Announcing XOTcl 1.3.5 ********************** WHAT IS XOTCL? XOTcl is an object-oriented extension of Tcl that was derived from OTcl. In short, XOTcl tries to provide a highly flexible, reflective, component-based, and object-oriented environment. It integrates language support for high level concepts which are not found in other languages, with reasonable performance. It prevails the Tcl programming style and the dynamic/introspective nature of the language, rather than introducing other language's styles and rigidness (such as C++) into Tcl. Major changes relative to 1.3.4 are: - Qualitative Improvements * Improved code quality: + fixed possible segmentation violations in non positional argument handling + moved the Serializer into a namespace such that % package req XOTcl % package req xotcl::serializer Serialize .... works without namespace imports (the Serializer is still auto-exported, but this will change in the future) + * Improved Functionality + Non-positional arguments can be used in the same argument list as positional ones (more compliant with OpenACS). One can write now % Object o % o proc foo {-x:boolean -y a b} { ...} instead of % ... % o proc foo {-x:boolean -y} {a b} { ...} All introspection commands will work like before. The old syntax (with the additional argument) is deprecated and will be dropped in the future. + Serializer: support for objects with parent namespaces, which are not xotcl objects + additional instproc for ::xotcl::Class allinstances to return all instances for the actual class For more details about the changes, please consult the ChangeLog and documentation. MORE INFO General and more detailed information about XOTcl and its components can be found at Best regards, Gustaf Neumann Uwe Zdun