#!@NSF_COMPATIBLE_TCLSH@ #!/bin/env tclsh puts @NSF_COMPATIBLE_TCLSH@ # # Tiny scripted replacement of a binary nxsh. This script can be used # as interactive shell for testing or like a regular shell with the !# # markup in the first line of a script. It is designed to work with # multiple installed shells during development. For installed # versions, it should be sufficient to remove the first line. # package require XOTcl 2.0 namespace import -force ::xotcl::* if {$argc == 0} { set prefix "" set line "" while {1} { if {$line eq ""} { puts -nonewline "% " flush stdout } append line [gets stdin] if {[info complete $line]} { if {[catch $line result]} { puts $::errorInfo } else { puts $result } set line "" continue } append line \n } } else { set argv0 [lindex $argv 0] set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0] incr argc -1 source $argv0 }