Announcing XOTcl 1.5.0 ************************* Hi everybody. I am pleased to announce the availability of XOTcl 1.5.0. Major changes relative to 1.4.0 are: * Improved Functionality + The C-level implementation of XOTcl create now the basic classes ::xotcl::Object and ::xotcl::Class completely without any methods. All predefined methods are now registered from the initialization script-code (predefined.xotcl) via the new command ::xotcl::alias | \ ?-objscope? ?-per-object? which is used for registering predefined Tcl commands as methods. These aliases are like zero cost forwarders, since they lookup the function pointer from the commands and used these in the methods. This change makes it possible to register the same command on different classes (with maybe different names), such that for example the predefined set method of ::xotcl::Object can be replaced with a different method and the set method can be registered on some other classes (maybe some application classes). This change makes it as well quite easy to use the XOTcl framework to develop some other object oriented frameworks. + slots TODO documentation of slots TODO remove TODO optimize via parametercmd TODO parametercmd with 3+ args TODO info parameter deprecated A slot is a meta-object that manages property-changes of objects. A property is either an attribute or a role of an relation. In a nutshell, a slot has among other attributes - a name (which it used to access it), - a domain (object or class on which it can be used) , and - can be multivalued or not We distinguish between system slots (predefined slots like class, superclass, mixin, instmixin, filter, instfilter) and application slots (e.g. attributes of classes). System Slots ======== System slots are predefined slots defining e.g. some relations between classes, or between objects and classes. The predefined system slots are: - superclass: every class in XOTcl has one or more superclasses. The name of this slot is "superclass", the domain is "::xotcl::Class", the slot is multivalued. One object might have multiple superclasses. - class: every object has a class; therefore, the domain of the slot is "::xotcl::Class", the property is not multivalued. - mixin: every object in XOTcl can have one or more mixin classes. The name of this slot is "mixin", the domain is "::xotcl::Object", the slot is multivalued. - instmixin: same as above, but the domain is "::xotcl::Class" - filter, instfilter: similar to "mixin" and "instmixin" Every slot can be used set and query the property from its domain. The syntax for setting values is newValue replace newValue and for getting its values is set x [ ] TODO "mixin set" -> "mixin assign" TODO "mixin set" -> "mixin replace" TODO "mixin set" -> "mixin reset" TODO "mixin delete" -> "mixin remove" where the first form is in both cases the short form of the second one. Every multivalued slot has as well a method "add" and "remove" Examples for using the system slot "mixin" Object o; Class M; class N o mixin ::M ;# replacing the per-object mixins of o with M o mixin reset ::M ;# same as before o mixin add ::N ;# add N to the front of the mixin list o mixin delete ::M ;# delete M from the mixin list puts [o mixin] ;# query the current mixin list Every system slot (e.g. superclass) has the exact same interface. Attribute Slots ========= Attribute slots are used to manage the setting and querying of instance variables. We define now a person with three attributes,"name", "salary" and "projects". Class Person -slots { Attribute name Attribute salary -default 0 Attribute projects -default {} -multivalued true } These attributes might have a default value or they might be multivalued. When an instance of class Person is created, the slot names can be used for specifying values for the slots. Person p1 -name "Joe" Object p1 has three instance variables, namely "name", "salary" and "projects". Since slot "projects" is multivalued, we can add values the "add" subcommand. Project project1 -name XOTcl \ -description "A highly flexible OO scripting language" p1 projects add ::project1 p1 projects add some-other-value The value of the instance variable "project" of Person p1 is now the list "some-other-value ::project1" Type Checking ========= Attribute slots can have types assigned which are tested whenever the instance variable is altered. The slot "salary" is defined as integer whereas "projects" is defined to be a list of instances of the class Project (a list, since "projects" is defined as multivalued). Class Person -slots { Attribute name Attribute salary -default 0 -type integer Attribute projects -default {} -multivalued true -type ::Project } Person p2 -name "Sue" -salary 1000 The slot types are checked via Tcl variable traces. This means that the values are enforced now matter how the variables are accessed. The checks are performed in the following two commands, and they will throw an error in the second command, since "1100x" is not an integer. p2 incr salary 100 p2 append salary x similarly the second command below will through an error, since some-other-value is not an instance of ::Project. p2 projects add ::project1 p2 projects add some-other-value When a check throws an error, the instance variables are reset to the previous value. To restore the original value, an associative array "__oldvalue()" is kept as instance variable in the object. In general, checking of variables can be turned off globally by "::xotcl::Slot instmixin add ::xotcl::Slot::Nocheck". It can be turned off selectively for each slot via a per-object-mixin; if attributes are subclassed, it is possible to register the "Nocheck" mixin on a subclass of Attribute. procsearch returns for forwarders now "forward" or "instforward", for parametercmds now "parametercmd" or "instparametercmd" and for other commands "cmd" and "instcmd" info slots TODO slow -superclass TODO king of the bongo + improved forwarding ... expr earlybinding %argclindex + improved serializer - handling of slot dependencies - - * Improved code quality: + fixed a bug with nonpositional arguments, some positional arguments and "args" + fixed a bug in nonpositional arguments when called without arguments + improved error messages in connection with nonpositional arguments + more regression tests added For more details about the changes, please consult the ChangeLog and documentation. MORE INFO General and more detailed information about XOTcl and its components can be found at Best regards, Gustaf Neumann Uwe Zdun