# -*- Tcl -*-
package req nx
package req nx::test

# export | unexport 
# TclOO provides a bulk declarator to export (i.e., make
# visibile and accessible) and to unexport (i.e., make invisible and
# inaccesible) method features of an object, a class, or a class
# hierarchy. Note that export and unexport go beyond applying mere
# visibility/accessibility modifiers; it is also about extending or
# reducing the public method interface of an object along the
# linearisation path (or of derived, intermediary classes in an
# inheritance hierarchy). This export|unexport can be realised by
# assembling some NSF building blocks: method call protection,
# selective next forwarding, ...
# Internally, exporting a TclOO method means adding to its C-level
# rep's flags PUBLIC_METHOD; unexporting consists of withdrawing it
# (again). An unexported, non-public TclOO method can only me invoked
# upon through a self send (i.e., the my command). This corresponds
# somewhat to NSF's call protection property. In addition, [export] or
# [unexport] extends the method record of an object (or class) type in
# case the method to be exported or to be unexported has not yet been
# defined (on the exporting or unexporting object or class). These
# "extension methods", however, are mere method stubs, they do not
# contain a method implementation (a proc). Without any invokable
# method impl, they are skipped during method dispatch (as in an
# implicit next call). Using the method stubs, the public interface
# (i.e., the interface dispatchable through an object's Tcl_command)
# can be extended or shrinked by selectively enabling or disabling
# shadowed (inherited) method implementations along the instande-of or
# the inheritance relationships. Exported or unexported, yet
# unimplemented methods are treated as unknowns.
# Below is a prototype implementation of the export|unexport feature
# for NSF/Nx. The realisation is complete as testable through the
# respective TclOO test cases in oo.test, test cases 4.1-4.6. The
# export|unexport stub methods are fully reported by NSF/Nx method
# introspection, as they are in TclOO.

nsf::proc methodExport {current {-perObject:switch false} {-callProtected:switch false} args} {
  set scope [expr {$perObject?"object":"class"}]
  foreach m $args {
    set methodHandle [::nsf::dispatch $current \
			  ::nsf::methods::${scope}::info::method registrationhandle $m]
    if {$methodHandle eq ""} {
      set methodHandle [::nsf::method::create $current {*}[expr {$perObject?"-per-object":""}] $m args {
	if {[::nsf::current nextmethod] eq ""} {
	  return -code error "[::nsf::current]: unable to dispatch method '[::nsf::current method]'"
    ::nsf::method::property $current $methodHandle call-protected $callProtected

nx::Object public method export args {
  methodExport [::nsf::current] -perObject {*}$args

nx::Class public method export args {
  methodExport [::nsf::current] {*}$args

nx::Object public method unexport args {
  methodExport [::nsf::current] -perObject -callProtected {*}$args

nx::Class public method unexport args {
  methodExport [::nsf::current] -callProtected {*}$args

nx::Class create ExportUnexportUtil {
  :public method class {what args} {
    if {$what in {export unexport}} {
      return [::nsf::dispatch [current] ::nsf::classes::nx::Object::$what {*}$args]
nx::Class mixin add ExportUnexportUtil

nx::test case export {
  # Exporting existing, non-inherited method (see TclOO tests,
  # oo.test, oo-4.1)
  set o [nx::Object new]
  $o object method Foo {} { return [::nsf::current method]} 
  ? [list $o Foo] "$o: unable to dispatch method 'Foo'"
  ? [list $o eval {:Foo}] Foo
  $o export Foo
  ? [list $o Foo] "Foo"
  ? [list $o eval {:Foo}] Foo  

  # A solitary, preemptive [export]: In TclOO, [::oo::define export]
  # creates a method record entry which does not have any
  # implementation (body) attached and which is deprived of its property of
  # a PUBLIC_METHOD.  This non-implemented, body-less method (if not
  # succeeded by an implemented one) will be reported as unknown
  # method (see e.g. TclOO tests, oo.test, oo-4.3)
  # As we actually simulate the TclOO non-implemented method record
  # entries by full-fledged NSF methods, with a specific body (a next
  # call), we need to handle the solitary case, i.e., the case when
  # there is no method implementation available. We do so by
  # inspecting whether there is a next method to be called; if not, we
  # throw an unknown error.
  ? [list $o bar] "$o: unable to dispatch method 'bar'" "bar is neither defined, nor declared exported"
  $o export bar
  ? [list $o bar] "$o: unable to dispatch method 'bar'" "bar is exported, yet not defined anywhere"
  ? [list $o eval {:bar}] "$o: unable to dispatch method 'bar'" "bar is exported, yet not defined anywhere (self send)"

  # Exporting a per-class method from one of the class' instances (see
  # TclOO tests, oo.test, oo-4.4)

  Class create testClass {
    # protected (non-exported) by default
    :method Good {} { return ok }
    :method Fine {} { return OK }
    :method Finest {} {return ko }
    :create testObject
  ? {testObject Good} "::testObject: unable to dispatch method 'Good'"
  ? {testObject eval {:Good}} ok
  testObject export Good
  ? {testObject Good} ok

  # Exporting a per-class method from within the class

  ? {testObject Fine} "::testObject: unable to dispatch method 'Fine'"
  ? {testObject eval {:Fine}} OK
  testClass export Fine
  ? {testObject Fine} OK
  ? {testObject eval {:Fine}} OK

  # Exporting a per-class method by a subclass

  Class create anotherTestClass -superclass testClass {
    :create anotherTestObject
  ? {anotherTestObject Finest} "::anotherTestObject: unable to dispatch method 'Finest'"
  anotherTestClass export Finest
  ? {anotherTestObject Finest} ko

  # export creates ordinary methods, to be replaced by subsequent
  # once, see TclOO tests, oo.test, oo-4.5

  nx::Object create bran {
    :export foo
    :public object method foo {} {return ok}

  ? {bran foo} ok
  bran eval {
    :unexport foo
  ? {bran foo} "::bran: unable to dispatch method 'foo'"


nx::test case unexport {

  # A solitary, preemptive [unexport]: see description for the
  # corresponding [export] case

  set p [Object new]
  ? [list $p bar] "$p: unable to dispatch method 'bar'" 
  $p unexport bar
  ? [list $p bar] "$p: unable to dispatch method 'bar'"
  ? [list $p eval {:bar}] "$p: unable to dispatch method 'bar'"
  # unexport existing, non-inherited method (see TclOO tests:
  # oo.test/oo-4.2)
  set o [nx::Object new]
  $o public object method foo {} { return [::nsf::current method]} 
  ? [list $o foo] foo
  ? [list $o eval {:foo}] foo
  $o unexport foo
  ? [list $o foo] "$o: unable to dispatch method 'foo'" "foo was made 'protected'"
  ? [list $o eval {:foo}] foo "foo is still available for self sends"

  # unexport any (e.g., inherited) methods
  Class create C {
    :public method foo {} {return ok}

  set c [C new]
  ? [list $c foo] ok
  ? [list $c eval {:foo}] ok
  $c unexport foo
  ? [list $c foo] "$c: unable to dispatch method 'foo'" "created a protected dummy"
  ? [list $c eval {:foo}] ok "foo is still available for self sends (through a next send in the dummy)"

  # unexport existing method at the class level
  C eval {
    :public method bar {} {return OK} 
    :public method baz {} {return ko}
  ? [list $c bar] OK
  ? [list $c eval {:bar}] OK
  C unexport bar
  ? [list $c bar] "$c: unable to dispatch method 'bar'" "created a protected dummy"
  ? [list $c eval {:bar}] OK "bar is still available for self sends (through a next send in the dummy)"

  # unexport any (e.g., an inherited) method at the class level

  nx::Class create D -superclass C
  set d [D new]
  ? [list $d bar] "$d: unable to dispatch method 'bar'" "shielded by protected dummy at the level of class C"
  ? [list $d eval {:bar}] OK
  ? [list $d baz] ko
  D unexport baz
  ? [list $d baz] "$d: unable to dispatch method 'baz'"
  ? [list $d eval {:baz}] ko

  # unexport creates ordinary methods, to be fully replaced by subsequent
  # method declarations, see TclOO tests, oo.test, oo-4.6

  Class create testClass2 {
    :unexport foo
    :public method foo {} {return ok}
  ? {[testClass2 new] foo} ok

  # http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Abstract_type
  nx::Class create AbstractQueue {
    :method enqueue item {
      error "not implemented"
    :method dequeue {} {
      error "not implemented"
    :class unexport create new

  ? {AbstractQueue new} {method 'new' unknown for ::AbstractQueue; consider '::AbstractQueue create new ' instead of '::AbstractQueue new '}
  ? {AbstractQueue create aQueue} {method 'create' unknown for ::AbstractQueue; consider '::AbstractQueue create create aQueue' instead of '::AbstractQueue create aQueue'}