Index: openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-oracle.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-oracle.xql,v
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
--- openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-oracle.xql 12 Sep 2002 22:11:43 -0000 1.7
+++ openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-oracle.xql 12 Sep 2002 23:30:58 -0000 1.8
@@ -81,4 +81,42 @@
+ select min(decode(ucp.price,null,p.price,
+ decode(sign(ucp.price-p.price),1,p.price,ucp.price))) as regular_price,
+ ucp.user_class_name
+ from ec_products p, (select * from (select uc.product_id, uc.price, c.user_class_name
+ from ec_product_user_class_prices uc, ec_user_classes c,
+ ec_user_class_user_map m
+ where uc.user_class_id = c.user_class_id
+ and uc.product_id = :product_id
+ and uc.user_class_id = m.user_class_id
+ and m.user_id = :user_id
+ and m.user_class_approved_p = 't' order by uc.price)
+ where rownum=1) ucp
+ where p.product_id = :product_id and ucp.product_id(+)=p.product_id
+ group by p.product_id, p.price, ucp.user_class_name, ucp.price
+ select min(decode(ucp.price,null,p.price,
+ decode(sign(ucp.price-p.price),1,p.price,ucp.price))) as regular_price,
+ ucp.user_class_name
+ from ec_products p, (select * from (select uc.product_id, uc.price, c.user_class_name
+ from ec_product_user_class_prices uc, ec_user_classes c,
+ ec_user_class_user_map m
+ where uc.user_class_id = c.user_class_id
+ and uc.product_id = :product_id
+ and uc.user_class_id = m.user_class_id
+ and m.user_id = :user_id
+ and (m.user_class_approved_p is null or m.user_class_approved_p = 't') order by uc.price)
+ where rownum=1) ucp
+ where p.product_id = :product_id and ucp.product_id(+)=p.product_id
+ group by p.product_id, p.price, ucp.user_class_name, ucp.price
Index: openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-postgresql.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-postgresql.xql,v
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
--- openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-postgresql.xql 26 May 2002 04:36:49 -0000 1.8
+++ openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/tcl/ecommerce-procs-postgresql.xql 12 Sep 2002 23:30:58 -0000 1.9
@@ -66,4 +66,43 @@
+ select min(case when ucp.price is null then p.price
+ when p.price < ucp.price then p.price
+ else ucp.price end) as regular_price, ucp.user_class_name
+ from ec_products p left join (select uc.product_id, uc.price, c.user_class_name
+ from ec_product_user_class_prices uc, ec_user_classes c, ec_user_class_user_map m
+ where uc.user_class_id = c.user_class_id
+ and uc.product_id = :product_id
+ and uc.user_class_id = m.user_class_id
+ and m.user_id = :user_id
+ and m.user_class_approved_p = 't'
+ order by uc.price
+ limit 1) as ucp using (product_id)
+ where p.product_id = :product_id
+ group by p.product_id, ucp.user_class_name
+ select min(case when ucp.price is null then p.price
+ when p.price < ucp.price then p.price
+ else ucp.price end) as regular_price, ucp.user_class_name
+ from ec_products p left join (select uc.product_id, uc.price, c.user_class_name
+ from ec_product_user_class_prices uc, ec_user_classes c, ec_user_class_user_map m
+ where uc.user_class_id = c.user_class_id
+ and uc.product_id = :product_id
+ and uc.user_class_id = m.user_class_id
+ and m.user_id = :user_id
+ and (m.user_class_approved_p is null
+ or m.user_class_approved_p = 't')
+ order by uc.price
+ limit 1) as ucp using (product_id)
+ where p.product_id = :product_id
+ group by p.product_id, ucp.user_class_name