Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/tcl/util-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/tcl/util-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.30 -r1.31
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/tcl/util-procs.tcl 1 Oct 2017 12:16:05 -0000 1.30
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/tcl/util-procs.tcl 19 Dec 2017 16:22:11 -0000 1.31
@@ -27,35 +27,35 @@
begins with a dash. This particularly problematic for negative numbers.
} {
- upvar opts opts
+ upvar opts opts
- set size [llength $argv]
+ set size [llength $argv]
- # append a switch break
- lappend argv "-*"
+ # append a switch break
+ lappend argv "-*"
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } {} {
- # Get a switch
- set opt [string trimleft [lindex $argv $i] -]
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $size } {} {
- # Get the next arg
- set next [lindex $argv [incr i]]
+ # Get a switch
+ set opt [string trimleft [lindex $argv $i] -]
- if { [string index $next 0] ne "-"
- || ![regexp {[a-zA-Z*]} [string index $next 1] match] } {
- # the next arg was not a switch so assume it is a parameter
- set opts($opt) $next
- # advance the counter past the switch parameter
- incr i
+ # Get the next arg
+ set next [lindex $argv [incr i]]
- } else {
- # the next arg was a switch so just use 1 as the parameter
- set opts($opt) 1
+ if { [string index $next 0] ne "-"
+ || ![regexp {[a-zA-Z*]} [string index $next 1] match] } {
+ # the next arg was not a switch so assume it is a parameter
+ set opts($opt) $next
+ # advance the counter past the switch parameter
+ incr i
+ } else {
+ # the next arg was a switch so just use 1 as the parameter
+ set opts($opt) 1
+ }
- }
# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
@@ -66,19 +66,19 @@
Converts an array to an option list
@param array_ref The name of the array in the calling frame containing
- option-value pairs. Defaults to "opts".
+ option-value pairs. Defaults to "opts".
@return A list of option-value pairs suitable for appending to a command.
} {
- upvar $array_ref arr
+ upvar $array_ref arr
- set ret [list]
- foreach {key value} [array get arr] {
- lappend ret "-$key" $value
- }
- return $ret
+ set ret [list]
+ foreach {key value} [array get arr] {
+ lappend ret "-$key" $value
+ }
+ return $ret
ad_proc -public template::util::is_nil { ref } {
@@ -87,25 +87,25 @@
@param ref The name of a variable to test in the calling frame.
@return 1 if the variable either not exist or is an empty string. 0 if
- the variable is either an array reference or a non-empty scalar.
+ the variable is either an array reference or a non-empty scalar.
} {
- upvar $ref var
+ upvar $ref var
- # check for an array as well
- if { [array exists var] } { return 0 }
+ # check for an array as well
+ if { [array exists var] } { return 0 }
- if { [info exists var] && $var ne {} } {
- set result 0
- } else {
- set result 1
- }
- return $result
+ if { [info exists var] && $var ne {} } {
+ set result 0
+ } else {
+ set result 1
+ }
+ return $result
ad_proc -public template::util::is_unique { table columns values } {
Queries a database table for the existence of a particular row.
- Useful for validating form input to reduce the possibility of
+ Useful for validating form input to reduce the possibility of
unique constraint violations.
@param table The name of a database table.
@@ -115,28 +115,28 @@
@return 1 if the row exists, 0 if not
} {
- set query "select count(*) from $table where "
+ set query "select count(*) from $table where "
- for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $columns] } { incr i } {
- set value [ns_dbquotevalue [lindex $values $i]]
- lappend conditions "[lindex $columns $i] = $value"
- }
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $columns] } { incr i } {
- append query [join $conditions " and "]
+ set value [ns_dbquotevalue [lindex $values $i]]
+ lappend conditions "[lindex $columns $i] = $value"
+ }
- set count [db_string get_count $query]
+ append query [join $conditions " and "]
- return [expr {$count == 0}]
+ set count [db_string get_count $query]
+ return [expr {$count == 0}]
ad_proc -public template::util::is_true { x } {
interprets its argument as a boolean.
@param x the value to test
- @return 0 if the variable can be interpreted as false;
- 1 for true if it can't.
+ @return 0 if the variable can be interpreted as false;
+ 1 for true if it can't.
} {
#expr {[string tolower $x] ni {0 f false n no off ""}}
#ns_log notice "TRUE [expr {[string tolower $x] ni {0 f false n no off ""}}] [string is true -strict $x]"
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
@param ref The name of a list in the calling frame on which to operate.
} {
- upvar $ref the_list
- set the_list [lrange $the_list 0 end-1]
+ upvar $ref the_list
+ set the_list [lrange $the_list 0 end-1]
ad_proc -public template::util::lnest { listref value next args } {
@@ -159,62 +159,62 @@
@param value Either a list or scalar value to store in the list.
@param next A key value that determines the next node to
- traverse outward in the data structure.
+ traverse outward in the data structure.
@param args Subsequent nodes to traverse.
} {
- upvar $listref inlist
- if { ! [info exists inlist] } {
- set inlist [list]
- }
+ upvar $listref inlist
+ if { ! [info exists inlist] } {
+ set inlist [list]
+ }
- # inlist represents the top level of the data structure into which
- # we are inserting. We need to turn the list into an array to determine
- # which branch to follow next.
+ # inlist represents the top level of the data structure into which
+ # we are inserting. We need to turn the list into an array to determine
+ # which branch to follow next.
- array set values $inlist
- # next determines the next branch to follow as we look for the proper
- # location of the value. if the key is not found, create a new branch by
- # adding an empty list to inlist
+ array set values $inlist
- if { [info exists values($next)] } {
- set next_list $values($next)
- } else {
- set next_list [list]
- }
+ # next determines the next branch to follow as we look for the proper
+ # location of the value. if the key is not found, create a new branch by
+ # adding an empty list to inlist
- # the number of additional arguments after next determines how many
- # more branches or levels we need to traverse before reaching the actual
- # insertion point into the data structure.
+ if { [info exists values($next)] } {
+ set next_list $values($next)
+ } else {
+ set next_list [list]
+ }
- set remaining [llength $args]
- if { $remaining == 0 } {
+ # the number of additional arguments after next determines how many
+ # more branches or levels we need to traverse before reaching the actual
+ # insertion point into the data structure.
- # we have reached a leaf
- lappend next_list $value
+ set remaining [llength $args]
+ if { $remaining == 0 } {
- } elseif { $remaining == 1 } {
+ # we have reached a leaf
+ lappend next_list $value
- # continue for one more step to the leaf
- lnest next_list $value [lindex $args 0]
+ } elseif { $remaining == 1 } {
- } else {
+ # continue for one more step to the leaf
+ lnest next_list $value [lindex $args 0]
- # more branches to go. Call the procedure recursively starting with
- # the current branch.
+ } else {
- lnest next_list $value [lindex $args 0] [lrange $args 1 end]
- }
+ # more branches to go. Call the procedure recursively starting with
+ # the current branch.
- # At this point the branch has been updated. Update the branch in the
- # array.
+ lnest next_list $value [lindex $args 0] [lrange $args 1 end]
+ }
- set values($next) $next_list
+ # At this point the branch has been updated. Update the branch in the
+ # array.
- # Update inlist.
- set inlist [array get values]
+ set values($next) $next_list
+ # Update inlist.
+ set inlist [array get values]
ad_proc -public template::util::set_to_list { set args } {
@@ -228,17 +228,17 @@
@return A list in the form { key value key value key value ... }
} {
- set result [list]
+ set result [list]
- for { set i 0 } { $i < [ns_set size $set] } { incr i } {
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [ns_set size $set] } { incr i } {
- set key [ns_set key $set $i]
- if { $key in $args } { continue }
+ set key [ns_set key $set $i]
+ if { $key in $args } { continue }
- lappend result $key [ns_set value $set $i]
- }
+ lappend result $key [ns_set value $set $i]
+ }
- return $result
+ return $result
ad_proc -public template::util::set_to_vars { set args } {
@@ -248,21 +248,21 @@
@param args Any number of keys to declare as local variables.
} {
- if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
+ if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
- for { set i 0 } { $i < [ns_set size $set] } { incr i } {
- set key [ns_set key $set $i]
- upvar $key value
- set value [ns_set get $set $key]
- }
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [ns_set size $set] } { incr i } {
+ set key [ns_set key $set $i]
+ upvar $key value
+ set value [ns_set get $set $key]
+ }
- } else {
+ } else {
- foreach key $args {
- upvar $key value
- set value [ns_set get $set $key]
+ foreach key $args {
+ upvar $key value
+ set value [ns_set get $set $key]
+ }
- }
ad_proc -public template::util::array_to_vars { arrayname } {
@@ -283,12 +283,12 @@
@param arrayname The name of an array in the calling frame.
@param args Any number of local variables to include in the array
} {
- upvar $arrayname arr
+ upvar $arrayname arr
- foreach var $args {
- upvar $var value
- set arr($var) $value
- }
+ foreach var $args {
+ upvar $var value
+ set arr($var) $value
+ }
ad_proc -public template::util::list_to_array { values array_ref columns } {
@@ -298,35 +298,35 @@
@param values A list of values
@param array_ref The name of the array to create in the calling frame.
@param columns A list of column names to use for the array keys.
- The length of this list should be the same as the values
- list.
+ The length of this list should be the same as the values
+ list.
} {
- upvar $array_ref array
+ upvar $array_ref array
- for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $values] } { incr i } {
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $values] } { incr i } {
- set key [lindex $columns $i]
- set value [lindex $values $i]
+ set key [lindex $columns $i]
+ set value [lindex $values $i]
- set array($key) $value
- }
+ set array($key) $value
+ }
ad_proc -public template::util::list_of_lists_to_array { lists array_ref } {
- Converts a list of lists in the form { { key value } { key value } ... }
+ Converts a list of lists in the form { { key value } { key value } ... }
to an array.
} {
- upvar $array_ref array
+ upvar $array_ref array
- foreach pair $lists {
+ foreach pair $lists {
- set key [lindex $pair 0]
- set value [lindex $pair 1]
+ set key [lindex $pair 0]
+ set value [lindex $pair 1]
- set array($key) $value
- }
+ set array($key) $value
+ }
ad_proc -public template::util::list_to_lookup { values array_ref } {
@@ -337,26 +337,26 @@
@param values A list of values
@param array_ref The name of the array to create in the calling frame.
} {
- upvar $array_ref array
+ upvar $array_ref array
- set i 1
+ set i 1
- foreach element $values {
- set array($element) $i
- incr i
- }
+ foreach element $values {
+ set array($element) $i
+ incr i
+ }
-ad_proc -public template::util::multirow_to_list {
+ad_proc -public template::util::multirow_to_list {
{-level 1}
- name
+ name
} {
generate a list structure representitive of a multirow data source
NB: if the multirow is generated by db_multirow, db_multirow must
be called with the -local option
@param name the name of an existing multirow data source
@return a representation of a multirow data source as a list,
@@ -365,18 +365,18 @@
@see proc template::util::list_to_multirow
} {
- upvar $level $name:rowcount rowcount
+ upvar $level $name:rowcount rowcount
- set rows [list]
+ set rows [list]
- for { set i 1 } { $i <= $rowcount } { incr i } {
+ for { set i 1 } { $i <= $rowcount } { incr i } {
- upvar $level $name:$i row
+ upvar $level $name:$i row
- lappend rows [array get row]
- }
+ lappend rows [array get row]
+ }
- return $rows
+ return $rows
ad_proc -public template::util::list_to_multirow { name rows { level 1 } } {
@@ -390,16 +390,16 @@
@see proc template::util::multirow_to_list
} {
- upvar $level $name:rowcount rowcount
- set rowcount [llength $rows]
- set rownum 1
+ upvar $level $name:rowcount rowcount
+ set rowcount [llength $rows]
+ set rownum 1
- foreach rowlist $rows {
- lappend rowlist rownum $rownum
- upvar $level $name:$rownum row
- array set row $rowlist
- incr rownum
- }
+ foreach rowlist $rows {
+ lappend rowlist rownum $rownum
+ upvar $level $name:$rownum row
+ array set row $rowlist
+ incr rownum
+ }
ad_proc -public template::util::list_of_ns_sets_to_multirow {
@@ -408,533 +408,533 @@
{-level "1"}
} {
Transform a list of ns_sets (most likely produced by db_list_of_ns_sets
- into a multirow datasource.
+ into a multirow datasource.
- @param rows The data to be transformed
- @param var_name The name of the multirow to create
- @param level How many levels up the stack to place the new datasource,
- defaults to 1 level up.
-} {
- upvar $level $var_name:rowcount rowcount $var_name:columns columns
- set rowcount [llength $rows]
+ @param rows The data to be transformed
+ @param var_name The name of the multirow to create
+ @param level How many levels up the stack to place the new datasource,
+ defaults to 1 level up.
+ } {
+ upvar $level $var_name:rowcount rowcount $var_name:columns columns
+ set rowcount [llength $rows]
- set i 1
- foreach row_set $rows {
+ set i 1
+ foreach row_set $rows {
- ns_set put $row_set rownum $i
+ ns_set put $row_set rownum $i
- upvar $level $var_name:$i row
- array set row [util_ns_set_to_list -set $row_set]
- if {$i == 1} {
- set columns [array names row]
- }
- incr i
- }
+ upvar $level $var_name:$i row
+ array set row [util_ns_set_to_list -set $row_set]
+ if {$i == 1} {
+ set columns [array names row]
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
-# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-# * Utility procedures for interacting with the file system *
-# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ # * Utility procedures for interacting with the file system *
+ # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-ad_proc -public template::util::read_file { path } {
- Reads a text file.
+ ad_proc -public template::util::read_file { path } {
+ Reads a text file.
- @param path The absolute path to the file
+ @param path The absolute path to the file
- @return A string with the contents of the file.
-} {
+ @return A string with the contents of the file.
+ } {
- set fd [open $path]
+ set fd [open $path]
- template::util::set_file_encoding $fd
+ template::util::set_file_encoding $fd
- set text [read $fd]
- close $fd
+ set text [read $fd]
+ close $fd
- return $text
+ return $text
+ }
-ad_proc -public template::util::set_file_encoding { file_channel_id } {
- Set encoding of the given file channel based on the OutputCharset
- parameter of AOLserver. All ADP, Tcl, and txt files are assumed
- to be in the same charset.
+ ad_proc -public template::util::set_file_encoding { file_channel_id } {
+ Set encoding of the given file channel based on the OutputCharset
+ parameter of AOLserver. All ADP, Tcl, and txt files are assumed
+ to be in the same charset.
- @param file_channel_id The id of the file to set encoding for.
- @author Peter Marklund
-} {
- set output_charset [ns_config "ns/parameters" OutputCharset]
- set tcl_charset [ns_encodingforcharset $output_charset]
+ @param file_channel_id The id of the file to set encoding for.
- if { $tcl_charset ne "" } {
- fconfigure $file_channel_id -encoding $tcl_charset
- }
+ @author Peter Marklund
+ } {
+ set output_charset [ns_config "ns/parameters" OutputCharset]
+ set tcl_charset [ns_encodingforcharset $output_charset]
-ad_proc -public template::util::write_file { path text } {
- Writes a text file
+ if { $tcl_charset ne "" } {
+ fconfigure $file_channel_id -encoding $tcl_charset
+ }
+ }
- @param path The absolute path to the file
- @param text A string containing the text to write to the file.
-} {
+ ad_proc -public template::util::write_file { path text } {
+ Writes a text file
- file mkdir [file dirname $path]
+ @param path The absolute path to the file
+ @param text A string containing the text to write to the file.
+ } {
- set fd [open $path w]
+ file mkdir [file dirname $path]
- template::util::set_file_encoding $fd
+ set fd [open $path w]
- puts $fd $text
- close $fd
+ template::util::set_file_encoding $fd
-ad_proc -public template::util::master_to_file { url {reference_url ""} } {
- Resolve a URL into an absolute file path, but respect styled
- master configuration for named masters
- (e.g. acs-templating/resources/masters/... containing 2cols.adp)
-} {
- if { [string index $url 0] ne "/" } {
- set master_stub [template::resource_path -type masters -style $url]
+ puts $fd $text
+ close $fd
+ }
- if {[file exists $master_stub.adp]} {
- set path $master_stub
- } else {
- set path [file dirname $reference_url]/$url
- }
- } else {
- set path $::acs::rootdir/$url
+ ad_proc -public template::util::master_to_file { url {reference_url ""} } {
+ Resolve a URL into an absolute file path, but respect styled
+ master configuration for named masters
+ (e.g. acs-templating/resources/masters/... containing 2cols.adp)
+ } {
+ if { [string index $url 0] ne "/" } {
+ set master_stub [template::resource_path -type masters -style $url]
+ if {[file exists $master_stub.adp]} {
+ set path $master_stub
+ } else {
+ set path [file dirname $reference_url]/$url
+ }
+ } else {
+ set path $::acs::rootdir/$url
+ }
+ return [ns_normalizepath $path]
- return [ns_normalizepath $path]
-ad_proc -public template::util::url_to_file { url {reference_url ""} } {
- Resolve a URL into an absolute file path.
-} {
+ ad_proc -public template::util::url_to_file { url {reference_url ""} } {
+ Resolve a URL into an absolute file path.
+ } {
- if { [string index $url 0] ne "/" } {
- set path [file dirname $reference_url]/$url
- } else {
- set path $::acs::rootdir/$url
+ if { [string index $url 0] ne "/" } {
+ set path [file dirname $reference_url]/$url
+ } else {
+ set path $::acs::rootdir/$url
+ }
+ return [ns_normalizepath $path]
- return [ns_normalizepath $path]
+ ad_proc -public template::util::resolve_directory_url { url } {
+ Resolve the file name for a directory URL
+ } {
+ set path $::acs::pageroot$url
-ad_proc -public template::util::resolve_directory_url { url } {
- Resolve the file name for a directory URL
-} {
- set path $::acs::pageroot$url
+ if { [file isdirectory $path] && [file exists ${path}index.adp] } {
+ set url ${url}index.acs
+ }
- if { [file isdirectory $path] && [file exists ${path}index.adp] } {
- set url ${url}index.acs
- }
+ return $url
+ }
- return $url
+ ad_proc -public template::util::get_url_directory { url } {
+ Get the directory portion of a URL. If the URL has a trailing
+ slash, then return the entire URL.
+ } {
+ set directory $url
-ad_proc -public template::util::get_url_directory { url } {
- Get the directory portion of a URL. If the URL has a trailing
- slash, then return the entire URL.
-} {
- set directory $url
+ set lastchar [string range $url [string length $url]-1 end]
- set lastchar [string range $url [string length $url]-1 end]
+ if {$lastchar ne "/" } {
- if {$lastchar ne "/" } {
+ set directory [file dirname $url]/
- set directory [file dirname $url]/
+ if {$directory eq "//"} {
+ # root directory is a special case
+ set directory /
+ }
+ }
- if {$directory eq "//"} {
- # root directory is a special case
- set directory /
+ return $directory
- }
- return $directory
+ ad_proc -public -deprecated template::util::get_cookie { name {default_value ""} } {
+ Retrieve the value of a cookie and return it
+ Return the default if no such cookie exists
-ad_proc -public -deprecated template::util::get_cookie { name {default_value ""} } {
- Retrieve the value of a cookie and return it
- Return the default if no such cookie exists
- @see ad_get_cookie
-} {
- set headers [ns_conn headers]
- set cookie [ns_set iget $headers Cookie]
+ @see ad_get_cookie
+ } {
+ set headers [ns_conn headers]
+ set cookie [ns_set iget $headers Cookie]
- if { [regexp "$name=(\[^;\]+)" $cookie match value] } {
- return [ns_urldecode $value]
- }
- return $default_value
+ if { [regexp "$name=(\[^;\]+)" $cookie match value] } {
+ return [ns_urldecode $value]
+ }
-ad_proc -public -deprecated template::util::set_cookie { expire_state name value { domain "" } } {
- Create a cookie with specified parameters. The expiration state
- may be persistent, session, or a number of minutes from the current
- time.
+ return $default_value
+ }
- @see ad_set_cookie
-} {
+ ad_proc -public -deprecated template::util::set_cookie { expire_state name value { domain "" } } {
+ Create a cookie with specified parameters. The expiration state
+ may be persistent, session, or a number of minutes from the current
+ time.
- if { [string match $domain {}] } {
- set path "ns/server/[ns_info server]/module/nssock"
- set domain [ns_config $path Hostname]
- }
+ @see ad_set_cookie
+ } {
- set cookie "$name=[ns_urlencode $value]; path=/; domain=$domain"
- switch -- $expire_state {
+ if { [string match $domain {}] } {
+ set path "ns/server/[ns_info server]/module/nssock"
+ set domain [ns_config $path Hostname]
+ }
- persistent {
- append cookie ";expires=Wed, 01-Jan-2020 01:00:00 GMT"
- }
+ set cookie "$name=[ns_urlencode $value]; path=/; domain=$domain"
- "" -
- session {
- }
+ switch -- $expire_state {
- default {
- set time [expr {[ns_time] + ($expire_state * 60)}]
- append cookie ";expires=[ns_httptime $time]"
+ persistent {
+ append cookie ";expires=Wed, 01-Jan-2020 01:00:00 GMT"
+ }
+ "" -
+ session {
+ }
+ default {
+ set time [expr {[ns_time] + ($expire_state * 60)}]
+ append cookie ";expires=[ns_httptime $time]"
+ }
+ }
+ ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Set-Cookie" $cookie
- }
- ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Set-Cookie" $cookie
+ ad_proc -public -deprecated template::util::clear_cookie { name { domain "" } } {
+ Expires an existing cookie.
-ad_proc -public -deprecated template::util::clear_cookie { name { domain "" } } {
- Expires an existing cookie.
+ @see ad_get_cookie
- @see ad_get_cookie
+ } {
+ if { [string match $domain {}] } {
+ set path "ns/server/[ns_info server]/module/nssock"
+ set domain [ns_config $path Hostname]
+ }
-} {
- if { [string match $domain {}] } {
- set path "ns/server/[ns_info server]/module/nssock"
- set domain [ns_config $path Hostname]
- }
+ set cookie "$name=expired; path=/; domain=$domain;"
+ append cookie "expires=Tue, 01-Jan-1980 01:00:00 GMT"
- set cookie "$name=expired; path=/; domain=$domain;"
- append cookie "expires=Tue, 01-Jan-1980 01:00:00 GMT"
+ ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Set-Cookie" $cookie
+ }
- ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "Set-Cookie" $cookie
+ ad_proc -deprecated -public template::util::quote_html {
+ html
+ } {
+ Quote possible HTML tags in the contents of the html parameter.
+ } {
-ad_proc -deprecated -public template::util::quote_html {
- html
-} {
- Quote possible HTML tags in the contents of the html parameter.
-} {
+ return [ns_quotehtml $html]
+ }
- return [ns_quotehtml $html]
+ ad_proc -public template::util::multirow_quote_html {multirow_ref column_ref} {
+ implements template::util::quote_html on the designated column of a multirow
-ad_proc -public template::util::multirow_quote_html {multirow_ref column_ref} {
- implements template::util::quote_html on the designated column of a multirow
+ @param multirow_ref name of the multirow
+ @param column_ref name of the column to be
- @param multirow_ref name of the multirow
- @param column_ref name of the column to be
+ @author simon
+ } {
- @author simon
-} {
+ upvar $multirow_ref:rowcount rowcount
- upvar $multirow_ref:rowcount rowcount
+ for { set i 1 } { $i <= $rowcount } { incr i} {
+ upvar $multirow_ref:$i arr
+ set arr($column_ref) [ns_quotehtml [set arr($column_ref)]]
+ }
- for { set i 1 } { $i <= $rowcount } { incr i} {
- upvar $multirow_ref:$i arr
- set arr($column_ref) [ns_quotehtml [set arr($column_ref)]]
+ ad_proc -deprecated -public template::util::multirow_foreach { name code_text } {
+ runs a block of code foreach row in a multirow.
-ad_proc -deprecated -public template::util::multirow_foreach { name code_text } {
- runs a block of code foreach row in a multirow.
+ Using "template::multirow foreach" is recommended over this routine.
- Using "template::multirow foreach" is recommended over this routine.
+ @param name the name of the multirow over which the block of
+ code is iterated
- @param name the name of the multirow over which the block of
- code is iterated
+ @param code_text the block of code in the for loop; this block can
+ reference any of the columns belonging to the
+ multirow specified; with the multirow named
+ "fake_multirow" containing columns named "spanky"
+ and "foobar",to set the column spanky to the value
+ of column foobar use:
+ set fake_multirow.spanky @fake_multirow.foobar@
+ note: this block of code is evaluated in the same
+ scope as the .tcl page that uses this procedure
- @param code_text the block of code in the for loop; this block can
- reference any of the columns belonging to the
- multirow specified; with the multirow named
- "fake_multirow" containing columns named "spanky"
- and "foobar",to set the column spanky to the value
- of column foobar use:
- set fake_multirow.spanky @fake_multirow.foobar@
- note: this block of code is evaluated in the same
- scope as the .tcl page that uses this procedure
+ @author simon
- @author simon
+ @see template::multirow
+ } {
- @see template::multirow
-} {
+ upvar $name:rowcount rowcount $name:columns columns i i
+ upvar running_code running_code
- upvar $name:rowcount rowcount $name:columns columns i i
- upvar running_code running_code
+ for { set i 1} {$i <= $rowcount} {incr i} {
- for { set i 1} {$i <= $rowcount} {incr i} {
+ set running_code $code_text
+ foreach column_name $columns {
- set running_code $code_text
- foreach column_name $columns {
+ # first change all references to a column to the proper
+ # rownum-dependent identifier, ie the array value identified
+ # by $\n"
- foreach {key value} [uplevel \#$level array get $i] {
- append varlist "
- } else {
- if {[catch {append varlist "'[uplevel #$level set $i]'\n"}]} {
- append varlist "bad string value\n"
- }
- }
+ set varlist ""
+ foreach i [if {$level} {
+ uplevel \#$level {info locals}
+ } else {info globals} ] {
+ append varlist " \n"
+ foreach {key value} [uplevel \#$level array get $i] {
+ append varlist "
+ } else {
+ if {[catch {append varlist "'[uplevel #$level set $i]'\n"}]} {
+ append varlist "bad string value\n"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $varlist
- }
- return $varlist
-ad_proc -public stack_dump {} {
- return the whole call stack as HTML
-} {
- append page "Tcl Call Trace
+ ad_proc -public stack_dump {} {
+ return the whole call stack as HTML
+ } {
+ append page "Tcl Call Trace
- for {set x [info level]} {$x > 0} {incr x -1} {
- append page "
+ for {set x [info level]} {$x > 0} {incr x -1} {
+ append page "
[stack_frame_values $x]
append page "Globals
- [stack_frame_values 0]
+ [stack_frame_values 0]
# Local variables: