ # -----------------------------------------------------
+ if {[info exists dependent($task_item)]} {
+ ns_log Notice " info exists for dependent($task_item)"
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # set the latest_start for this task =
+ # min(latest_start(i+1) - activity_time(i)
+ #
+ # (i+1 means an item that depends on this task)
+ # (i means this task)
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ set min_latest_start $end_date_j
+ foreach dependent_item $dependent($task_item) {
+ if {![exists_and_not_null latest_start($dependent_item)]} {
+ # let's not do this task_item yet
+ lappend future_tasks $task_item
+ set defer_p t
+ } else {
+ set my_latest_start [expr $latest_start($dependent_item) - [expr $activity_time($dependent_item) / double($hours_day)]]
+ if {$my_latest_start < $min_latest_start} {
+ set min_latest_start $my_latest_start
+ }
+ set defer_p f
+ }
+ }
+ if {[string equal $defer_p f]} {
+ set latest_start($task_item) $min_latest_start
+ set latest_finish($task_item) [expr $min_latest_start + [expr $activity_time($task_item) / double($hours_day)]]
+ ns_log Notice \
+ " latest_start ($task_item): $latest_start($task_item)"
+ ns_log Notice \
+ " latest_finish($task_item): $latest_finish($task_item)"
+ } else {
+ ns_log Notice "Deferring $task_item"
+ }
+ }
+ # -------------------------------
+ # add to list of tasks to process
+ # -------------------------------
+ if {[info exists depends($task_item)]} {
+ set future_tasks [concat $future_tasks $depends($task_item)]
+ }
+ }
+ ns_log Notice "future tasks: $future_tasks"
+ set present_tasks $future_tasks
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------
+ # set up latest start date for project
+ # ----------------------------------------------
+ set min_latest_start $end_date_j
+ foreach task_item $task_list {
+ ns_log Notice "*Latest start ($task_item): $latest_start($task_item)"
+ if {$min_latest_start > $latest_start($task_item)} {
+ set max_earliest_finish $earliest_finish($task_item)
+ }
+ }
+ # estimated_finish_date
+ # latest_finish
db_dml update_project { }
- return "ok"
+ # now we go through and save all the values for the tasks!
+ # this is very inefficient and stupid
+ foreach task_item $task_list {
+ db_dml update_task { }
+ }
+ ns_log Notice "*******************"
+ return $task_list
@@ -120,7 +491,7 @@
ns_log Notice "root: $root_folder , last_item_id $last_item_id"
- set return_code [compute_status $project_item_id]
+ set return_code [compute_status $last_item_id]
return $return_code
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/add-edit-postgresql.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/add-edit-postgresql.xql,v
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/add-edit-postgresql.xql 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.7
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/add-edit-postgresql.xql 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.8
@@ -62,4 +62,16 @@
where project_id = :project_id
+ p.item_id as project_item_id
+ pm_projectsx p
+ p.project_id = :project_id
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/add-edit.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/add-edit.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/add-edit.tcl 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.10
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/add-edit.tcl 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.11
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
} -new_data {
set project_id [db_exec_plsql new_project_item { *SQL* }]
+ set project_item_id [db_string get_item_id { }]
ad_returnredirect "one?[export_url_vars project_item_id project_id]"
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/dependency-add-edit.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/dependency-add-edit.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/dependency-add-edit.tcl 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.1
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/dependency-add-edit.tcl 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.2
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@
db_dml new_dependency { *SQL* }
+ project_manager::project::compute_parent_status $project_item_id
} -edit_data {
} -after_submit {
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index-postgresql.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/index-postgresql.xql,v
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index-postgresql.xql 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.6
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index-postgresql.xql 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.7
@@ -5,24 +5,24 @@
- p.item_id,
+ p.item_id,
- repeat(:indent_pattern, (tree_level(p.tree_sortkey) - 5)* :indent_factor) as indent,
p.parent_id as folder_id,
- p.object_type as content_type,
- p.title as project_name,
- p.project_code,
- to_char(p.planned_start_date, 'Mon DD ''YY') as planned_start_date,
- to_char(p.planned_end_date, 'Mon DD ''YY') as planned_end_date,
- p.ongoing_p,
+ p.object_type as content_type,
+ p.title as project_name,
+ p.project_code,
+ to_char(p.planned_start_date, 'Mon DD ''YY') as planned_start_date,
+ to_char(p.planned_end_date, 'Mon DD ''YY') as planned_end_date,
+ p.ongoing_p,
to_char(p.estimated_finish_date, 'Mon DD ''YY') as estimated_finish_date,
to_char(p.earliest_finish_date, 'Mon DD ''YY') as earliest_finish_date,
to_char(p.latest_finish_date, 'Mon DD ''YY') as latest_finish_date
FROM pm_projectsx p, cr_items i
- WHERE p.project_id = i.live_revision
- ORDER BY i.tree_sortkey
+ WHERE p.project_id = i.live_revision and
+ p.parent_id = :root_folder
+ ORDER BY p.title
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index.adp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/index.adp,v
diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index.adp 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.12
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index.adp 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.13
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
Project |
Project Code |
Status |
- Start Date |
- End Date |
+ Start |
+ Deadline |
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
- @projects.indent@
@@ -34,7 +33,8 @@
- @projects.actual_hours_completed@ hrs
+ @projects.actual_hours_completed@ of
+ @projects.estimated_hours_total@ hrs
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/index.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index.tcl 6 Aug 2003 20:22:18 -0000 1.5
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/index.tcl 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.6
@@ -50,11 +50,6 @@
# root CR folder
set root_folder [db_string get_root "select pm_project__get_root_folder (:package_id, 'f')"]
-# set up for indentation of hierarchy
-set indent_pattern " "
-set indent_factor [parameter::get -parameter IndentationFactor -default 5]
db_multirow projects project_folders {}
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one-postgresql.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/one-postgresql.xql,v
diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one-postgresql.xql 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.11
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one-postgresql.xql 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.12
@@ -84,7 +84,12 @@
- to_char(t.end_date,'MM/DD/YY') as end_date,
+ to_char(t.end_date,'Mon DD ''YY') as end_date,
+ to_char(t.earliest_start,'Mon DD ''YY') as earliest_start,
+ to_char(t.earliest_finish,'Mon DD ''YY') as earliest_finish,
+ to_char(t.latest_start,'Mon DD ''YY') as latest_start,
+ to_char(t.latest_finish,'Mon DD ''YY') as latest_finish,
+ t.latest_start-t.end_date as slack_time,
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one.adp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/one.adp,v
diff -u -r1.18 -r1.19
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one.adp 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.18
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one.adp 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.19
@@ -54,32 +54,28 @@
+ Earliest finish |
+ @project.earliest_finish_date@ |
Deadline |
@project.planned_end_date@ |
- Earliest finish |
- @project.earliest_finish_date@ |
Estimated finish |
@project.estimated_finish_date@ |
- Latest finish |
- @project.latest_finish_date@ |
+ Latest finish |
+ @project.latest_finish_date@ |
- Actual hours completed |
- @project.actual_hours_completed@ |
+ Hours completed |
+ @project.actual_hours_completed@ of @project.estimated_hours_total@ |
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/one.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.13 -r1.14
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one.tcl 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.13
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/one.tcl 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.14
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
db_multirow tasks project_tasks_query { }
if {$use_uncertain_completion_times_p} {
- set work_display_template "@tasks.estimated_hours_work_min@ - @tasks.estimated_hours_work_max@ hrs"
+ set work_display_template "@tasks.estimated_hours_work_min@ - @tasks.estimated_hours_work_max@ h"
} else {
- set work_display_template "@tasks.estimated_hours_work@ hrs"
+ set work_display_template "@tasks.estimated_hours_work@ h"
template::list::create \
@@ -104,24 +104,8 @@
display_col title
link_url_col item_url
link_html { title "View this task" }
- }
- percent_complete {
- label "Status"
- display_template "@tasks.percent_complete@\%"
- }
- actual_hours_worked {
- label "Hour to date"
- display_template "@tasks.actual_hours_worked@ hrs"
- aggregate "sum"
- }
- estimated_hours_work {
- label "Work estimate"
- display_template "[set work_display_template]"
- }
- end_date {
- label "Deadline"
display_template {
- @tasks.end_date@
+ @tasks.title@
@@ -138,6 +122,29 @@
+ percent_complete {
+ label "Status"
+ display_template "@tasks.percent_complete@\% @tasks.actual_hours_worked@/[set work_display_template]"
+ }
+ earliest_start {
+ label "Earliest Start"
+ display_template "@tasks.earliest_start@"
+ }
+ earliest_finish {
+ label "Earliest Finish"
+ display_template "@tasks.earliest_finish@"
+ }
+ latest_start {
+ label "Latest Start"
+ display_template "@tasks.latest_start@"
+ }
+ latest_finish {
+ label "Latest Finish"
+ display_template {
+ @tasks.latest_finish@
+ !
+ }
+ }
} \
-filters {
project_item_id {}
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-add-edit.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/task-add-edit.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-add-edit.tcl 29 Aug 2003 00:35:35 -0000 1.14
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-add-edit.tcl 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.15
@@ -179,8 +179,6 @@
- project_manager::project::compute_parent_status $project_item_id
} -edit_data {
} -select_query_name task_query -after_submit {
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-edit-postgresql.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/task-edit-postgresql.xql,v
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-edit-postgresql.xql 21 Aug 2003 22:34:43 -0000 1.3
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-edit-postgresql.xql 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.4
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
- to_timestamp(:end_date,'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS'),
+ [project_manager::project::util::datenvl -value $end_date -value_if_null "null," -value_if_not_null "to_timestamp('$end_date','YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS'),"]
+ :estimated_hours_work,
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
to_char(t.end_date,'YYYY MM DD') as end_date,
+ t.estimated_hours_work,
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-edit.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/task-edit.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-edit.tcl 26 Aug 2003 00:05:58 -0000 1.5
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-edit.tcl 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.6
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- end_date:date,optional
+ {end_date:date ""}
} -properties {
@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@
- {end_date:date,to_sql(linear_date),from_sql(sql_date)
+ {end_date:date,to_sql(linear_date),optional
{label "Deadline"}
+ {value {[util::date acquire clock [clock scan $end_date]]}}
{format "MONTH DD YYYY"}
@@ -89,6 +90,11 @@
{html {size 3}}
+ {estimated_hours_work:text
+ {label "Estimated hours work"}
+ {html {size 3}}
+ }
{label "Estimated hours work - min"}
{html {size 3}}
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one-postgresql.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/task-one-postgresql.xql,v
diff -u -r1.11 -r1.12
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one-postgresql.xql 22 Aug 2003 00:27:33 -0000 1.11
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one-postgresql.xql 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.12
@@ -41,7 +41,12 @@
t.title as task_title,
- to_char(t.end_date,'MM/DD/YYYY') as end_date,
+ to_char(t.end_date,'Mon DD ''YY') as end_date,
+ to_char(t.earliest_start,'Mon DD ''YY') as earliest_start,
+ to_char(t.earliest_finish,'Mon DD ''YY') as earliest_finish,
+ to_char(t.latest_start,'Mon DD ''YY') as latest_start,
+ to_char(t.latest_finish,'Mon DD ''YY') as latest_finish,
+ t.latest_start-t.end_date as slack_time,
@@ -75,44 +80,44 @@
t.title as task_title,
to_char(t.end_date,'MM/DD/YYYY') as end_date,
- c.parent_task_id,
- c.const_type
+ d.parent_task_id,
+ d.dependency_type
- pm_tasks_revisionsx t, cr_items i, pm_task_constraints c
+ pm_tasks_revisionsx t, cr_items i, pm_task_dependency d
- c.task_id = :task_id and
- c.parent_task_id = t.item_id and
+ d.task_id = :task_id and
+ d.parent_task_id = t.item_id and
t.revision_id = i.live_revision and
t.item_id = i.item_id
- [template::list::orderby_clause -name consts -orderby]
+ [template::list::orderby_clause -name dependency -orderby]
t.title as task_title,
to_char(t.end_date,'MM/DD/YYYY') as end_date,
- c.parent_task_id,
- c.const_type,
- c.task_id
+ d.parent_task_id,
+ d.dependency_type,
+ d.task_id
- pm_tasks_revisionsx t, cr_items i, pm_task_constraints c
+ pm_tasks_revisionsx t, cr_items i, pm_task_dependency d
- c.task_id = t.item_id and
- c.parent_task_id = :task_id and
+ d.task_id = t.item_id and
+ d.parent_task_id = :task_id and
t.revision_id = i.live_revision and
t.item_id = i.item_id
- [template::list::orderby_clause -name consts2 -orderby]
+ [template::list::orderby_clause -name dependency2 -orderby]
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one.adp
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/task-one.adp,v
diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one.adp 21 Aug 2003 22:34:43 -0000 1.10
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one.adp 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.11
@@ -29,13 +29,37 @@
+@task_info.slack_time@ slack |
Dates |
| @task_info.end_date@ |
+Earliest start
+ | @task_info.earliest_start@ |
+Earliest finish
+ | @task_info.earliest_finish@ |
+Latest start
+ | @task_info.latest_start@ |
+Latest finish
+ | @task_info.latest_start@ |
@@ -49,11 +73,11 @@
@task_term@(s) this relies on.
@task_term@(s) relying on this @task_term@
Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/Attic/task-one.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
--- openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one.tcl 23 Aug 2003 00:24:34 -0000 1.14
+++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/project-manager/www/task-one.tcl 4 Sep 2003 22:45:23 -0000 1.15
@@ -9,22 +9,22 @@
@return task_term_lower Term to use for task
@return assignee_term Term to use for assignee
@return watcher_term Term to use for watcher
- @return consts multirow that stores constraint information
- @return consts multirow that stores constraint information for tasks that have constraints on this particular task
+ @return dependency multirow that stores dependency information
+ @return dependency2 multirow that stores dependency information for tasks that have dependencies on this particular task
@param task_id item_id for the task
@param project_item_id the item_id for the project. Used for navigational links
@param project_id the revision_id for the project. Used for navigational links
@param context_bar value for context bar creation
@param orderby_revisions specifies how the revisions table will be sorted
- @param orderby_consts specifies how the constraints will be sorted
- @param orderby_consts2 specifies how the constraints will be sorted (for tasks that have constraints on this task)
+ @param orderby_dependency specifies how the dependencies will be sorted
+ @param orderby_dependency2 specifies how the dependencies will be sorted (for tasks that have dependencies on this task)
} {
- orderby_consts:optional
- orderby_consts2:optional
+ orderby_dependency:optional
+ orderby_dependency2:optional
} -properties {
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
- consts:multirow
- consts2:multirow
+ dependency:multirow
+ dependency2:multirow
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@
-orderby_name orderby_revisions \
-filters {
task_revision_id {}
- orderby_consts {}
- orderby_consts2 {}
+ orderby_dependency {}
+ orderby_dependency2 {}
} \
-html {
width 100%
@@ -137,26 +137,26 @@
set item_url [export_vars -base "task-one" -override {{task_revision_id $revision_id}} -exclude {revision_id} { revision_id task_id}]
-# Constraints info ------------------------------------------------
+# Dependency info ------------------------------------------------
template::list::create \
- -name consts \
- -multirow consts \
+ -name dependency \
+ -multirow dependency \
-key task_id \
-elements {
- const_type {
+ dependency_type {
label "Type"
display_template {
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
percent_complete {
label "Status"
- display_template "@consts.percent_complete@\%"
+ display_template "@dependency.percent_complete@\%"
end_date {
label "Deadline"
@@ -179,41 +179,41 @@
percent_complete {orderby percent_complete}
end_date {orderby end_date}
} \
- -orderby_name orderby_consts \
+ -orderby_name orderby_dependency \
-filters {
task_revision_id {}
orderby_revisions {}
- orderby_consts2 {}
+ orderby_dependency2 {}
} \
-html {
width 100%
-db_multirow -extend { item_url } consts consts_query {
+db_multirow -extend { item_url } dependency dependency_query {
} {
set item_url [export_vars -base "task-one" -override {{task_id $parent_task_id}} { task_id }]
-# Constraints info (constraints other task have on this task) ------
+# Dependency info (dependency other task have on this task) ------
template::list::create \
- -name consts2 \
- -multirow consts2 \
+ -name dependency2 \
+ -multirow dependency2 \
-key task_id \
-elements {
- const_type {
+ dependency_type {
label "Type"
display_template {
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
percent_complete {
label "Status"
- display_template "@consts2.percent_complete@\%"
+ display_template "@dependency2.percent_complete@\%"
end_date {
label "Deadline"
@@ -236,18 +236,18 @@
percent_complete {orderby percent_complete}
end_date {orderby end_date}
} \
- -orderby_name orderby_consts2 \
+ -orderby_name orderby_dependency2 \
-filters {
task_revision_id {}
orderby_revisions {}
- orderby_consts {}
+ orderby_dependency {}
} \
-html {
width 100%
-db_multirow -extend { item_url } consts2 consts2_query {
+db_multirow -extend { item_url } dependency2 dependency2_query {
} {