#!/usr/bin/xotclsh package require XOTcl; namespace import -force xotcl::* @ @File { description { This script can be used to start/stop/restart xotcl daemons and maintains the process IDs, log files and means for easy restart. <@p> It receives as first parameter the name of the xotcl script to be executed followed by the desired action and optional parameters. The specified action can be <@UL> <@LI> <@EM>start: the specified script is started in the background, an entry to restart is generated in the run-directory as well as the process id of the started script. In addition a logfile is created in the log directory. If the start of the script fails, the error messages are shown. <@LI> <@EM>startall: all scripts that were started before via this script, are started <@LI> <@EM>stop terminates te specified script. <@LI> <@EM>stopall terminates all scripts started via this command <@LI> <@EM>restart tries to restart the specified script. The optional parameters are: <@UL> <@LI> <@EM>-logir specifies the directory for logging. The default is ~/.xotcl/log. <@LI> <@EM>-rundir specifies the directory where the information about the running processes is kept. The default is ~/.xotcl/run. } authors { Gustaf Neumann, Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at } date "[::xotcl::rcs date {$Date: 2004/05/23 22:50:39 $}]" } array set opt [list \ -rundir $::xotcl::confdir/run \ -logdir $::xotcl::confdir/log \ ] if {$argc < 2} { puts "Usage:\n\t$argv0 \ ?options?\nOptions:\n\ \t-logdir dirname (default: $::opt(-logdir))\n\ \t-rundir dirname (default: $::opt(-rundir))\n" exit -1 } foreach {daemon action} $argv break array set opt [lreplace $argv 0 1] # The daemon scripts should be # - location independent (if the script assumes to be started from # a certain directory, it should cd to it) # - parameter less (required for restart, startall, etc.) # # configuration set ::kill /bin/kill set ::ps /bin/ps set ::ln /bin/ln set ::sleep /bin/sleep set ::xotclsh /usr/bin/xotclsh Class Daemon -parameter progname Daemon instproc readfile {n} { set f [open $n r] set c [read $f] close $f return [string trim $c \n] } Daemon instproc init {} { if {![file isdirectory $::opt(-rundir)]} {file mkdir $::opt(-rundir)} if {![file isdirectory $::opt(-logdir)]} {file mkdir $::opt(-logdir)} } Daemon instproc progname name { set n [file tail $name] set n [file rootname $n] [self] set pidfile $::opt(-rundir)/$n.pid [self] set logfile $::opt(-logdir)/$n.log [self] set shortname $n [self] set progname $name } Daemon instproc report string { puts stderr "[[self] set shortname]: $string" } Daemon instproc running pid { set r [catch {exec $::ps -h $pid} msg] #if {$r} { [self] report "msg=$msg" } #[self] report "running returns $r" return [expr {!$r}] } Daemon instproc kill {sig pid} { #[self] report "kill $sig $pid" exec $::kill $sig $pid } Daemon instproc start {} { [self] instvar pidfile logfile progname if {[file exists $pidfile]} { set pid [[self] readfile $pidfile] [self] report "seems already running $pid" if {[[self] running $pid]} { [self] report "... no need to restart" return } else { [self] report "... but disappeared $pid" } } set linkname $::opt(-rundir)/[file tail $progname] if {[string match *~* $linkname]} { # file dirname ~ -> requires env(HOME) regsub ^~ $linkname [file dirname ~]/$::env(USER) linkname } if {$progname != $linkname} { #puts stderr "exec $::ln -sf $progname $linkname" exec $::ln -sf $progname $linkname } set pid [exec $::xotclsh $progname >>& $logfile &] set F [open $pidfile w] puts $F $pid close $F exec sleep 1 if {![[self] running $pid]} { [self] report "start of $pid failed" set size [file size $logfile] set F [open $logfile] if {$size > 500} {seek $F [expr {$size-500}]} puts [read $F] close $F } else { [self] report "started $pid" } } Daemon instproc stop {} { [self] instvar pidfile logfile if {[file exists $pidfile]} { set pid [[self] readfile $pidfile] #[self] report "Got PID $pid" if {[[self] running $pid]} { [self] report "stopping $pid" [self] kill -KILL $pid #if {[running $pid]} {kill -KILL $pid} } else { [self] report "not running $pid" } file delete $pidfile } else { [self] report "was not started before" } } Daemon instproc restart {} { [self] stop [self] start } Daemon instproc stopall {} { foreach pidfile [glob -nocomplain $::opt(-rundir)/*.PID] { set n [file rootname [file tail $pidfile]] [self] configure -progname $n -stop } } Daemon instproc startall {} { foreach file [glob -nocomplain $::opt(-rundir)/*] { if {[string match *.PID $file]} continue [self] configure -progname $file -start } } Daemon d -init -progname $daemon -$action