• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
regenerated resources

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
merge from oacs-5-10

  1. … 8099 more files in changeset.
update regenerated files

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
moved <include...> content into lib directory

www/portlets -> lib/portlets

  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
MenuBar reform

- MenuBars are now easier programmatically extensible (easier to maintain)

- refactored code, reduced scatted definitions (all configurations

at the same place)

- unified templating:

use body property @body.folderHTML@ instead of @folderhtml@

From the former API calls only "update_items" has changed,

all existing configurations (i.e. via folders or package parameter)

should continue to work.

== Changes:

One can now extend menubars via menu entry definition

{config -use YOURCONFIG -class YOURCLASS}

in two directions:

a) subclassing

define your own menubar class YOURCLASS, which should

be a subclass of ::xowiki::MenuBar

b) provide your own configuration method to provide

a more tailored configuration. This is performed

by defining a method "config=YOURCONFIG" for ::xowiki::MenuBar

The latter method is used for test-items, which can define a

test item folder by using

-- extra_menu_entries ---

{config -use test-items}

instead of

-- extra_menu_entries ---

{entry -name New.Item.TextInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=Text}

{entry -name New.Item.ShortTextInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=ShortText}

{entry -name New.Item.SCInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=SC}

{entry -name New.Item.MCInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=MC}

{entry -name New.Item.ReorderInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=Reorder}

{entry -name New.Item.UploadInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=Upload}

{entry -name New.App.OnlineExam -form en:online-exam.wf}

{entry -name New.App.InclassQuiz -form en:inclass-quiz.wf}

{entry -name New.App.InclassExam -form en:inclass-exam.wf}

See below for the definition of the "test-items" configuration method,

which is based on the default definitions. In general, the definition

in this method can be performed via menu-entries (same syntax as in

other menu entries) or via the MenuBar API (e.g. calling

":add_menu_item ...").

All configurations follow the following definition order

where later entries can refine earlier entries:

- package level: package parameter ExtraMenuEntries

- configuration method: use standard or tailored confguration methods

- per-folder definition: content of the extra_menu_entries

Note that the menu entry definition language supports as well

adding/clearing menus, etc., so almost everything can be refined.

I've noticed that the tlf* code has several scattered menu

definitions, which are as well done in every case differently.

By these definition one can define e.g. a learning-app folder (where

"New" can be used to define new app folders), and the app folders can

provide their own "New" entries, e.g. for clickers and

others. E.g. For "clickers" there is already on non-oo definition to

achieve similar things (which should be altered to the new method),

but on other places, there are some hard-coded definitions for root

folders, etc. The menubars of the learning-apps should be made this

way more consistent with the rest (e.g. using "New", supporting "table

of contents" for clipboard interactions, etc.)

namespace eval ::xowiki {

::xowiki::MenuBar instproc config=test-items {

{-bind_vars {}}





} {

:config=default \

-bind_vars $bind_vars \

-current_page $current_page \

-package_id $package_id \

-folder_link $folder_link \

-return_url $return_url

return {

{clear_menu -menu New}

{entry -name New.Item.TextInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=Text}

{entry -name New.Item.ShortTextInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=ShortText}

{entry -name New.Item.SCInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=SC}

{entry -name New.Item.MCInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=MC}

{entry -name New.Item.ReorderInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=Reorder}

{entry -name New.Item.UploadInteraction -form en:edit-interaction.wf -query p.item_type=Upload}

{entry -name New.App.OnlineExam -form en:online-exam.wf}

{entry -name New.App.InclassQuiz -form en:inclass-quiz.wf}

{entry -name New.App.InclassExam -form en:inclass-exam.wf}




  1. … 16 more files in changeset.
introduced "ad_file" as a means to avoid unexpected tilde substitution in file names

  1. … 50 more files in changeset.
remove spurious colons

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
add a plain template using the master

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
regenerated adp files

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
whitespace and spelling changes

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
Bring files on oacs-5-10 in sync with HEAD

  1. … 162 more files in changeset.
- add URNs for jquery, bootstrap, get-http-object, xowiki.css and yui2

- fix return-string from popular-tags and improve stylability in includelet

- remove obsolete "header_stuff" from templates

- replace global parameters BootstrapCSS and BootstrapJS in favor of URNs

- bump version number to 5.10.0d6

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
Fix typos

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
Regenerate ADP files

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
merged changes from the oacs-5-9 branch and resolved conflicts

  1. … 7834 more files in changeset.
regenerated ducumentation

  1. … 251 more files in changeset.
Updated spanish translation

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
bump version numbers to 5.9.1b9 respectively to 2.9.1b9 to prepare for release

  1. … 91 more files in changeset.
regenerated adp files

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- add istener only, when search is configured

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- fix typo

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
- don't offer search control in xowiki menu bar, when no search is configured on the system

- prefer usage of add_event_listener over add_body script

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
- remove remaining onclick handlers in templates

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
- fix css statements

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- prevent jumping in event listeners

- added sample template oacs-view3-bootstrap3.adp as used on openacs.org

- updated sample templates

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
- use addEventListener instead of onclick markup for wiki-search,

edit-tags and popular-tags

- fix popular tags link

- regenerated template files

- added scp directives for yui

- bump version number to 5.9.1d12

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
- renamed array variables passed to xowiki-templates from

"property_doc" and "property_body" simply to "doc" and "body":

reasoning: this makes it more uniform to use this variables already

in the xowiki .adp files with the same name as in the master


- added @body.menubarHTML@ to allow the higher level master templates

to place the menubar. On the longer range, we might even prefer

@body.menubar@ to pass a generic (skin-agnostic) representation.

- replaced the hard wired placement of the menubar by a adp-controlled


- added @body.title@ to provide a title suitable for <h1> in contrast

to @doc.title@ which is for <title>. Prefer usage of @body.title@

over @title@, but the latter variable is still provided.

- added csrf protection for wiki-search

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- move adp templates from xowiki/www to xowiki/resources/templates

- improve validity checking on tags (e.g. in path notation) to avoid

potential pg errors on invalid UTF-8

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
file view-default.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.