[comment {-*- tcl -*- manpage fragment for mixin method, shared by nx::Object and nx::Class}] [keywords "mixin class"] [keywords linearisation] [call [arg obj] [const [vset SCOPE]] [method mixin] [arg submethod] [opt "[arg arg] ..."]] Accesses and modifies the list of [term "mixin class"]es of [arg obj] using a specific setter or getter [arg submethod]: [list_begin definitions] [def "[arg obj] [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin set}] [arg mixinSpecList]"] [arg mixinSpecList] takes a list of [term "mixin class"] specs, with each spec being itself a one-element or two-elements list: [arg className] ?[arg guardExpr]?. If having one element, the element will be considered the [arg className] of the [term "mixin class"]. If having two elements, the second element [arg guardExpr] will be stored as a guard expression of the [term "mixin class"]. This guard expression will be evaluated using [cmd expr] when [arg obj] receives a message to determine if the mixin is to be considered during method dispatch or not. Guard expressions allow for realizing context-dependent or conditional mixin composition. [def "[arg obj] [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin get}]"] Returns the current list of [term "mixin class"]es. [def "[arg obj] [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin add}] [arg spec] [opt [arg index]]"] Inserts a single [term "mixin class"] into the current list of [term "mixin class"]es of [arg obj]. Using [arg index], a position in the existing list of [term "mixin class"]es for inserting the new [term "mixin class"] can be set. If omitted, [arg index] defaults to the list head (0). [comment {Therefore, by default, any added [term "mixin class"] takes precedence over previously added classes in the overall linearisation of [arg obj].}] [def "[arg obj] [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin delete}] [option -nocomplain] [arg specPattern]"] Removes a [term "mixin class"] from a current list of [term "mixin class"]es of [arg obj] whose spec matches [arg specPattern]. [arg specPattern] can contain special matching chars (see [cmd "string match"]). [const [vset SCOPE]] [method "mixin delete"] will throw an error if there is no matching [term "mixin class"], unless [option -nocomplain] is set. [def "[arg obj] [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin clear}]"] Removes all [term "mixin class"]es from [arg obj]. This is equivalent to passing an empty list for [arg mixinSpecList] to [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin set}]. [def "[arg obj] [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin guard}] [arg className] [arg expr]"] Registers a guard expression [arg expr] with the [term "mixin class"] [arg className] in a separate step, once the [term "mixin class"] was set or added using [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin set}] or [const [vset SCOPE]] [method {mixin add}]. [arg expr] must be a valid Tcl expression (see [cmd expr]). An empty string for [arg expr] will clear the currently registered guard expression for the registered [term "mixin class"] [arg className]. [list_end] [comment { A [term "mixin class"] whose spec is featured earlier in [arg mixinSpecList] takes precedence in the [term "linearisation"] over a [term "mixin class"] whose spec is listed later. The computed, overall [term linearisation] of [arg obj] guarantees to maintain this local order of [term "mixin class"]es. }] At the time of setting the mixin relation, that is, calling [const [vset SCOPE]] [method mixin], every [arg className] as part of a spec must be an existing instance of [cmd nx::Class]. To access and to manipulate the list of [term "mixin class"]es of [arg obj], [method cget]|[method configure] [option -[vset SCOPE]-mixin] can also be used.