# $Id: make.xotcl,v 1.1 2004/05/23 22:50:39 neumann Exp $ ### inEachDir changes now to each directory ### install clears tgarget directory before installing ### Object file added (for better -n processing) lappend auto_path .. package require XOTcl namespace import -force ::xotcl::* ### Object make # # shared lib add files for pkgIndex.tcl # make proc mkIndex {name} { #puts stderr "+++ mkIndex in [pwd]" set fls {} foreach f [glob -nocomplain *tcl] { if {![file isdirectory $f]} { set F [open $f]; set c [read $F]; close $F if {[string match "*package provide*" $c]} { lappend fls $f } } } set so [glob -nocomplain *[info sharedlibextension]] # loading libxotcl into xotclsh crashes on some systems foreach lib [list libxotcl$::xotcl::version[info sharedlibextension] \ xotcl$::xotcl::version.dll] { set p [lsearch -exact $so $lib] if {$p != -1} { set so [lreplace $so $p $p] #puts stderr "new so=<$so>" } } #puts stderr "[pwd]: call so=<$so>" set fls [concat $fls $so] if {$fls != ""} { if {[file exists pkgIndex.tcl]} { file delete -force pkgIndex.tcl } #puts stderr "callinglevel <[self callinglevel]> $fls" #puts stderr "[pwd]:\n\tcall eval pkg_mkIndex -direct . $fls" if {[catch {eval pkg_mkIndex -direct . $fls} errs]} { puts stderr "!!! $errs" } #puts stderr "[pwd] done" } foreach addFile [glob -nocomplain *.add] { if {[file exists $addFile]} { puts stderr "Appending $addFile to pkgIndex.tcl in [pwd]" set OUT [file open pkgIndex.tcl a] set IN [file open $addFile] puts -nonewline $OUT [read $IN] close $IN; close $OUT } } #puts stderr "+++ mkIndex name=$name, pwd=[pwd] DONE" } make proc inEachDir {path cmd} { #puts stderr "[pwd] inEachDir $path [file isdirectory $path]" if { [file isdirectory $path] && ![string match *CVS $path] && ![string match *SCCS $path] && ![string match *Attic $path] && ![string match *dbm* $path] } { set olddir [pwd] cd $path eval make $cmd $path set files [glob -nocomplain *] cd $olddir foreach p $files { my inEachDir $path/$p $cmd } #puts stderr "+++ change back to $olddir" } } make proc in {path cmd} { if {[file isdirectory $path] && ![string match *CVS $path]} { set olddir [pwd] cd $path eval make $cmd $path cd $olddir } } ### tcl file-command rename file tcl_file Object file -requireNamespace rename open file::open proc open {f {mode r}} { file open $f $mode } #file proc open {f {mode r}} { ::open $f $mode } file array set destructive { atime 0 attributes 0 copy 1 delete 1 dirname 0 executable 0 exists 0 extension 0 isdirectory 0 isfile 0 join 0 lstat 0 mkdir 1 mtime 0 nativename 0 owned 0 pathtype 0 readable 0 readlink 0 rename 1 rootname 0 size 0 split 0 stat 0 tail 0 type 0 volumes 0 writable 0 } foreach subcmd [file array names destructive] { file proc $subcmd args { #puts stderr " [pwd] call: '::tcl_file [self proc] $args'" eval ::tcl_file [self proc] $args } } ### minus n option Class make::-n foreach f [file info commands] { if {$f == "unknown" || $f == "next" || $f == "self"} continue if {![file exists destructive($f)] || [file set destructive($f)]} { #puts stderr destruct=$f make::-n instproc $f args { puts "--- [pwd]:\t[self proc] $args" } } else { #puts stderr nondestruct=$f make::-n instproc $f args { set r [next] #puts "??? [self proc] $args -> {$r}" return $r } } } ### command line parameters if {![info exists argv] || $argv == ""} {set argv -all} if {$argv == "-n"} {set argv "-n -all"} Class Script Script proc create args { eval lappend args $::argv eval next $args } Script instproc unknown args { puts stderr "$::argv0: Unknown option ´-$args´ provided" } Script instproc n {} {file mixin make::-n} Script instproc all {} { make inEachDir . mkIndex } Script instproc dir {dirName} { cd $dirName } Script instproc target {path} { make set target $path } Script create main #puts stderr "+++ make.xotcl finished." #if {[set ::tcl_platform(platform)] == "windows"} { # exit #}