# Copyright 1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
# documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or
# publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
# written prior permission.  M.I.T. makes no representations about the
# suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
# without express or implied warranty.
package prefer latest
package require XOTcl 2.0; namespace import ::xotcl::*

@ @File {description {
  This is a class which provides regression test objects
  for the OTcl derived features of the XOTcl - Language. 
  This script is based upon the test.tcl script of the OTcl distribution 
  and adopted for XOTcl.
# a meta-class for test objects, and a class for test suites

Class TestSuite
@ Class TestSuite

Class TestClass -superclass Class
@ Class TestClass {
  description {
    A meta-class for test objects.

# check basic argument dispatch and unknown

TestSuite objectdispatch

objectdispatch proc run {{n 50}} {
  Object adispatch

  adispatch proc unknown {m args} {eval list [list $m] $args}
  adispatch proc cycle {l n args} {
    if {$l>=$n} then {return ok}
    set i [llength $args]
    foreach a $args {
      if {$a != $i} then {
	error "wrong order in arguments: $l $n $args"
      incr i -1
    incr l
    set ukn [eval [list [self]] $args]
    if {$ukn != $args} then {
      error "wrong order in unknown: $ukns"
    eval [list [self]] [list [self proc]] [list $l] [list $n] [list $l] $args

  if {[catch {adispatch cycle 1 $n 1} msg]} then {
    error "FAILED [self]: cycle: $msg"

  return "PASSED [self]"

# examples from the workshop paper

TestSuite paperexamples

paperexamples proc example1 {} {
  Object astack
  astack set things {}
  astack proc put {thing} {
    my instvar things
    set things [concat [list $thing] $things]
    return $thing
  astack proc get {} {
    my instvar things
    set top [lindex $things 0]
    set things [lrange $things 1 end]
    return $top
  astack put bagel
  astack get
  astack destroy

paperexamples proc example2 {} {
  Class Safety
  Safety instproc init {} {
    my set count 0
  Safety instproc put {thing} {
    my instvar count
    incr count
  Safety instproc get {} {
    my instvar count
    if {$count == 0} then { return {empty!} }
    incr count -1
  Class Stack
  Stack instproc init {} {
    my set things {}
  Stack instproc put {thing} {
    my instvar things
    set things [concat [list $thing] $things]
    return $thing
  Stack instproc get {} {
    my instvar things
    set top [lindex $things 0]
    set things [lrange $things 1 end]
    return $top
  Class SafeStack -superclass {Safety Stack}
  SafeStack s
  s put bagel
  s get
  s get
  s destroy

  SafeStack destroy
  Stack destroy
  Safety destroy

paperexamples proc run {} {
  set msg {}

  if {[catch {my example1; my example2} msg] == "0"} then {
    return "PASSED [self]"
  } else {
    error "FAILED [self]: $msg"

# create a graph of classes

TestSuite classcreate

classcreate proc factorgraph {{n 3600}} {
  TestClass $n

  for {set i [expr {$n/2}]} {$i>1} {incr i -1} {
    if {($n % $i) == 0} then {
      # factors become subclasses, direct or indirect
      if {[TestClass info instances $i] eq ""} then {
	my factorgraph $i
	$i superclass $n
      } elseif {[$i info superclass $n] == 0} then {
	$i superclass [concat [$i info superclass] $n]

classcreate proc run {} {
  set msg {}
  if {[catch {my factorgraph} msg] == "0"} then {
    return "PASSED [self]"
  } else {
    error "FAILED [self]: $msg"

# lookup superclasses and combine inherited methods

TestSuite inheritance

inheritance proc meshes {s l} {
  set p -1
  foreach j $s {
    set n [lsearch -exact $l $j]
    if {$n == -1} then {
      error "FAILED [self] - missing superclass"
    if {$n <= $p} then {
      error "FAILED [self] - misordered heritage: $s : $l"
    set p $n

inheritance proc superclass {} {
  foreach i [TestClass info instances] {
    set s [$i info superclass]
    set h [$i info heritage]
    # superclasses should mesh with heritage
    my meshes $s $h

inheritance proc combination {} {
  foreach i [lsort [TestClass info instances]] {
    # combination should mesh with heritage
    $i anumber
    set obj [lrange [anumber combineforobj] 1 end]
    set h [$i info heritage]
    my meshes $obj $h
    anumber destroy
    if {[$i info procs combineforclass] ne ""} then {
      set cls [lrange [$i combineforclass] 1 end]
      my meshes $cls $h

inheritance proc run {} {

  # add combine methods to "random" half of the graph

  set t [TestClass info instances]
  for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $t]} {incr i 2} {
    set o [lindex $t $i]
    $o instproc combineforobj {} {
      return [concat [list [self class]] [next]]
    $o proc combineforclass {} {
      return [concat [list [self class]] [next]]
  # and to Object as a fallback

  Object instproc combineforobj {} {
    return [concat [list [self class]] [next]]
  Object proc combineforclass {} {
    return [concat [list [self class]] [next]]
  my superclass
  my combination

  return "PASSED [self]"

# destroy graph of classes

TestSuite classdestroy

classdestroy proc run {} {
  # remove half of the graph at a time

  TestClass instproc destroy {} {
    global TCdestroy
    set TCdestroy [self]
  while {[TestClass info instances] ne ""} {
    set t [TestClass info instances]
    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $t]} {incr i} {
      set o [lindex $t $i]
      # quarter dies directly, quarter indirectly, quarter renamed
      if {($i % 2) == 0} then {
	global TCdestroy
	set sb [$o info subclass]

	if {[info tclversion] >= 7.4 && ($i % 4) == 0} then {
	  $o move ""
	} else {
	  $o destroy
	if {[catch {set TCdestroy}] || $TCdestroy != $o} then {
	  error "FAILED [self] - destroy instproc not run for $o"
	if {[info commands $o] ne ""} then {
	  error "FAILED [self] - $o not removed from interpreter"
	unset TCdestroy

	# but everyone must still have a superclass
	foreach j $sb {
	  if {[$j info superclass] eq ""} then {
	    $j superclass Object
      } elseif {[info tclversion] >= 7.4 && ($i % 3) == 0} then {
        $o move $o.$i

    inheritance superclass
    inheritance combination

  return "PASSED [self]"

TestSuite objectinits

objectinits proc prepare {n} {

  # head of a chain of classes that do add inits

  TestClass 0
  0 instproc init {args} {
    my set order {}

  # and the rest

  for {set i 1} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
    TestClass $i -superclass [expr {$i-1}]
    # record the reverse order of inits

    $i instproc init {args} {
      eval next $args
      my instvar order
      lappend order [namespace tail [self class]]

    # add instproc for init options

    $i instproc m$i.set {val} {
      my instvar  [namespace tail [self class]] 
      set [namespace tail [self class]] [self proc].$val
objectinits proc run {{n 15}} {
  my prepare $n

  set il {}
  for {set i 1} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
    lappend il $i
    set al {}
    set args {}
    for {set j $i} {$j > 0} {incr j -1} {
      lappend al $j
      lappend args -m$j.set $j

      # create obj of increasing class with increasing options
      if {[catch {eval $i m$i.$j $args} msg] != 0} then {
	error "FAILED [self] - $msg"
      if {[m$i.$j set order] != $il} then {
	error "FAILED [self] - inited order was wrong"
      set vl [lsort -decreasing -integer [m$i.$j info vars {[0-9]*}]]

      if {$vl != $al} then {
	error "FAILED [self] - wrong instvar names: $vl : $al"
      foreach k $vl {
	if {[m$i.$j set $k] != "m$k.set.$k"} then {
	  error "FAILED [self] - wrong instvar values"

  return "PASSED [self]"

TestSuite objectvariables

objectvariables proc run {{n 100}} {
  TestClass Variables
  Variables avar

  foreach obj {avar Variables TestClass xotcl::Class xotcl::Object} {
    # set up some variables
    $obj set scalar 0
    $obj set array() {}
    $obj unset array()
    $obj set unset.$n {}

    # mess with them recursively
    $obj proc recurse {n} {
      my instvar scalar array
      incr scalar
      set array($n) $n
      my instvar unset.$n
      unset unset.$n
      incr n -1
      my instvar unset.$n
      set unset.$n [array names array]
      if {$n > 0} then { 
	my recurse $n

    $obj recurse $n

    # check the result and clean up
    if {[$obj set scalar] != $n} then {
      error "FAILED [self] - scalar [$obj set scalar] != $n"

    $obj unset scalar

    for {set i $n} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
      if {[$obj set array($i)] != $i} then {
	error "FAILED [self] - array"
    $obj unset array
    if {[$obj info vars "unset.0"] eq ""} then {
      error "FAILED [self] - unset: [$obj info vars]"

  # trace variables
  Variables avar2
  proc ::traceproc {maj min op} {
    set majTmp [namespace tail "$maj"]
    #puts stderr ...TRACE
    global trail; lappend trail [list $majTmp $min $op]

  avar2 proc trace {var ops} {
    my instvar $var
    ::trace variable $var $ops "avar2 traceproc"
    #puts stderr "::trace variable $var $ops avar2 traceproc"

  avar2 proc traceproc {maj min op} {
    set majTmp [namespace tail $maj]
    #puts stderr ...TRACE
    global trail; lappend trail [list $majTmp $min $op]

  avar2 proc killSelf {} {
    my destroy

  global guide trail
  set trail {}
  set guide {}
  avar2 trace array wu

  for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {

    avar2 trace scalar$i wu
    avar2 set scalar$i $i
    lappend guide [list scalar$i {} w]
    avar2 set array($i) [avar2 set scalar$i]
    lappend guide [list array $i w]
  if {$guide != $trail} then {
    error "FAILED [self] - trace: expected $guide, got $trail"
  # destroy must trigger unset traces
  set trail {}
  set guide {}
  lappend guide [list array {} u]
  for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
    lappend guide [list scalar$i {} u]

  avar2 killSelf

  if {[lsort $guide] != [lsort $trail]} then {
    error "FAILED [self] - trace: expected $guide, got $trail"

  Variables destroy
  return "PASSED [self]"

# c api, if compiled with -DTESTCAPI

TestSuite capi

capi proc run {{n 50}} {
  set start [dawnoftime read]
  for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
    Timer atime$i
    if {$i % 3} {atime$i stop}
    if {$i % 7} {atime$i read}
    if {$i % 2} {atime$i start}
    if {$i % 5} {atime$i stop}
  set end [dawnoftime read]
  if {$end < $start} {
    error "FAILED [self]: timer doesn't work"

  foreach i [Timer info instances] {$i destroy}
  Timer destroy

  return "PASSED [self]"

TestSuite proc run {} {
  # run individual tests in needed order
  puts [objectdispatch run]
  puts [paperexamples run]
  puts [classcreate run]
  puts [inheritance run]
  puts [classdestroy run]
  puts [objectinits run]
  puts [objectvariables run]
  if {[info commands Timer] ne ""} then {
    puts [capi run]
#  puts [autoload run]


puts [time {TestSuite run} 1]


# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# tcl-indent-level: 2
# End: