Index: openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/form-field-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/form-field-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.199 -r1.200
--- openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/form-field-procs.tcl 10 Feb 2012 18:22:14 -0000 1.199
+++ openacs-4/packages/xowiki/tcl/form-field-procs.tcl 13 Feb 2012 19:03:34 -0000 1.200
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# (e.g. for boolean entries). FormFields can be subclassed
# to ensure tailorability and high reuse.
- # todo: at some later time, this should go into xotcl-core
+ # todo: at some later time, this could go into xotcl-core
@@ -1409,50 +1409,148 @@
# ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::ckeditor
+ # mode: wysiwyg, source
+ # skin: kama, v2, office2003
+ #
Class richtext::ckeditor -superclass richtext -parameter {
{editor ckeditor}
{mode wysiwyg}
{skin kama}
{toolbar Full}
{CSSclass xowiki-ckeditor}
+ {uiColor ""}
+ {inplace false}
+ {CSSclass xowiki-ckeditor}
+ {customConfig "../ck_config.js"}
+ {callback "/* callback code */"}
+ {destroy_callback "/* callback code */"}
+ {extraPlugins ""}
+ {contentsCss /resources/xowiki/ck_contents.css}
+ {imageSelectorDialog /xowiki/ckeditor-images/}
richtext::ckeditor set editor_mixin 1
richtext::ckeditor instproc initialize {} {
+ if {[my set inplace]} {
+ my append help_text " #xowiki.ckeip_help#"
+ }
my set widget_type richtext
+ # Mangle the id to make it compatible with jquery; most probably
+ # not optimal and just a temporary solution
+ regsub -all {[.:]} [my id] "" id
+ my id $id
+ richtext::ckeditor instproc js_image_helper {} {
+ ::xo::Page requireJS {
+ function xowiki_image_callback(editor) {
+ $(editor.element.$.form).submit(function(e) {
+ calc_image_tags_to_wiki_image_links(this);
+ });
+ editor.setData(calc_wiki_image_links_to_image_tags(editor.getData()));
+ }
+ function calc_image_tags_to_wiki_image_links (form) {
+ var calc = function() {
+ var wiki_link = $(this).attr('alt');
+ $(this).replaceWith('[['+wiki_link+']]');
+ }
+ $(form).find('iframe').each(function() {
+ $(this).contents().find('img[type="wikilink"]').each(calc);
+ });
+ $(form).find('textarea.ckeip').each(function() {
+ var contents = $('
+ contents.find('img[type="wikilink"]').each(calc);
+ this.value = contents.html();
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ function calc_wiki_image_links_to_image_tags (data) {
+ var pathname = window.location.pathname;
+ pathname = pathname.substr(pathname.lastIndexOf("/")+1,pathname.length)
+ console.log('pathname' + pathname);
+ pathname = pathname.replace(/:/ig,"%3a");
+ var regex_wikilink = new RegExp('(\\[\\[./image:)(.*?)(\\]\\])', 'g');
+ data = data.replace(regex_wikilink,'');
+ console.log('data' + data);
+ return data
+ }
+ }
+ }
richtext::ckeditor instproc render_input {} {
set disabled [expr {[my exists disabled] && [my disabled] ne "false"}]
if {![my istype ::xowiki::formfield::richtext] || $disabled } {
my render_richtext_as_div
} else {
::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/jquery/jquery.min.js"
- ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/ckeditor/ckeditor_source.js"
+ #::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"
::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireCSS "/resources/xowiki/jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.css"
# In contrary to the doc, ckeditor names instances after the id,
- # not the name. We mangle the id to make it compatible with
- # jquery; most probably not optimal and just a temporary
- # solution
- regsub -all {[.:]} [my id] "" id
- my id $id
- set name [my id]
- set mode [my mode] ;# e.g. wysiwyg, source
- set skin [my skin] ;# e.g. kama, v2, office2003
- set toolbar [my toolbar] ;# e.g. Full, Basic
+ # not the name.
+ set id [my id]
+ set name [my name]
+ set package_id [[my object] package_id]
+ #my extraPlugins xowikiimage
+ my extraPlugins timestamp,xowikiimage
- ::xo::Page requireJS [subst -nocommands {
- \$(document).ready(function() {
- \$( '#$name' ).ckeditor(function() { /* callback code */ }, {
- skin : '$skin',
- startupMode : '$mode',
- toolbar : '$toolbar'
- });
- //\$( '#$name' ).ckeditorGet());
- });
+ set options [subst {
+ toolbar : '[my toolbar]',
+ uiColor: '[my uiColor]',
+ language: '[lang::conn::language]',
+ skin: '[my skin]',
+ startupMode: '[my mode]',
+ parent_id: '[[my object] item_id]',
+ package_url: '[$package_id package_url]',
+ extraPlugins: '[my extraPlugins]',
+ contentsCss: '[my contentsCss]',
+ imageSelectorDialog: '[my imageSelectorDialog]',
+ customConfig: '[my customConfig]'
- next
+ if {[lsearch [split [my extraPlugins] ,] xowikiimage] > -1} {
+ my js_image_helper
+ }
+ set callback [my callback]
+ #set parent [[[my object] package_id] get_page_from_item_or_revision_id [[my object] parent_id]];# ???
+ if {[my set inplace]} {
+ if {[my value] eq ""} {my value " "}
+ my render_richtext_as_div
+ set wrapper_class [expr {[my inline] ? {} : {form-item-wrapper}}]
+ set destroy_callback [my destroy_callback]
+ ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/ckeip.js"
+ ::xo::Page requireJS [subst -nocommands {
+ \$(document).ready(function() {
+ \$( '\#$id' ).ckeip(function() { $callback }, {
+ name: '$name',
+ ckeditor_config: {
+ $options,
+ destroy_callback: function() { $destroy_callback }
+ },
+ wrapper_class: '$wrapper_class'
+ });
+ });
+ }]
+ } else {
+ ::xo::Page requireJS [subst -nocommands {
+ \$(document).ready(function() {
+ \$( '#$id' ).ckeditor(function() { $callback }, {
+ $options
+ });
+ CKEDITOR.instances['$id'].on('instanceReady',function(e) {xowiki_image_callback(e.editor);});
+ });
+ }]
+ next
+ }
@@ -2571,7 +2669,6 @@
Class label -superclass FormField -parameter {
{disableOutputEscaping false}
- label instproc initialize {} {next}
label instproc render_item {} {
# sanity check; required and label do not fit well together
if {[my required]} {my required false}
@@ -2803,6 +2900,47 @@
+ # ::xowiki::boolean_image
+ #
+ ###########################################################
+ Class create boolean_image -superclass FormField -parameter {
+ {default t}
+ {t_img_url /resources/xowiki/examples/check_richtig.png}
+ {f_img_url /resources/xowiki/examples/check_falsch.png}
+ {CSSclass img_boolean}
+ }
+ boolean_image instproc initialize {} {
+ my type hidden
+ my set widget_type boolean(hidden)
+ }
+ boolean_image instproc render_input {} {
+ my instvar t_img_url f_img_url CSSclass
+ set title [expr {[my exists __render_help_text_as_title_attr] ? [my set help_text] : ""}]
+ ::html::img \
+ -title $title \
+ -class $CSSclass \
+ -src [expr {[my value] ? $t_img_url : $f_img_url}] \
+ -onclick "toggle_img_boolean(this,'$t_img_url','$f_img_url')"
+ ::html::input -type hidden -name [my name] -value [my value]
+ ::xo::Page requireJS {
+ function toggle_img_boolean (element,t_img_url,f_img_url) {
+ var input = $(element).next();
+ var state = input.val()== "t";
+ if (state) {
+ input.val('f');
+ $(element).attr('src',f_img_url);
+ } else {
+ input.val('t');
+ $(element).attr('src',t_img_url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################
+ #
# ::xowiki::formfield::scale