Dear Community, We are pleased to announce the availability of the Next Scripting Framework (NSF) 2.5.0. This release makes NSF, NX, and XOTcl support Tcl 9 and its features. The release also marks the 25th anniversary of XOTcl, the predecessor of NX and one of the parents of TclOO. In May 1999, the first paper on XOTcl was presented at the 5th USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS '99): Gustaf Neumann & Uwe Zdun: Filters as a Language Support for Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Scripting Languages, in: Proc. of COOTS'99, San Diego, California, USA, May, 1999, URL: Further changes are mostly perfective improvements in terms of bug fixes. See below for the details. Diff stats since 2.4.0: ... Major changes relative to 2.4.0 are: NSF now compiles and runs with Tcl 9 as released. This way, NSF/NX/XOTcl can be used with the Tcl 8.5, Tcl 8.6, and Tcl 9 on Linux, Windows, and macOS. One can see the results of the compilations and test runs on Hint: As for Tcl 8.5, NSF is only tested with (unreleased) Tcl 8.5 revisions taken from `core-8-5-branch` at Selected changes worth mentioning: - Maintenance & bug fixes: * Tcl 9: Refcounting * Tcl 9: file home vs. ~ - NSF: * ::nsf::proc now supports "-returns" * ::nsf::parseargs now honours "required" properly - NX: * "info consts": nx::Object create o { # # Create a "const" instance variable # const :x 1 set :y 2 # ... } puts [o info consts] puts [o info vars] - XOTcl: * ... - MongoDB: * New proc: ::mongo::oid::gettimestamp - Documentation: * ... The detailed changelog is available at The Next Scripting Framework 2.5.0 (containing NX 2.5.0 and XOTcl 2.5.0) can be obtained from Please report issues and wishes by opening a ticket at Best regards - Gustaf Neumann - Stefan Sobernig