• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
fix survey copy

fix question renumbering

I18N: adding danish translation of news

    • -0
    • +115
allow component_id to be passed in URL

I18N: converting dotlrn-fs to using the message catalog

I18N: converting file-storage to using the message catalog

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.
I18N: adding support for handy interpolation of variables into localized messages from tcl files by using upvar

Adding links to message catalog translation UI from site-wide admin page and from the locale preference page for users, adding explaining text to translation UI

Made message URLs be of the form "forums/<forum>/message/<message_id>"

    • -13
    • +36
Added code to deal with trailing /'s so links wouldn't get screwed.

Fixed some minor details.

Initial index.vuh to give forums the ability to respond to "pretty" URLs,

i.e.: /forums/openacs (instead of /forums/forums-view?forum_id=34245) and

/forums/56803 instead of /forums/message-view?message_id=56803.

    • -0
    • +54
allow html in external link descriptions

Applied patch #503 to fix bug #1914: Problem with posted_date and timezones

added the danish locale - OpenACS now supports danish...

removed the locale master template that the acs-lang admin pages were using

added the danish locale

fix line endings

add missing query for get_response_info

add missing query for do_notifications.get_response_info

Fixing bug 1913. Disallow link checking on bookmarks you do not have (delete) rights on.

fix context for Entire Thread

context fix, sort by unformatted date, dont display seconds

    • -2
    • +2
require user to be a registered user to forward a forum message, fix context bar

update info file

    • -5
    • +5
remove unused xql file

Applied patch #500 for SDM # 1912 from Ken Kennedy: Can't change bookmark parent_id

I18N: added SQL statement for updating a catalog message that was missing for PostgreSQL

I18N: when done with message tag replacement which adds new messages to the system - reload the cache so the new messages are immediately accessible

during internationalization of adp:s and tcl files, when adding a key to the message catalog file, also add it to the database so the two are in sync