Index: openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/includelet-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/includelet-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.174 -r1.175
--- openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/includelet-procs.tcl 27 Dec 2011 15:30:29 -0000 1.174
+++ openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/includelet-procs.tcl 28 Dec 2011 19:10:17 -0000 1.175
@@ -2521,6 +2521,25 @@
return $output
+ book instproc render_images {-addClass pages} {
+ #
+ # Return a list of the rendered images in HTML markup. The page
+ # content is reduced to a bare image. Note that this function
+ # does not return "pages" not containing images.
+ #
+ set imageList {}
+ foreach o [$pages children] {
+ set p [::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id 0 -revision_id [$o set page_id]]
+ set html [$p render -with_footer false]
+ if {[regsub -nocase {^(.*)(]+>)(.*)$} $html {\2} html] < 1} continue
+ if {[info exists addClass]} {
+ regsub -nocase {class\s*=\s*'([^']+)'} $html "class='\\1 $addClass'" html
+ }
+ lappend imageList $html
+ }
+ return $imageList
+ }
book instproc render {} {
my get_parameters
@@ -2590,36 +2609,30 @@
namespace eval ::xowiki::includelet {
- # book style
+ # display a sequence of pages via W3C slidy
::xowiki::IncludeletClass create slidy \
- -superclass ::xowiki::includelet::book \
- -parameter {
- {__decoration plain}
- {parameter_declaration {
- {-category_id}
- {-menu_buttons edit}
- {-folder_mode false}
- {-locale ""}
- {-range ""}
- {-allow_reorder ""}
- {-with_footer "false"}
- }}
- }
+ -superclass ::xowiki::includelet::book
slidy instproc render_items {
{-cnames ""}
{-allow_reorder ""}
{-with_footer "false"}
} {
+ my instvar __including_page
if {$cnames ne "" || $allow_reorder ne "" || $with_footer ne "false"} {
error "ignoring cnames, allow_reorder, and with_footer for the time being"
- my instvar __including_page
+ set output ""
+ foreach o [$pages children] {
+ set p [::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id 0 -revision_id [$o set page_id]]
+ append output "
\n" [$p render -with_footer false] "\n
+ }
- set output [subst {
+ ns_return 200 text/html [subst {
[$__including_page title]
@@ -2628,23 +2641,247 @@
- append output "\n"
- foreach o [$pages children] {
- $o instvar page_order page_id
- set p [::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id 0 -revision_id $page_id]
+ ad_script_abort
+ }
- set content [$p render -with_footer false]
+namespace eval ::xowiki::includelet {
+ #############################################################################
+ # display a sequence of pages via jQuery Carousel
+ #
+ ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create jquery-carousel \
+ -superclass ::xowiki::includelet::book
+ jquery-carousel instproc render_items {
+ -pages:required
+ {-cnames ""}
+ {-allow_reorder ""}
+ -menu_buttons
+ {-with_footer "false"}
+ } {
+ my instvar __including_page
+ if {$cnames ne "" || $allow_reorder ne "" || $with_footer ne "false"} {
+ error "ignoring cnames, allow_reorder, and with_footer for the time being"
+ }
- append output "\n" $content "\n
+ set id [my js_name]
+ append output \
+ "\n" \
+ - [join [my render_images $pages] "
\n- "]
+ "
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/jquery/jquery.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/jquery.carousel.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS [subst -novariables {
+ $(function(){
+ $("#[set id]").carousel( );
+ });
+ }]
+ return $output
+ }
+namespace eval ::xowiki::includelet {
+ #############################################################################
+ # Display a sequence of images via the jQuery plugin
+ #
+ # Infinite Carousel
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # This includelet works only with images
+ #
+ # Install: obtain jQuery plugin
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # and install its files under packages/xowiki/resources/infiniteCarousel:
+ #
+ # infiniteCarousel/images/caption.gif
+ # infiniteCarousel/images/leftright.gif
+ # infiniteCarousel/images/playpause.gif
+ # infiniteCarousel/jquery.infinitecarousel2.js
+ # infiniteCarousel/jquery.infinitecarousel2.min.js
+ #
+ ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create jquery-infinite-carousel \
+ -superclass ::xowiki::includelet::book
+ jquery-infinite-carousel instproc render_items {
+ -pages:required
+ {-cnames ""}
+ {-allow_reorder ""}
+ -menu_buttons
+ {-with_footer "false"}
+ } {
+ my instvar __including_page
+ if {$cnames ne "" || $allow_reorder ne "" || $with_footer ne "false"} {
+ error "ignoring cnames, allow_reorder, and with_footer for the time being"
- append output "\n"
- ns_return 200 text/html $output
- ad_script_abort
- #return $output
+ set id [my js_name]
+ append output \
+ "\n" \
+ - [join [my render_images $pages] "
\n- "]
+ "
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/jquery/jquery.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/infiniteCarousel/jquery.infinitecarousel2.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS [subst -novariables {
+ $(function(){
+ $("#[set id]").infiniteCarousel({
+ displayTime: 6000,
+ textholderHeight : .25,
+ imagePath: '/resources/xowiki/infiniteCarousel/images/',
+ });
+ });}]
+ return $output
+namespace eval ::xowiki::includelet {
+ #############################################################################
+ # Display a sequence of images via 3D Cloud Carousel
+ #
+ # This includelet works only with images.
+ #
+ # Install: get the jQuery plugins cloud-carousel and mousewheel from
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # and install these files under
+ #
+ # packages/xowiki/resources/cloud-carousel.1.0.5.min.js
+ # packages/xowiki/resources/jquery.mousewheel.min.js
+ #
+ # The following elements might be used in the page containing the includelet:
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create jquery-cloud-carousel \
+ -superclass ::xowiki::includelet::book
+ jquery-cloud-carousel instproc render_items {
+ -pages:required
+ {-cnames ""}
+ {-allow_reorder ""}
+ -menu_buttons
+ {-with_footer "false"}
+ } {
+ my instvar __including_page
+ if {$cnames ne "" || $allow_reorder ne "" || $with_footer ne "false"} {
+ error "ignoring cnames, allow_reorder, and with_footer for the time being"
+ }
+ set id [my js_name]
+ append output \
+ "" \
+ [join [my render_images -addClass cloudcarousel $pages] "\n"] \
+ "
+ ::xo::Page requireStyle "div.jquery-cloud-carousel div {width:650px; height:400px;background:#000;}"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/jquery/jquery.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/cloud-carousel.1.0.5.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS [subst -novariables {
+ $(function(){
+ $("#[set id]").CloudCarousel(
+ {
+ xPos: 300,
+ yPos: 32,
+ buttonLeft: $("#left-but"),
+ buttonRight: $("#right-but"),
+ altBox: $("#alt-text"),
+ titleBox: $("#title-text"),
+ bringToFront: true,
+ mouseWheel:true
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ }]
+ return $output
+ }
+namespace eval ::xowiki::includelet {
+ #############################################################################
+ # Display a sequence of images via jQuery spacegallery
+ #
+ # This includelet works only with images
+ #
+ # Install: get the jQuery plugin spacegallery from
+ #
+ # and install its files under packages/xowiki/resources/spacegallery:
+ #
+ # spacegallery/css/custom.css
+ # spacegallery/css/layout.css
+ # spacegallery/css/spacegallery.css
+ # spacegallery/images/ajax_small.gif
+ # spacegallery/images/blank.gif
+ # spacegallery/images/bw1.jpg
+ # spacegallery/images/bw2.jpg
+ # spacegallery/images/bw3.jpg
+ # spacegallery/images/lights1.jpg
+ # spacegallery/images/lights2.jpg
+ # spacegallery/images/lights3.jpg
+ # spacegallery/index.html
+ # spacegallery/js/eye.js
+ # spacegallery/js/jquery.js
+ # spacegallery/js/layout.js
+ # spacegallery/js/spacegallery.js
+ # spacegallery/js/utils.js
+ # spacegallery/spacegallery.css
+ #
+ # You might want to adapt spacegallery/spacegallery.css according to
+ # your needs.
+ ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create jquery-spacegallery \
+ -superclass ::xowiki::includelet::book
+ jquery-spacegallery instproc render_items {
+ -pages:required
+ {-cnames ""}
+ {-allow_reorder ""}
+ -menu_buttons
+ {-with_footer "false"}
+ } {
+ my instvar __including_page
+ if {$cnames ne "" || $allow_reorder ne "" || $with_footer ne "false"} {
+ error "ignoring cnames, allow_reorder, and with_footer for the time being"
+ }
+ set id [my js_name]
+ append output \
+ "\n" \
+ [join [my render_images $pages] "\n"] \
+ "
+ ::xo::Page requireStyle "div.spacegallery {width:600px; height:450px;}"
+ ::xo::Page requireCSS "/resources/xowiki/spacegallery/spacegallery.css"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/jquery/jquery.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/spacegallery/js/eye.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/spacegallery/js/utils.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/spacegallery/js/spacegallery.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS [subst -novariables {
+ $(function(){
+ $("#[set id]").spacegallery({loadingClass: 'loading'});
+ });
+ }]
+ return $output
+ }
# item-button