• last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
use preferred idioms to use btn-default/btn-secondary for bootstrap3/bootstrap5

further tighten value checker

Perform stricter checking of parent_ids

bump version number of xowiki to 5.10.1d22

    • -3
    • +3
    • -6
    • +8
Added NSF value-checker "cr_item_of_package" for quick checks for valid parameters

This checker is especially useful when processing external values

(query-parameters etc). Since the check involves a DB lookup, it is

no suited inside busy loops.

bumped version number of xotcl-core to 5.10.1d6

whitespace changes

Prefer "... orderby ... -type ..." over mixin for sorting

Make use of extended functionality of OrderedComposite->orderby

- use integer comparison for "seconds" in participants table

- bumped version number to 5.10.1d33

Make use of extended functionality of OrderedComposite->orderby

- Removed manual adding of mixin ::xo::OrderedComposite::IndexCompare

in "toc" includelet and in xowiki::TableWidget->create_from_form_fields

- xowiki::TableWidget->create_from_form_fields:

added type map to allow caller to specify, on which attributes e.g.

a numeric comparison should be used.

- bumped version number to 5.10.1d22

    • -3
    • +3
OrderedComposite->orderby: added argument "-type"

By the change, one can now specifiy the sorting type for the ordered

composite. The sorting type can be "integer", "real", "index" or

"dictionary" (default "dictionary"). If the sorting type is set to

"index", the mixin ::xo::OrderedComposite::IndexCompare is added


Bump version number to 5.10.1d6

rework of ad_decode

- modernize code

- improve performance

- extend regression test

stick with integer for purely nsf-based checks in public code.

Added API call "CrClass ad_proc id_belongs_to_package"

The new API call is useful for checking input validity, i.e.

whether to provided revision_id or item_id belongs to the specified package.

bump version number of xowiki to 5.10.1d21

bump version number of xotcl-core to 5.10.1d5

    • -3
    • +3
check parent_id more properly

prefer variable ::acs::rootdir over proc [acs_root_dir]

improve page contract

Fix typo

Support for extra extra hints texts (feedback, correction hints)

The updated version of the inclass-exam supports now extra hint texts for lecturers and students. These extra information is displayed after the question, and is used either for feedback to the student (e.g. Einsicht) or as information for the grader (evaluation guidelines, esp. useful when multiple graders are involved). It can be controlled via setup what kind of information the question author can provide. The providable feedback is controlled via the feedback level:

Feedback level

- The feedback level can be

* "full": two input fields for feedback for correct and incorrect answers

* "single": single input fields for feedback

* "none": no input field for feedback.

- The feedback level is specified in the forms used in the

pull down menus for creating "New" test items.

- The feedback level is applicable to all test item types

(SC, MC, Text, ShortText, Ordering, Upload, Composite, Pool)

- The predefined setup is as follows:

"single" is used for all item type, except for "Pool" questions (since the feedback

is taken from the replacement question from the Pool)

- Nothing has change here

Correction notes:

- optionally, correction notes can be specified.

Since in the past, the general feedback was not shown to the students,

it was sometimes abused for correction hints for the lecturer.

Therefore, we have now a separate field

- Correction notes can be added to all item types

(SC, MC, Text, ShortText, Ordering, Upload, Composite, Pool) and are

turned on by default (except for Pool).

Visibility of general feedback and correction notes

- general feedback is shown (when provided)

* full exam-protocol is shown

* filtering single question

* filtering single submission (view with revision selection)

* exam-review for students (Einsicht)

- corrections notes are shown (when provided)

* full exam-protocol is shown

* filtering single question

* filtering single submission (view with revision selection)

- when general feedback is not provided, the exam protocol etc. looks as before

- when correction notes are not provided, the exam protocol etc. looks as before

- Negative feedback is provided,

* when percentage is known, and

* percentage is < 50%

- when negative feedback is displayed, the positive feedback is not displayed and vice versa

For composite questions, the system supports hint texts for the full composite question and additional ones for every single part.

Version number bumped to 5.10.1d32

    • -17
    • +150
Document public api

Revert port of downstream feature: the same check can be performed more flexibly via the condition=regexp and condition=match

    • -5
    • +1
Port of downstream feature: condition proc on the FormPage checking that a page name respects some regular expression

    • -1
    • +5
Fix typo

    • -2
    • +2
Make sure result is defined, small improvements

    • -9
    • +8
Port of old local modification: when mime type is text/plain, feed the content straight to the indexer, rather than render the file as HTML, then convert it again to text in the search indexer

    • -2
    • +3
fix typo

file iprange-init.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
file iprange-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
Added support for restricting access to exams based on IP addresses.

In order to avoid the problem that students might participate on exams

intended to be held e.g. on campus from at home, one can now restrict

the access based on IP ranges. It is possible to restrict the access

via multiple range blocks that can be predefined by the sysadmins. One

could predefine e.g. IP range blocks for "Campus LAN", "On Site",

"VPN", etc., which can be selected by lecturers for individual exams.

Every IP range block can be defined via multiple entries of disallowed

and allowed IP ranges, where the addresses can be specified via IPv4

or IPv6 CIDR blocks (e.g., or with wild cards or

individual IP addresses. The usage of CIDR blocks requires an update

to the updated version of NaviServer.

The IP restriction is used in the current implementation for

restricting the regular start of the exam (proctored or

non-proctored). Lecturers can still perform test runs for exams with

restricted access.

Bump version number to 5.10.1d31

    • -1
    • +4
    • -0
    • +24
    • -0
    • +67
Revert additional fallbacks, one should take care that ad_conn is invoked correctly

Provide further fallbacks for ad_conn

Reduce number of queries, improve documentation

Queries could be made even less e.g. by locking and querying the tuples in one statement. However, it would be trickyer to make the code portable.