platform: x64 image: Visual Studio 2019 branches: only: - main - 2.2 - 2.3 environment: my_secret: secure: ngfIQmr9kcRyopeRyHZG8g== MINGW_DIR: mingw64 MINGW_URL: MINGW_ARCHIVE: x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0.7z TCLKIT_URL: TCLKIT: tclkit.exe matrix: - TCLTAG: core-8-6-branch TOOLCHAIN: autoconf-tea - TCLTAG: core-8-6-branch TOOLCHAIN: nmake-tea - TCLTAG: core-8-6-15 TOOLCHAIN: autoconf-tea - TCLTAG: core-8-6-15 TOOLCHAIN: nmake-tea - TCLTAG: core-8-5-branch TOOLCHAIN: autoconf-tea # - TCLTAG: core-8-5-branch # TOOLCHAIN: nmake-tea - TCLTAG: core-8-5-19 TOOLCHAIN: autoconf-tea # - TCLTAG: core-8-5-19 # TOOLCHAIN: nmake-tea - TCLTAG: core-9-0-0 TOOLCHAIN: autoconf-tea - TCLTAG: core-9-0-0 TOOLCHAIN: nmake-tea - TCLTAG: core-8-branch TOOLCHAIN: autoconf-tea - TCLTAG: core-8-branch TOOLCHAIN: nmake-tea - TCLTAG: main TOOLCHAIN: autoconf-tea - TCLTAG: main TOOLCHAIN: nmake-tea matrix: allow_failures: - TCLTAG: core-8-6-branch - TCLTAG: core-8-5-branch - TCLTAG: core-8-branch - TCLTAG: core-9-0-b3 - TCLTAG: main fast_finish: true install: - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "nmake-tea" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" # - appveyor-retry choco install openssh -confirm - ps: iex ((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) - appveyor-tools\secure-file -decrypt deploy_key.appveyor.enc -out deploy_key -secret %my_secret% - if not exist "%MINGW_ARCHIVE%" appveyor DownloadFile "%MINGW_URL%" -FileName "%MINGW_ARCHIVE%" - 7z x -y "%MINGW_ARCHIVE%" > nul - if not exist "%TCLKIT%" appveyor DownloadFile "%TCLKIT_URL%" -FileName "%TCLKIT%" - dir %MINGW_DIR% build_script: - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set CHERE_INVOKING=1 # - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH% # - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set PATH=%CD%\%MINGW_DIR%\bin;%PATH% - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set PATH=C:\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH% # Needed to align MSYS and Windows HOME dirs - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set HOME=C:\Users\appveyor # - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" bash -lc "cd && echo \"export PATH=/c/projects/nsf-2ylk0/mingw64/bin:/c/msys64/usr/bin:\$PATH; \" >> .profile" - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" bash -lc "cd && echo \"export PATH=/c/projects/nsf-2ylk0/mingw64/bin:\$PATH; export MSYSTEM=MINGW64; export MINGW_PREFIX=/c; alias make='/c/msys64/usr/bin/make'; shopt -s expand_aliases; \" >> .profile" - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" bash -lc "sh --version" - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" bash -lc "make --version" - dir %CD% - tclkit.exe apps/build.tcl %CD% %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% %TCLTAG% %TOOLCHAIN% on_failure: - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" cat tcl\win\config.log # after_build: # - ps: $env:DATESTRING=(get-date -UFormat "%Y%m%d").ToString() # - set TARBALL="" # - if exist "%CD%\install" 7z a %TARBALL% %CD%\install\* # - if exist "%TARBALL%" C:\msys64\usr\bin\scp.exe -v -O # -oStrictHostKeyChecking=n# o -i deploy_key %TARBALL% "" cache: - tclkit.exe -> appveyor.yml - x86_64-7.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev0.7z -> appveyor.yml