• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
adding xml-rpc support + changes to better user identification against <id>

    • -0
    • +2
    • -0
    • +68
    • -0
    • +69
Bumping version number so new package is made available with rollout

fixes, including better support for multiple addresses in the To: field.

Better handles multiple email addresses (especially if there are a lot of them)

Handles multiple email addresses in the to headers better.

give new oct folks commit on CVSROOT

small fixes

    • -0
    • +1
Added a comment that I'm unsure if the send proc handles multiple to

addresses correctly.

fixed i18n string

Forgot to add a xql file.

Beginning to add project assignments. Can now view project assignments from

the project view page. Also began moving a lot of code into procs, and

util_memoized quite a few things.

use diamond graphic for all day entries (fix from Sloan)

list columns to insert into (fix from Sloan)

merge fix from head

regenerated docs, removed a couple of deprecated files, add a new one

  1. … 139 more files in changeset.
clean up xml so the docs (more or less) validate

Added in a parameter which changes the default view of a calendar instance.

    • -2
    • +2
Fixes rollout support, bug #1895.


karma for gerardom


adding catalog file and missing files

- Internationalizing

- Fixing small bugs found in the way

  1. … 68 more files in changeset.
Make dates internationalized, patch 50% courtesy of Eduardo.

Added in two files left out from the last commit: adds in general

comments, and sends out email.

Adding general comments optionally sends out an email now.

automatic add of .lrn users when creating new users, set param 1

Random Photo Portlet by gmorales@galileo.edu

calling right callback proc

    • -1
    • +1
adding allow/disallow self-register, by Hector Amado hr_amado@galileo.edu

adding allow/disallow self-register, by Hector Amado hr_amado@galileo.edu